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Real original dream car there, bud.
New cars are disgusting.
did he also trade in his balls?
i`m sure he will enjoy his expensive repair bills and frequent breakdowns.
id never trade, also teh value of that old mustang will just go up, while the audi will drop rapidly
wat a cuck
Zet iz ze ride deziszion, Herr Brazzil.
Audi isn't significantly worse than any other non-slanteyed car
I'd rather an Audi than a Mercedes or BMW
new audio is shit
engine is shit
suspension and transmission are also shit
this is becouse mehmets are factory workes
also capitalism
>Not upgrading to a mint Golf GTi Mk1
To be fair, the new Audis are pretty good.
But who the fuck trades in a classic car for a new car? Keep the Mustang if you love it so much, and just get a used modern Audi from 5-10 years ago
A used Audi S5 from 2011 years ago is less than a third of the price.
also thsi
don't forget to send some btc: 1guU33aVKHWVtGA8NLpDxaTbQF5EDT6FP
Who gives a shit
Aren't you guys mostly just driving around old German stuff from the war?
why would anybody wanna do that
Read the subtext of the tweet.
The woman pushed him to give up the car and he caved to her pressure.
They say that Robert AND JULIA traded in HIS dream car.
The guy is a beta anyway the car was too good for him
Why do thots love Audis so much?
The missus wanted a new car she could actually drive herself to go shopping alone and park into Tyrese's driveway without denting the bumper.
Ill agree that sounds ridiculous
>Julia and Robert traded in his car
>He and her traded in his car
Dont they mean Robert traded in his car?
AND immediate depreciation of which the value will never again rise enough to be able to trade in for any other 'new' car, ever. Whereas that Mustang's value will continue to rise. This guy got Jewed.
Yes. They're saying that he gave up his dream car because she wanted the new car. And he did it out of "love"
>Julia traded in Robert's car
No, they mean Julia traded in his car
>trading loud hollywood glorified murican meme car that has wobbly suspension hollywood movies for a superior futuristic silent German sportscar
I see nothing wrong.
Right because fixing old cars that went out of productions comes any cheaper
Julia threatened to _______ Robert if he didn't trade in his "old piece of shit car" for something she could drive. That's fucked!
Fiat - Fix It Again Tomorrow
>buying yurop cars
>letting your wife sell your car for her wants
In 10 years that Mustang would still be worth a lot of dosh but that Audi will be on its way to the scrap yard
>Bought Audi a few months ago
Wait, Peoria Illinois?
Nice beetle.
>the wife couldnt drive a stick so we traded in my classic for this lease so she can easily make her weekly trips to vist her sons father -Thanks Audi of Peoria!
The point is that its his dream car, and he gave it up for his bitch wife
Is it the european ford
just like their marriage
Care about real things such as children.
>traded in a car that can be fixed up oneself for a computer on wheels that needs tech support
That man is in love. I know, I was in love and made all types of decisions I knew were dumb-as-bricks to make her happy.
God I hate in-love me
>not escaped to Angola from communism
>praises commie supporting German products
>liberty prime has awuired your coordinates
Classic American cars, ford inparticular, are assembly line operations that use interchangeable parts. On top of that identical drive trains were used in other makes and models for decades. All of which are available at your nearest junk yard for practically nothing, and can be purchased new from just about any auto part chain store for practically nothing. None of that can be said for Audi, not even old ones.
saved for future btfoing.
Only if you drive like a nigger and unable to do anything yourself
He didn't need an investment, he needed a car. This is no different from selling some stocks to buy a car.
pretty much this
a shitty american tin can car traded for a marvel of engineering
unless he was willing to keep it to sell it in 20 years when it would cost more, i dont 'see why not
the absolute STATE of spanish
>Fiat - Fix It Again Tomorrow
its actually Fix It Again Tony
>Italian engineering
I thought that was Ford
>I thought that was Ford
why would US car use Italian mechanic joke ?
fix or repair daily
found on road dead
maybe others
I feel like you may have missed the word 'dream'.
Women truly are nightmares..
>posting selfies on Jow Forums
dumb brit
absolutely seething
Mustangs are garbage, and not worth shit because the market is oversaturated with them. At this point they aren't even worth restoring unless they hold personal and sentimental value.
>Piece of shit mustang
Sure is poor rednecks in here
No wonder Toyota is ISIS vehicle of choice
Why do people like old cars? They look fucking ugly. Not to mention they drive worse and are worse for the environment.
Look at her huge ass grin, she definitely got what she wanted
>this is becouse mehmets are factory workes
>implying line workers develop the stereo, engine, and chassis
How fucking dumb are you Hans?
I've had a few Merc vans and trucks and shit and they've all been nightmares. It's always made me think of them as shitboxes.
Ever heard of replacing your plastic chain guides as part of regular maintenance? Yep that’s the Audi and btw the engine has to be removed
I mean an Audi isn't that special, but shit, the bitch has better taste.
stop with the tribalism you fag, your being jewed
reminds them of their outie vaginas
>Only if you drive like a nigger and unable to do anything yourself
Kek, audi won’t let you do anything to that computer on wheels shitbox, user serviceability isn’t profitable.
>mfw i own a heavily customized m24 volga
>mfw when i know how to maintain it properly
>mfw it will probably be able to outlive western civilisation
disgusting faggotry
Vitos and Sprinter are known for being garbage,you cant compare them to the sedans or SUVs wich are top tier
Bullshit. The only retarded point is that he bought an A5. Only arrogant pricks drive that.
Retarded Hans uses a shity merc for army. That will break in the heat of battle when you most need it. Toyotas will work every time and never fail. They are built to survive wars.
king of the cucks
No doubt! Divorce next yr and she takes car and house.
Is this some short of a commercial?
new and old cares are both just hunks of metal, but new cars are more comfortable, quiet, smell better and are easier to drive.
One of his failed shit tests, next thing will be open marige and muslim dick.
G-klasse is pretty great for some actual offroading. Unfortunately, in the city it also attracts idiots like shit does flies. I just don't get it - it's almost a mil-spec vehicle, it's not even that comfy or blinged out inside and looks like a fridge on wheels from the outside.
I know. My first thought
Until you hear the makes you forget everything else. But its completly senseless in the City
If you're gonna go german at least go for a unimog or something cool.
No, it fucking wouldn't. This is not /o/, stop pretending fucking any of you understand cars.
Old Mustangs aren't worth shit unless they're limited production like the original GT500s. A plain jane '66 Sportback might get you 20k if you find the right buyer.
This faggot is still a pussy whipped beta bitch, but he didn't trade off a truly special car. He got rid of a generic classic and bought a generic modern shitbox.
Also, Germans, stop fucking lying about your build quality. Audis are garbage. They a built to fail at 100k miles just like every other modern shitbox. They aren't special, they aren't cool, and they aren't above average for a luxury car.
I like audis but why trade your car? Just buy an audi, he doesnt look poor.
>julia fucks the gardner
>divorces robert
>gets car and house in divorce
>robert necks himself while masturbating to furry porn
This, audis are pretty cars but they arent nearly as good as people here are acting. The mustang had a nice make, i would have kept it.
Kek, and some non pussy will be driving his dream car while hes swinging by his neck.
Arent the fiat JTDM diesels the best diesels?
The point is that he gave up his inner-child dream to satisfy his wife.
She wanted air conditioning.
>The point is that he gave up his inner-child dream to satisfy his wife.
Which he probably plans to have his own children with. That's just called growing up.
Wrong. A real man would have made clear that he will keep the Car and when SHE wants a damn A5 Sportback SHE should work for that or give at least the major amount of money.
...and you dont buy and A5 when you plan to have Kids. You go with an Audi convertable like the A4 or 6 if you want an Audi and a Family.