This is a school ran by al-Qaeda in Syria
Notice anything?
This is a school ran by al-Qaeda in Syria
>all have brown eyes
not even white, nice try ahmed
The local Al-Qaeda cell is short on homosexual pedophiles, and that's why they're only short on little girls?
theyre all in one piece.
this too shall pass
kids blow up really quickly in syria
Looks like Russians.
The only girl is segregated from the boys
they get molested
whiter than British schools?
>Notice anything?
I noticed that you're using a memeflag to hide your identity also i noticed that you're new around here, david ben bergenstein
They’re cute, some real Syrian children enclosed
do you not see the kid with blue eyes front and center?
Segregation of Genders.
us soldiers bastards from iraq war?
i notice 1 post by this ID
AYO HOL UP!!!! So u be sayin we iz ISIS now?
They have an Arab clone of Corey Feldman.
School looks overcrowded and they have no materials to study. All the same, since AQ's next propaganda piece will involve executing them and blaming it on their enemies.
extremely retarded looking sandniggers?
Yeah, needs more barrel bombs
They're not on fire? Where is the barrel bomb?
The boys and girls have to sit separately even before they reach puberty?
most of them.
the one most left is %100 kebab