Why are there so many of these in such concentrated areas?

why are there so many of these in such concentrated areas?

Attached: mattress firm.jpg (310x163, 10K)

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Because child rape

Is it the Jews?

Want to blow your mind...

Look into how they destroy old mattress....

They are a chain of body disposal plants. Unless you really think they stay in business by selling mattress even though no one is ever in the store.

Attached: IMG_20171015_102802977_20171015103804713-333896.jpg (1200x900, 118K)

>mfw I almost got a job as a delivery guy for this chain
>mfw I almost had my foot in the door in the zog machine

Attached: 1522912115577.png (500x586, 137K)

slide thread

no Im genuinely curious

I've wondered as well

Beds are clearly high margin

I too thought there was something weird, here is a great podcast about that!


It's because they have such fucking low upkeep cost and only need to sale like 4 mattress a month for breakevens so people buy them, no conspiracy. I mean, I guess you could launder money but why not use a strip club or cash only pizza place

Attached: 1343589883891.jpg (450x431, 29K)

money laundering

no, really