It's over American Jow Forumsacks

It's over for the USA

Monkey Gambino just officially established the USA as property of the Wakandas.

How do you feel about this pol? Not even Donald the Trump can save America of the massive blacknization it is undergoing.

Are Americans now required any kind of special visa to live in America? I'm not completely sure about whether Blacks have any problem about white crackers living in their colonized hood.

Attached: 0_15:06:01NN.png (513x392, 167K)

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All fields. (You) withheld. "Hidden".

It's too late. Now you know.

The Black States of America took over.


Attached: Childish-Gambino-This-Is-America.jpg (980x653, 85K)

I'm sorry for your loss American

Niggerfication has a better "ring" to it, IMO

I've put up a for sale sign and reserved a Ryder Truck kang, i'll leave north wakanda ASAP. Here's the tax to the warlords for my safe passage to Honklandia.

its hilarious that he put things like
this is America
but its all happening in Africa

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Can’t wait for the race war. All we neeed to do is close the border and deport. The white population will go back to 70%+. Thanks abortion for killing blacks.

so if the point was to make me terrified of niggers its working

Minority by 2060 says what?

Niggers always forget about Hispanics, they hate you more than any white person. They will be the majority, not niggers.

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Still, not proud, literary capable, white americans.

Who is this stupid nigger and why should I care what it's babbling on about?

Attached: chinkbratgetsreckt.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

It's ironic considering none of these niggers have actually ever experienced racism because the fucking KKK hasn't been active in fucking forever, so unless you're in your fucking 60's, you don't know shit about it. What all whiny nogs think is "racism" is just good old American bantz and everyone does it to each other all the time here and if you can't handle it then you're just a pussy

>Wakanda is a fictional African nation
pepe claimed it first

Attached: 37-pepe-team.jpg (640x582, 77K)

There is nothing fictional about the United States of Wakanda, son.

I'm still waiting for the first black couple to adopt the first poor white baby...

Or a thanks for that Civil War thang......

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you are over a year late
better luck next time

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Lmao basically Donald just tried to go full Kendrick but he sounds like the key and peele obama impersonation

what a subhuman fucker

realasing his problems on some harmless kid

This is deep

why is nog music just "i got da gun, UH" "i got da munnee UH" "this is america UH" "UH UH UH"

Because it's philosophical

Lol good thing that little chink also doesn't have a soul that would be awful.

Niggas be good dancers. Whites be good shooters. Whitey loves guns.

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fun fact: I still don't know what Kendrick Lamarr looks like, what his songs sound like, or anything about him outside of the fact that he's some rapper "people" listen to

It's a fucking movie, ya sperg!

This song fucking sucks
We need raids of dislikes DISLIKE

The kid was being an asshole, but that was a little overreacting tho

I can't dance at all, no sense of rhythm or anything, but "dancing" among people in their early 20's just involves hip hop moves and twerking at their shitty parties. My generation only listens to rap.

He does encapsulate the nigger virus in America very well, I'll give him that

that guy used to play a nerd on the Community, what happened?

Did he quit that successful show to do this?