Unless Australia builds gas chambers and gases their Chinks, this is how the average Australian will look like in the next 20 years.
I shit you not, there are literally no white Australians to be seen in Australia unless you visit the rural areas.
Unless Australia builds gas chambers and gases their Chinks, this is how the average Australian will look like in the next 20 years.
I shit you not, there are literally no white Australians to be seen in Australia unless you visit the rural areas.
and of course this thread gets slided because there are no white posters anymore
Where is this paradise? I need to find myself an Asian waifu.
qt chinks are alright. Poos need to leave
t. happa abomination
go back to china
It;s already over. We've been RICED. Pauline saw it coming and was mocked for speaking about it decades ago.
Bottom left looks pretty good. Better than what the average American will look like in 20 years, pic related.
better off with chinks than niggers.
Kill yourselves, thirsty betas.