Is this how incels will be handled from now on?
Is this how incels will be handled from now on?
Just fuck a fat chick Jesus fucking Christ
and everyone wonders why i rented a van
>Just fuck a fat chicks
Being a fat chick just means you fuck guys in the 80th percentile instead of the 90th.
Fat chicks got me through rough times.
Well fuck me. I avoid interacting with women at my job because I don't want to get falsely accused of "harassment". And now you're telling me even if I don't interact with them they can still go after me because I'm being "creepy". Fuck this world.
Some people are just fucked in the head. With internet they all manage to congregate and form their little echo chamber. You ought know this now. Look where you are.
>more 1 post by this ID faggotry
>bunch of retards, newfags, summerfags and sockpuppets keep replying
All fields. (You) withheld.
Yeah it's being a terrible two days for me, everyone looks at me like I'm going to blow the local Totem or something.
Problems with incels is they're fucking ugly and want to bang hot chicks. And instead of developing charming personality and humor they complain all day in leddit
google the halo effect retard. women don't find funny men attractive, they find attractive men funny.
it's a huge threat
That's it, I'm killing myself. The world doesn't want me anymore
it never did
She probably pissed off all the shareholders by firing the only people that where contributing anything of worth.
Sounds fake
Why in the name of fuck you care this much? Its a worthless opinion of a worthless woman.
Why is everyone suddenly against incels? What did I miss?
I'd rather have my dignity.
Holy shit Women are vile
That's where alcohol comes in.
How fucking new are all you faggots
Go back to facebook
making fun of plebbit is a tradition, you faggot, but you're too much of a retard to get it
what a waste of digits
Not an incel.
Im in tech and mannnn.... working with women is not easy I kinda feel for him.
Some women are cool tho and can do a good job (if they are asian)... but I agree that most of them are whinny little shits who do half the job a man does and ask for the same treatment...
welcome to modern Western culture
enjoy your stay
Remember to sage and report incel threads
we call them wizards and robots around here, these threads are being started by outsider groups for the sake of shit stirring. You can further tell by >1 post by this ID
report these threads and sage if you reply to them, they are literally just spam
A band of roasties bitched to media outlets about them exposing their disgusting nature. If Incels don’t want to date anybody. Let them, it’s their choice not to go out with a fat whore who will likely cuck them with some nigger.
Why would anyone spend any amount of time and effort to have sex with a disgusting person?
Besides, the incels complain about relationships more than they complain about sex.
She is like the equivalent of Susan Wojkikey on youtube (can't be bothered to spell her name right). All sorts of bold plans, never an admission of being wrong, just a half assed policy change when a pissed off chick shoots up their hq
Good one.
Nasim was a worthless whore who could’ve put a bullet in Susans Head. But since she was a vegan fuckwit, she decided to spare the lives of kikes like a good goy.
Muslims drive dozens of trucks into masses of people, each one is not related to Islam.
One virgin armenian dude hates women and drives a truck into a mass, suddenly all white men that aren't chads needs to be kicked out of the workforce.
desu I think 95% reddit posts is just LARPing.
Sex is a big part of "having a relationship"
The ultimate redpill is to be a nofap volcel, you feel like a shaolin monk, you become "immunized against all dangers".
I unironically agree with her. You losers need to be gassed. You are total wastes of life and will never procreate. The world's precious resources need not be wasted on your kind.
She wasn't trying to kill anyone, but get on the news, which she did.
not with a rented dick
You incel haters have to look at trans people to get the full picture. The kikes will shame people for not wanting to fuck a transgender but tell you that not wanting to fuck an incel is your moral duty.
The solution for incels is simple: identify as a lesbian MTF trans person and you’re golden. Now that roasty has to fuck.
Anybody who doesn’t kill a Jew with such media power is worthless against our cause.
Oh yea a relationship with a disgusting woman, what a prize. I don't understand why these incels cannot figure it out.
Women in male-dominated fields are such a pain in the ass. They want to get treated better just because they are women while being as respected as men. More often than not they are shit too. The only ones who are bearable are dykes
What have you done yourself?
This is why we have to develop an underground economy for white men. Not that hard with crypto.
>being a virgin is less dignified than having sex with a wholly unattractive woman
Gee I wonder if you have some kind of vested interest in thinking this way?
I'd like to see incels destroy this foul kike loving world.
Grant me this final wish great master of chaos.
Look at the picture in OP, you think they asked him if he "fucked a fat chick?". He might have, but he still got fired by a bunch of roasties...
>mfw the media won't let off these kids until they are our shock troops
This! Save your sexual energy
>incels are handsome and well adjusted men
Go kill a bunch of roasties, or better yet, take acid to their faces.
Don't kill yourself. At least if you wanna go out do something useful before.
fuck off ahmed
Studies have shown that 80% of men are rated as "below average" by women.
Let that sink in.
Now imagine your opportunities as a man in, say, the lower half of desirability. Or the lower 20%.
>killing yourself
>not toasting roast b4 u go
shiggy diggy
The rope is more humane you mud loving shitskin.
You do realize that is fake?
Literally everything in that text, every word, every sentence sounds like it comes straight from the mind of an incel?
It's the same shit with feminists writing up completely ass fake stories about stuff that never happened but sounds like it just came from their gender studies schoolbook. Like being stare-raped in an elevator or something.
Don't kill yourself. Do something. Do something interesting and lethal. Something you can do only because of your newfound disregard for mortality.
some retards in this thread need to understand:
>involuntary celibate
>toasting roast
What the fuck is this cringe sub? Is it one of those ironic ones?
Don't these idiots know that what they're doing is counterproductive? By treating incels like a social disease you only validate their cynicism. He probably hates women more than he already does because these whores got him fired, assuming he even hated women to begin with, which was a baseless accusation on the part of the bitches that got him fired, by assuming posting on an MRA forum and criticizing affirmative action is synonymous with hating women.
Isn't affirmative action bad for women in the workplace anyway? They aren't being valued for their skills, just their gender, it dehumanizes them and makes them a tick in a box. You're also polluting the industry with people who aren't in positions representative of their skill and initiative.
Still pushing this?
>Well fuck me. I avoid interacting with women at my job because I don't want to get falsely accused of "harassment". And now you're telling me even if I don't interact with them they can still go after me because I'm being "creepy". Fuck this world.
Yup. It's designed to be a lose-lose. If you're Chad and you don't fuck them, they get mad at you for it. If you're Chad and you do fuck them, it's an inappropriate workplace relationship.
If aren't Chad and you try to fuck them, they fire you for sexual harassment. If you aren't Chad and you don't try to fuck them, they fire you for being creepy.
One of the biggest misconceptions that MSM keeps pushing.
Most of the robots have avoided sexual intercourse they deem degenerate. They do not seek pussy above all else. (which is part of the reason women hate them).
They seek the classical gf. What they hate on is the op pic and societies relaxed view on discriminating against them for personality disorders among other things.
The op pic is not necessarily incel. Its used as a slur against the unfuckables, ugly, autistic forerver alones.
>anyone can get pussy because women literally have the oldest commodity market
I've strongly considered presenting myself as a ftm and applying for a job at some leftist company. Later I'd tell them I went to Singapore for an experimental penis/testes transplant, explaining my functional dick. I'm reasonably certain I could get laid in this manner, because any woman who wouldn't fuck me would be a transphobic bigot. They'd HAVE to, by their own rules. I'm pretty sure I couldn't get fired either.
I'd probably have to steal the ID of a legit female to pass the background checks and such. Find a girl who was born around the same time as me and use her SS#.
No, in the future they will drag the incel with a meat hook in his clothes out of the building while everyone takes turns spitting at him.
>everyone who is not normalfag is fucked in head
Reddit is that way, buddy
um...actually, women do indeed find funny men attractive. If you can make a woman laugh, you're golden dude. But the other is true too, girls will find you funny if they like you. You know she likes you when she laughs and you're not even trying to be funny. That's called an IOI. Indicator of interest.
checked. incel uprising when
Sounds like 5's thinking they're 9's. Met many bitches like that
when the truck attacks were really picking up in europe, you could practically taste the desperation of the press to have some sort of similar incident to point to which would presumably serve as a "everyone does it!" talking point
i can tell you that while humbolt was a national event in this country, whatever may or may not have happened in toronto was forgotten within 2 days
I thought it might be related to that. Talk about a double standard.
So nigs have to get the most recources because they reproduce the most?
So a bunch of vaginal animals got a competent but somewhat autistic man fired. Gee, hiring women for the sake of diversity and gurrrrl power in fields where they considerably less competent in general than men was a great idea.
a life of ugliness and neglect is worse than death for roasties
No, most of them just want sex. That's why they want robots.
I detect a (((fellow white)))
Pierce Brosnan's fat wife would disagree.
sounds like a party
seems like you're the newfag here
Ultimately there is no rational strategy and this is by design. They just want total power.
This, just look at Islamic terrorism, most terrorist attacks are committed by sexually frustrated young males. The rich Muslims marry multiple women leaving less for the average men. The thirst is so real that they will blow themselves up to get 72 virgins in the afterlife.
They say I need to phone very my account to post you kike shill!
The whole office stood up and clapped
Reddits a giant echo chamber of mentally ill fuck heads too.
Killing her would be justified under those circumstances
Reddit scares me to the point where i’m not sure if those people and i are living in the same reality. Sometimes it makes me think i’m the insane one.
Because you saw some retard post this kind of bile doesn't mean you can regurgigate it to fit in.
That's what they want. The fact you can still question their crazy tells me you're fine.