Donald Flumpf is finished

Donald Flumpf is finished.

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This is surely kill dRumpf lmao xD we got him this time

So there's still hope Bernie can win?

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what? did he fuck more models? the fucking left is so retarded they don't realize that each model/playboy bunny he fucks makes him more populare with huwhite males

This chick still fucking does pr0n, she's just attention whoring for shekels

>stutters extremely nervous man...

this. i wasn't even trying to find any of her but she was in one of those ads that play before the actual video, old saggy tits hanging out and her beat up pussy on display. kinda ruined my fap.

People will be disgusted, says the woman who takes loads in her face from multiple guys in exchange for money for a living.

Is her lawyer 1/4 nigger or what? He looks like he's got a black grandma or something.

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He's a thirty year veteran Democrat operative. Google it.

Mike pence is up next to bat. And it looks like he is going to try and hit the faggots out of here!

With women too.

Fucking lots of women just screams "success", so each new thot they trot out to say "yeah trump fucked me" is just going to make him more popular

Deranged. Dumb. Desperate.

The complete state of the Democrat party.

Being paid by Obama, too.

Post yfw we'll see both of these niggers hang when President Patrick Little gets on board.

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fuck, this time it looks real

>surely this will be the end of Trump's campaign!

As if a washed up porn star isn't disgusting enough. Most of the country knows she's literally an attention whore and its really pathetic liberals are placing their hope in a pornstar and a amature lawyer

Ok so it won't be illegal military action, giving massive tax breaks to the top 1%, or obvious corruption that does him in, but fucking some bitch?? Why is my country's priorities so ass backwards?

>make a deal with someone to not say some thing
>say that thing
why are americans so untrustworthy ?

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That garbage lawyer is full of shit, did he not say he had something damaging in trump like a month a ago and it turned out he was lying his ass off

The only potentially damaging information is already out in the open. Either the payment to Stormy will turn out to be a huge deal or flop and mean nothing. Given nobody has acted upon it, and the media outright ignores it, the chances are it will amount to nothing. That won't stop them from milking the adulterer angle of course until the people get bored and find another story to leech off of.

Trump has a lot of support he's not resigning. You can go back to your safe space if your butthurt

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This guy is in the mob. He doesn't realize that Trump is king mob boss and he's gonna get whacked. Screenshot this post.

I just donated another $500! Who will match me?!

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Did he fuck her in the Oval office?