Have you ever has some sort of relationship with a coalburner? Like co-worker for example. Watching this molymeme video where he talks to a BLACKED roastie single mother and it's disgusting.
Have you ever has some sort of relationship with a coalburner? Like co-worker for example...
lol forgot to link vidieo youtube.com
The Top Comment is God mode
We are winning Jow Forums
Coalburner woman are the worst.
WOW, dats good.
yeah. she thought she was being progressive by dating a black guy. paid the toll now is a single mom and has a MESS of a child. she uses it kind of as a wierd status symbol she likes to show off as a kind of oddity.
very wierd. now in her mid 30s desperately trying to find a sucker to settle with her.
That child does not have a white parent.
They're foster cucks
Oh shi-
They eventually find a beta. Might not be now but when the child grows up they find someone.
>when even the mutts straight up tell you race mixing is bad
>foster cuck
yeah, god forbid you do anything good to help anyone out. that makes you a "cuck" now.
i guess george washington was a cuck. i guess jesus must have been a cuck.
Jow Forums used to be pretty fun. now i see its just turned into a den of absolute outcast losers. what a sad bunch. i'm done with this shit. you idiots should learn to make something of yourselves instead of just getting pissed at the world. lifes too short.
>daughter hates her mom
Wow, this is groundbreaking stuff.
Probably some Asian guy.
It can't be easy. Knowing your mother is a whore for black cock should send any child into depression - black or not.
Most daughters outgrow their edgy "FUCK YOU MOM" phase when they exit their teens.
GTFO christcuck. Christianity always leads to your type of cuck mentality
she talks about it all the time
>when i find a man who WANTS ME
>if i find a man who has money
>if i find a man who wants/does/is x
it's so odd that she thinks that somehow her, blindly incorrect, "progressive" status isn't seen as an absolute "do not get involved with at all" red flag to every self respecting man
the toll is always paid
>i guess george washington was a cuck
He was a cuck. But at least he got paid.
well, not a nigger coal burner but an albanian muslim coal burner. she was my family doctor's assistant. 40 yo, tall, blonde and chubby.
one day she got murdered by her albanian boyfriend because he was jealous and that's what you do in islamalbania. her kids found her dead in the kitchen. 7 stab wounds.
ive noticed even the bluest of bluepilled guys have an inbuilt aversion to dating women with biracial kids
come on guys! who wouldn't want a pet monkey?
I am praying that the Earthquake and Volcanic happening in Hawaii means California is next (btw pic related has been in office for the past 40 years)
There is nothing wrong with adopting as long as the kid is white.
There is nothing wrong with being with a single mother as long as the kid is white and she is refilled (this is rare as he'll though).
Both of these hold true especially if you have several kids of your own.
>There is nothing wrong with being with a single mother
This is where you're wrong, kiddo.