It's the real reason for the incel issue. It's why the female journalist are going after them... these are men that have walked away from the issue that shall not be named: unchecked vaginal odour.
This incel stuff is the free market at work. What these ladies have isn't even worth fucking for free, at least if the numbers are to be believed... and it angers them so.
we need a female Peterson to tell them to sort that shit out. we should be lobbying for an awareness campaign before this matter ends western civilization.
The roasties of 2018 have become chronically prolapsed STD hostels. Despite their steady dribble of viscous snail trails, their dangly beef curtains, even their near constant harvesting of new strains of HPV and gonorhea, Chads and Betas line up to service them, to wallow and worship in beefed out body horror. It's been said the bow-legged sluts of our era are now so rotten, their eviscerated vaginas actually "spit" every time they take a step. Sometimes with an audible queef, other times quiet, these whores jettison whatever melange of fluids are sloshing within their polygamous caverns. It's not unusual to spy spotty trails and blood tinged puddles wherever the posterior of a sexually liberated woman has rested.
Leo Wood
israel has an awareness campaign, why dont we?
Grayson Brown
All the progressive social media crap is projecting. This is just bitter frigid women complaining that men don't have sex with them.
Hudson Torres
drumpf did this
Isaac Scott
Year 2083 "Human C274845763 (Incel Category 3) you have violated Article III Section B Clause C.129 of the Women's Protection Code. Extermination imminent"
memeflag stop trying to force "incel" that stale meme magic wont work on me: I know virgin and wizard are so much more popular
t. fag
Brayden Flores
this whole incel thing is a nothing burger, it's a sympton of that which shall not be discussed EVER: vaginal malodour.
Julian Sanchez
Some whores fucked so much THEY RUPTURE THE VAGINAL WALL into their urinary bladder and they leak urine through their vaginas and they don't even realize it.