Scotland should secede from the puffed up English

Scotland should secede from the puffed up English.

Attached: scot-11.jpg (640x379, 74K)

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Scotland's a leftist haven you dumb fucking kraut.

it's a shame they don't have a nationalist party

They had a vote and decided to stay, worse luck

I live in Scotland and the Scottish nationalists would ruin this country in a decade if they ever got their wish.
The SNP are only in power with around 45% of the vote. They're the minority

The only people who have any right to view the Scottish relationship with England as imperialism are Highlanders, and I'll bet anything this graffiti isn't in the Highlands

Lowlanders are Anglos in denial, they need to get over themselves

They will vote again eventually and this time to side with the Union instead of this not so United Kingdom.

Ireland will also re-unite under the Republican Banner as member of the Union and the United Kingdom will literally be England + Wales.

Fuck I love this timeline..

The Scotcucks had a vote. They voted in favour of staying part of the Union.

Support for Scottish independence hasn't really changed since the referendum

Also Irish reunification is looking unlikely as more Catholics become comfortable with the idea of remaining in the union

I'm actually in that boat myself. I consider myself Irish and used to be a very ardent nationalist but observing the political situation in the Republic I just think we've drifted too far apart in our mentality to be reconciled. I don't like being part of the UK either but there isn't really a viable alternative besides maybe a Celtic Union

No Scots have a right to moan. Wallace was 700 years ago and 300 years later the highlands joined England willingly.