>invite smelly poos too your city because 'muh silicone valley'
>poos group and start families
>all flock to the sunny coast
>start bringing over more family from india and cramming them into there houses
>3-4 kids per couple

The coastal line here in Australia is positively fucked thanks to you city shits, cheers cunt

Attached: businessunit%5C1d5d2f01-6b96-e611-80f6-c4346bac0574%5Cprimary-mooloolaba-esplande.jpg (700x400, 60K)

when this happen?

Come live in Logan cunt

how much is a house in sunny coast?

coz ippy is like 180k-280k so if your house is 400k you can sell and buy two in ippy rent one out and be closer to financially independant

im not leaving my birth land. The more of us that straight up leave just gives them more power to take over and ruin my town. We have only just solidified our place as a beach/surf dominated culture, we're weeded out most of the brown hoards and majority of us our blonde and tan. It fucking sucks we have to displaced by such a foreign outsider when we've only now just found our footing as something of a stable pop up in australia. IT FUCKING SUCKS user

>living where people want to live
You retard, move out west.

I thought Melbourne was bad.
Is there anywhere here that isn't full of multicultural cuck hipsters

why should i start over? my grandparents helped build this place and now i have to flee to another area and make that great for to only be taken over aswell when its prosperous

this is bait. maroochi pucci here. all i see is faggot hipsters with bullshit tatts and shaved heads.

there are plenty of affordable places left in Australia that are majority white.
The only problem is the states focus all their efforts on the major cities rather than the regional areas.
I live regional and its great, lower cost of living and all the shitskins stay away, only drawback to my area is all the burmese flooding in and doing cheap as fuck labour everywhere cutting out all the young cunts.