There where parts that book mirrored current situation in Europe perfectly. About rape and self defense against non white elements. Predicted non white rape gangs. Britain is like USA in the book. Insane. Great book must read!!
Turner diaries book is a prophecy
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Not enough shitskins in Europe for a civil war. It is more likely to be a civil war between Slavs. Just like the Balkan war and Ukraine/Russia today.
At most, we will see a genocide, and mass deportations.
Nigger detected
>Turner diaries book is a prophecy Anonymous (ID: gsQLHAUO) 05/06/18(Sun)03:38:47 No.17061
It's blueprint!! when economy goes bust and gibs dries up they will riot and cause all kinds of trouble.
Looks like OP raided Timothy McVeigh's private library.
Nice one! Are you a fed most of dolts here don't know that little detail.
>OP raided Timothy McVeigh's private library.
Someone needs to shoot DeAndre Harris
Black crime in the USA has gotten to the point judges and cops are defending black criminals in court.
This book has laws like that in the book.
Black gangs in America had black on white gangrape instructional manuals in the 1960's and 1970's
And William Pierce was aware of that along with the USSR antisemitism laws.
This board has gone to shit! All that seems to get notice is degenerative shit. There is no definite core of ideas just shills and larping Mongrols. There is a nice strong sense of direction and core!
>this book changed my perspective on things its must read.
Latvia a cute
Free copy of the the book
I have a copy of this book in digital. I would like to order in paper back from jewbay
Camp of the Saints is another good read
The concepts are not new
Even the 1960's black Panthers that Hollywood portrays as heroes advocated for black men to violently rape white women.
Filthy nigger Eldridge cleaver one time head of Black Panthers use to write books about the rapes he committed.
Rare Latvian based bro.
America is headed in a really bad direction unless people start doing vigilante justice on the streets in the next 3 years.
TFW you read the Turner diaries all the way up to the bombing thinking it was a real diary
Read the book it's nice outline how to use economic instability to start revolution its werry clever book! It's truly a blueprint for change!
>I would like to order in paper back from jewbay
i have a signed one from pierce.
We must start promoting this book this book is must read here on pol I think it can be a great catalist for this mess!
Ever wonder what would have happened if he didn't do it, if he really did do it?
Turner diary's is a great book.
There's not much people can do these days to fight back legally.
The system has made it where White citizens might have to kill the niggers the judges refuse to convict.
DeAndre Harris is a good example of a nigger that needs to be assassinated by a sniper since the court system failed.
what's it about?
It's on YouTube narrated by William Luther Pierce himself. Listen to it!
meh, I'm a reader, not a listener. I always get distracted from audiobooks