EU gun laws 2018

>tfw in September 2018 Swiss gun culture as we know it will die because of the EU
>ALL semi autos will be banned by default
>can only be acquired through an exceptional may issue permit.
>cops will now be able to deny you a semi-auto because they feel like it.
>All because of Schengen and the EU

It was good while it lasted. We are literally getting disarmed by a foreign entity and nobody gives a shit.

Attached: Finale-U21-2017.jpg (1000x750, 817K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>All because of Schengen and the EU

You are forgetting a (((Key player))) here

what? no!


Sorry to hear it, m8.

It is important that europeans stay docile little plebs who drink their alcohol jew and watch their jewtainment on tv.

Attached: 402.png (485x443, 38K)

Is this real? I thought the Swiss plan for any invasion called for all citizens to be armed and basically blow up all their infrastructure. if the mountain jews are now getting cucked by the EU, not a good sign.

wut? switzerland is neither in EU nor schengen
are you baiting again OP?

Switzerland isn't EU but it is Schengen

>wut? switzerland is neither in EU nor schengen

Exactly my thoughts. Jow Forums niggers need to start posting links and sources to every thread they make or browsing here is a waste of time. There are better places to read news and have discussions.

God damn, this is a huge betrayal of Swiss history and culture.

Unfortunately, we have to fight the very same type of people in our country despite the Constitution and Federalist Papers making the purpose of the 2nd Amendment clear.

Attached: lwrc ic a5.jpg (900x601, 262K)

Thank you


It's for your (((safety))), goy.

They have to abide securety acts of EU because they are in Schengen

The difference is that the Swiss probably lost already.

>What is Schengen

Being in Schengen means that a country has to adopt certain EU laws. Gun control included.

I still remember some cheese nigger saying they wont get cucked by the EU

You mean Hans-Peter Wüthrich, leader of Pro Tell. sadly the law has passed the most hurdles already

Do a Brexit?

God, those Swiss girls look like perfect wife matieral. Do Swiss mind if I bring my 56% into the DNA pool?

Good thing y'all trust and respect the Jews so much, they are leading you to a higher path. Not the same path they're taking ofc since they will still be allowed to have guns.

They wasn't in EU to begin with.
And even if they would stop all other agreements (((Certain people))) would implement their Gun control

You don't need guns goys. Trust us it is for the best so you white people aka filthy goyim don't feel tempted to shoot up schools and kill babbies.
>rubbing intensifies

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Is there a significant opposition to this?

Source? Smells like bullshit from miles away

T. Guy who owns multiple weps and ain't afraid of no EU cuck laws

Good. This country has too many guns anyway.

You will stop being white in a couple of generations anyway so its better to stop them to have weapons and whatnot.

>mfw Soviet Union virtually had more freedom when it comes to firearms than contemporary Gayrope

Well, gayros are cucked anyway and beyond saving, the faster they rot the better. Ironically the only countries that still have a chance are those that were stuck beyond the Iron Curtain. Guess Soviets were a blessing in disguise for them at the end.

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Europe is going after semi autos right now?
Isn't it strange that theyre trying to ban semi autos at the same time that American leftists are trying.
This is certainly a coordinated act. Why do they suddenly want mass disarmament?

>mfw Soviet Union virtually had more freedom when it comes to firearms than contemporary Gayrope

How so?

Are you living under a fucking rock?


slide kike thread
I share the feeling towards EU fucking up gun laws, but you post is just wrong.
We are in EU/Schengen and we can have semi auto rifles, so far EU fucked up only milsurp automatics modified into semi-autos..also high capacity mags and some other minor things.

Fuck off.


You are the one sliding threads with your bullshit.

>Halbautomatische Handfeuerwaffen, mit denen ohne Nachladen mehr als 10 Schüsse abgegeben werden können.

All semi auto rifles that can shoot more than 10 rounds without reloading are now banned by law and can only be acquired with a Sonderbewilligung.

>Halbautomatische Faustfeuerwaffen, mit denen ohne Nachladen mehr als 20 Schüsse abgegeben werden können.

Same shit for semi auto handguns that can shoot more than 20 rounds.

you guys are going to become second class citizens on the internet when the gdpr is implemented at the end of the month, the right to be forgotten will destroy everything

Attached: eu.jpg (1920x1281, 59K)

Everything that wasn't a full-auto, suppressed and shorter than 80 cm could be owned by a civilian.

yes that's what I'm saying, high capacity mags got fucked by EU, but not "ALL semi autos will be banned by default" because of EU.

The EU directive is open to interpretation. They made the directive specifically in a way that allows politicians to do whatever they want.

In some countries they might just ban mags, here they are banning all semis.

Switzerland no!!!!!

We will come for you

Good fuck you guys I hope your bank cartels and the continuous mass immigration will fuck you over to.

Makes me wonder what they’re planning to do to the people if they’re this hellbent on disarming them. Absolute tyranny inc.


Im not worried. There will be a referendum and the gun lobby is very strong. If it means schengen or guns im pretty positive what the verdict will be

Do something about it.

I envy your referendums

Yeah, this won't happen. Too many countries have strong opposition to this, and the EU doesn't have the power to simply ram through something like this. Even if they pass some BS token legislation without approval of the States, individual States will not abide by it. The EU can get stuffed.

>The EU directive is open to interpretation. They made the directive specifically in a way that allows politicians to do whatever they want.

So how is this not a problem with your own national politicians? You don't have to follow these directives.

>being in the EU

Your gun laws are stricter than almost every EU country, you fucking retard. As bad as the EU is, the British government is way worse.

Planning to repel an invasion is racist.

well i suppose their is currently no organisation with massive popular support to counter this law so any effort to help seems prety doomed to fail

The Swiss media is controlled, just like everywhere else. The closest thing we have to an opposition is a maverick called Christoph Blocher. He's actually been consolidating his media presence recently, but it's still woefully little compared to the mainstream who are all leftist and cosmopolitan shills. Also, Blocher is getting quite old now.

For example, the N°1 newspaper in Geneva, Le Temps, recently was covertly taken over by feminists. Every single edition of the paper now aggressively promotes feminism. Our TV is constantly airing pro-feminist propaganda, constantly harping on about wage equality, constantly demonising populist candidates around Europe and in the US, constantly engaging in pro-migrant guilt trips.

Damn, I need to get a license and a gun before September then.
What should I get guys?

Just leave schengen if you value guns more it's not like you are forced to stay there. Simple as that.

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Attached: buy gun in Switzerland.jpg (1341x3636, 473K)

They have the highest gun murder rate in Europe. Four times higher than the next country in the EU.

This is a fucking lie.

dammit switzerland you were supposed to be cool

That's exactly why the new gun laws are good. And let's be honest, the only people who oppose them here are some backwards idiots who live in small mountain villages.

Kike shills using Swiss VPNs... Throw yourself in a vat of boiling oil.

This. I feel bad when I have to agree with a Mutt, but this is those rare occasions when I just have to do it. Mountain jew's days are done for, blame Soros and (((Schengen))) for that. I hope you all die now, thank you for reading this.

Are you mad because I speak the truth? Kek

There's nothing truthful about managerial policies that betray Swiss tradition and only serve the purpose of making the populace less menacing to the cosmopolitan oligarchy.
People like you will hang in the public square quite soon...

What's wrong with small mountain villages? They are some of the nicest things in existence, unlike the disgusting open sores of the modern city metropolis, the greatest barbarism and dens of radical degeneracy the world has ever seen.

Disarming you is the first step. Communism is coming

you're too fucked up looking
you need some enrichment

fucking sucks bros I thought you guys were hunters, and recreational shooters, gun enthusiasts like we are, but I guess not really.

>EU gun laws 2018


Seriously fuck the EU.

What is it people like you who always bring up swiss traditions? Most of them do nothing but hold us back. Move with time or be removed over time.
You got it wrong pal, despite what you believe it's villages and other simple structures that are the source of barbarism and degenaracy.

Schalt din vpn us schippi

Well fuck, don't let them do this you'll end up like us

I bin kei verdammte schippi

>ALL semi autos will be banned by default
No referendum on this?