Redpill me on the Wild West. I don't see many historical mentions or infographics on this era in time in the US

Redpill me on the Wild West. I don't see many historical mentions or infographics on this era in time in the US

What was it REALLY like?

Attached: red-dead-redemption-2-.jpg (1920x1080, 634K)

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Basically it's what happened when pioneers went farther than what the centralized state could handle to manage. Towns were almost completely autonomous and many of them had few or no sherriffs. It had a lot of hardships, but it was pure freedom too

either you where a real man or you were dead by 15

It was a shitload safer than modern day Chicago or any African country. The whole gun slinging thing is way over romanticised and over represented in fiction, but you were more likely to die of illness.

Random people going in the wilds where the US government wasn't established.
They would have these races and they would implant poles in the ground to mark the territory they will own.
The land in the west wasn't the best so they raised cattle.

It was a boring shit hole with gun fights being so rare they were sensationalized into movies.

Cause there was no gov reach and poor infrastructure from the east coast.

Not as dangerous as hollyweird has made it out to be. A whole lot dirtier, though.

RDR takes place during WW1. It's not really wild west.

They law was poorly enforced so gangs would try to steal people's shit.
They would go to isolated farms and fuck shit up.

Just watch Deadwood

Attached: it can be combative.png (500x281, 200K)

Watch Westworld and substitute the robits for autistic people under the effect of Jimson weed

Attached: westworld.gif (480x368, 111K)

the west was tamed entirely by proud women of color. white people didn't even come to north america until 2013.

bullets did cost a shit load, so people rarely shot at each other and when they did, they did not empty their entire mag

guns back then were shit, so even if you aimed at a target, bullets might miss entirely

watch deadwood

It depended on the place and the time. Basically, it was a long process of settlement. Mountain men (seasonal trappers/skin-collectors) came first, then permanent settlers and "frontiersman," then entire families who built permanent towns, and the process repeated itself over and over again across the west. Usually, towns were most violent/chaotic when they first started up, as they made the transition from "frontier" to "civilization." This period didn't last that long for most towns, though - sometimes only a few years.

The frontier was way more violent than the towns, though - people forget how violent the "Indian wars" were in the early US. I've seen estimates that over 20,000 actual US soldiers died in the Indian wars, along with tens of thousands of settlers, militia-men, local police, etc.

Attached: Wabash.png (329x1022, 147K)

The edge of civilization. You were miles and miles away from any major city. Everybody was a prospector, miner, blacksmith or something else. People had guns on them all the time. Prostitutes. Syphilis. Gambling. Hardship.

The duel stuff is just Hollywood fanfic. Most of the time they just shot people in the back. There were no bounty hunters or Arizona rangers coming from the southside, slowly looking all around. They just showed up with ten men where someone would be and shot the place up hoping to hit something.

Also something they don't teach people: wild camels used to be everywhere in Texas. There were so many of them the US army established its own Camel Corps.

>but you were more likely to die of illness.
>be cowboy
>do some gardening
>oh what's that? a scratch
>die of sepsis

>be heathen dirt worshipper
>murder women and children
>get a casino for your troubles

Is this historically accurate or something?

bump for interesting bread

not 100% but probably the most accurate show you'll find. it's also pre SJW bullshit era and women are women (whores mostly) and niggers are called niggers and chinks are called chinks and everyone hates on the kike

oh forgot to mention: they also use proper language from that time period in the show. so maybe watch with subtitles if you're not burger or have low iq

>implying Europeans didn't do that too

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so wheres my casino?

Its called the stock market.