When is the fucking race war?
I'm tired of waiting
When is the fucking race war?
I'm tired of waiting
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whenever you want it to be user
Racewar is now, anywhere, happening all the time non-stop.
You first fbi
Whenever you feel like it.
It's already happening dude.
It's ongoing and constant. Right now it is mostly using the politicians, ngos, and government organizations as a proxy to find and kill you. They have now set it up to where if you fight back then you are a criminal or a maniac when you are completely justified in your actions.
What are you waiting for?
do you have guns and ammo for all of the people you care about? food, water, defenses set up? dont be so quick to throw your life away, just prepare yourself and everyone else you can.
don't forget stacking.
there's literally a million things you can do.
learn how to make bullets and get the tools and supplies necessary
learn how to wire a house or even work on power lines
learn how to forge metal
learn to farm
learn to hunt
when white flight is no longer an option because they have nowhere to flee to
Nice slide thread faggot.
It's an ongoing war of attrition. And our abysmal level of replacement ensures our defeat
The war begins within yourself
You'll know when it will happen be patient and have a clear head
Is it ok to fuck your parents to maintain racial purity during the race war?
Patrick Little is the first step to pushing jews out of America.
You have to be at least 18 to post here.
Now this has to be the edgiest wojak I’ve ever seen.
couple more decades, quit asking and start stockpiling
It'll happen wen you stop being a faggot (protip: never)
not gonna happen LOL
>Learn this.
>Learn that.
>Wait for this.
>You can't do that until you have this much of this.
I'm starting to think prepping is a shill. You don't need to have a stockpile of supplies, you can literally just go out and start fucking shit up. Savages already do that in our societies. They go out and successfully kill people while not knowing how to hunt or having tens of thousands of rounds stored in their house...
The race war will happen when the in the future the left inevitbly wins the election due to demographics or whenever and starts dismantling the constitution probably 2nd amendment first.
Either states will leave the USA or there will be war in the country due to this, i don't think the niggers or spics are gonna have a very good time vs right wingers that have most of the guns and ammo, i imagine the ethnostate will probably form at that time.
But yea war is definitely coming in America, always does and always will.
Remember the holy word of the NAP
Heed its message and praise the idea of Free Capitalism, the best system ever!
And by free Capitalism, i don't mean the corporationism. That shit is unholy yo
Empire are born with a bang but die with a wimper. Its not coming user.
or you can throw your life away for a news cycle worth of coverage demonizing white people.
i'm semi-prepped but i also know 5 other places i could go if SHTF where there's other people who are prepped
hi fbi