Are the guns gone yet?
How'd that work out for ya?
the guns have only begun
>Only 49% of Millennials support an assault weapons ban, way less than people over 50 (70% support) and those over 65 (77% support).
>Young Americans Less Likely To Support Gun Control Despite Media Narrative
Why does he make that face in every picture?
The kid has mental problems. Hope he stays away from guns because he could be the next school shooter
Is that the new "wanted more government, got more government" face?
Who is this?
Wants to take away the rights of others. Complains when his rights are taken away
he doesn't care about guns being around
he cares about being on tv/"the news"
No, he doesn't. You're just asspained that he has a brighter future than you ever did.
Only someone with mental problems is happy because his school was shot up
have you looked at his reddit and the stuff he posted? he's 100% school shooter material
Camera Hogg thinks it would be good for the environment if a BILLION people were exterminated. Mentally ill? Read his own words
but shooting them instead is bad? this guy is fucking retarded
It worked out like this.
#never again
remember the 6 gun deaths.
His acne is so disgusting. He needs to eat higher quality foods.
god dammit it's been months since i saw that gif, thanks for ruining me again
Were any of these kids anywhere near the shooter? Were any of these kids close personal friends with any of the dead?
there has been a assault weapons ban in the us for twenty years
He is taking Adderall which is supposed to contribute to acne.
Hell no. They just want attention, like most kids. Also, some free gibs for being (((brave)))
Don't know, looks homo to me though. Probably someone who has never been important
Saw this movie for the first time a few weeks ago. It’s like a nihilistic version of Napoleon Dynamite
I was just describing it that exact same way to my GF the other day.
I bought my 16 year old an ar-15 just because of that faggot.
It will be interesting to see how much money he makes off his new book exploiting the dead students.
>his new book
Camera Hogg is dyslexic and didn't learn to read until he was 12. Reading his ghost written book might be impossible for him. Maybe his mom will read it to him.
so what happened to them? they were in the spot light but suddenly i just didnt see them at all in any news or anywhere
That is the role of any crisis actor. 15 minutes is all that is required.
Hogg claimed he his in a closet during the shooting.
Then a couple weeks later he said in an interview that as soon as he heard there was a shooting, he got on his bike and rode to the school.
That was when the media dropped him.
He's a journalism major- he tried using dead kids to jump-start his career.
Love how he blames his teacher for him being too dumb to read. Classic gen Z behavior - "my shortcomings are always somebody else's fault'
When he realized early on that the guns will never be gone is when he adopted his permanent scowl
Ema gonzalez admitted in her speech at the rally that she and her friends bullied the shooter.
So she was dropped.
That's why Hogg and Gonzalez are no longer given airtime and the msm flipped to Delaney tarr. Even though she's white and blonde, she's at least female....
What's the story behind that suicide?
is that my desk?
>NEET complains he's poor and lonely.
>uses $800 shotgun to live stream being an hero
All he needed was pic related.
All you need before you kill yourself is pic related.
Get your act together user.
He shit the bed so hard that he became a pariah and now his 15 minutes of fame are gone. I enjoy seeing people become "revolutionaries" and then die in obscurity. I hope he dies of a drug addiction in his later years.
A regular on r9k
Did a video chat with his friends right before and during this, even showed a sign saying goodbye r9k
His mother was emotionally abusive to what I hear, if anything she was emotionally distant or crazy.
Mostly he was an incel
>my GF
Did you mean my .gif?
I also have a couple of those saved, so I can related to that!