Stormy Daniels

Seriously, what's her end game? What's the point of suing Trump when you've already gotten your money and spent it?

Attached: Stormy Daniels.jpg (2004x3184, 1.41M)

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Soros is paying her in the grand scheme to make Trumps presidency look like a disaster in comparison to Obama’s. They know Trump won’t get impeached so they’re plying the long game so in 7 years they can go “omg look how terrible and full of scandals Trumps presidency was”
It’s also to take light away from his accomplishments. Scumbags. Luckily the younger generation sees right through it all for the most part.

Get more money by selling the story.

find out whos paying her lawyer user and you'll know the end game

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this user gets it

I hope she can milk some money out of this, before her own milkers dry up.

empowering whores, and money

Attached: whore.jpg (700x467, 53K)

Her endgame is to remain in the news.

Only people that care are those getting nervous they aren't finding shit to indict Trump with.

Whore done over played her hand like a mofo.

>luckily the younger generation sees right through it


>this user gets it

Tired old whore desperate to stay relevant

Oh no, its retarded

>What's the point?
the same reason why she became a porn star in the first place. attention whore.

Disgusting whore. Western pornstars are so disgusting.

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look how famous she's getting, she was on fucking SNL tonight. women love attention, and she's getting an awful lot

Just 'avin' meself a Gud laugh m8


hype? Old people seem to like it

Asian ones aren't much better

Hair everywhere on asians, including around the asshole...clearly fake tits. Roast beef vaginas for days, fake moans...awful

Shouldn't he be suing her? She agreed to shut her yap in exchange for cash, and then ran around blabbing and wanting more cash.

>gotten your money and spent it
i think you answered you question boo

>and spent it

your future wifes' anus has news for you

as i understand, the money she was paid was for her to purposely push this false story so the crescendo ends in a nice positive-for-trump climax (pardon the pun)

>Seriously, what's her end game?
Population control, through the expunction of the least desirables...

Attached: the_good_guys_will_win.png (666x444, 506K)

she sucks good

Is that Trump? If so he's in better shape than I imagined.

No blue dress, no story.

Women need food, money, and attention to be happy. But it's just a theory since no woman has ever acquired enough of these to be happy.

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>as i understand, the money she was paid was for her to purposely push this false story so the crescendo ends in a nice positive-for-trump climax (pardon the pun)

sorry to be blunt, but trips never lie

doctors invent cures for diseases
get no recognition
Stormy fucks an old billionaire
The bitch won't shut up about it and the media is all over it

>this is why this world sucks

her endgame is being paid for the acting

She's the calm before the storm.

She has already said she isnt paying her lawyers. Someone else is. Figure it out.

dude she's a porn star, how far into the future do you think she looks?


not an argument

>what´s the point of getting 130,000 dollars to keep quiet about a voluntary 10 minutes. And then wanting more money via a book deal and such things.
What did you mean by this user?

The good thing to do, but fire to the flame

Better thing to do is disregard the thot and act normal

>b-but da president fuckd da porn star, SCANDAL!

He possibly fucked a pornstar and did what any democrat has done before, and paid her a sum to keep it out of the headlines

Thot then desides she's democrat as fuck and goes against the president to cause some rustled jimmies to keep up the hate against trump for attention and views.

This is what happens when an american chad steals the spotlight and displeases the casual thot.

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What sort of parents name their daughter 'stormy' ?

>What sort of parents name their daughter 'stormy' ?
I thought that was just her stage name or whatever. Which it turns out to be. Stephanie A. Gregory Clifford (born March 17, 1979), known professionally as Stormy Daniels

Become relevant - very hard to do as an adult film actress of her Age

People will buy her movies out of curiosity.

When George Soros finally dies all of his trillions of I'll gotten dollars will be passed to his son Alex Soros (pic related it's alex)..Alex is a Hollywood syncophant who will continue with his father's socioeconomic manipulative tactics. ..but worse because Alex will do what hollywood wants him to do. Worse than u can even fathom. How can we stop this?

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>they’re plying the long game so in 7 years

Not even long-term, they are using it for the midterms

She wants to gain fame that isn't related to being a whore. Even though in this situation she is still a whore. But this time she is pushing a victim angle to evolve into a poster girl for anti slut shaming retard feminists.
Ultimately she probably wants some kind of book deal and the attention of decent men(lol)

She looks so hot in all these pictures where she's made up and showing off her cleavage but every time I search for porn of her she looks awful

post some examples
im not convinced

Of bad porn or good looking pictures?

Attached: stormy-daniels-974370l.jpg (800x1140, 382K)

thats like from 20 years ago lol

damn can confirm your theory m8

her endgame is to get fucked in all holes by three black bulls

her breasts kinda look like saddle bags.

Even in recent ones she looks good, she looks good in OP's pic to me, she's got a somewhat pretty face and a nice rack.

Attached: stormy-daniels-arrives-at-solid-gold-strip-club-in-pompano-beach-8.jpg (1280x1920, 239K)

and one more, I'm just searching stormy daniels with safe search on but I just can't find a decent porno of her, my guess it's because her boobs look weird when they're uncovered.

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Eww, you clearly have mommy issues.

>takes a whorish pose with shorts that are way too short
>complains about peoples' sexual comments
Lara's shorts cover her ass properly and she's not a whore.
I am still upset.

To make money and continue to get fucked for money. Very honorable what she is doing for women out there.

>Seriously, what's her end game?
Getting more money. That's it. She'll probably end up writing a book and getting a gorillion dollars.

she looks just so NASTY

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They also have fucking awful teeth

low-test beta detected

is there a source for this?

Endless SNL bookings etc. As long as she's a potential weapon against Trump she'll have endless lefty contracts.

Is this actually hard to understand or something? Not completely obvious?

Do they have to carry a sign that says I'M A GIANT WHOREBAG THAT DOES ANYTHING FOR MONEY?


She's being paid by Trump to keep his swamp pump out of the news cycle.

Trust the plan


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Marry a good woman and stay away from sluts.

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Stop posting a glorified prostitute and coalburner.

What's the joke guys? I wanna laugh too haha.

Reminder Stormy Daniels has never fucked niggers in porn. Trump knows his shit

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