washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/world/too-many-men/?utm_term=.3de6498b2bfb >Out of China’s population of 1.4 billion, there are nearly 34 million more males than females — the equivalent of almost the entire population of California, or Poland, who will never find wives and only rarely have sex. China’s official one-child policy, in effect from 1979 to 2015, was a huge factor in creating this imbalance, as millions of couples were determined that their child should be a son.
>India, a country that has a deeply held preference for sons and male heirs, has an excess of 37 million males, according to its most recent census. The number of newborn female babies compared with males has continued to plummet, even as the country grows more developed and prosperous. The imbalance creates a surplus of bachelors and exacerbates human trafficking, both for brides and, possibly, prostitution. Officials attribute this to the advent of sex-selective technology in the last 30 years, which is now banned but still in widespread practice. […]
Will the real incel rebellion break out in India/China?
There are more Asian men than white people on Earth. Faggot incels bitching in the west, you're lucky you weren't born in China. Your culture wouldn't be threatened by destruction, but you would never get pussy
Dylan Cooper
Camden Myers
Oy vey!
Why don't we ship these poor refugees to Europe, Aussie, and the US?
See? Lack of vision from your part. Just give them 100 euro each and send them to resettle Middle East. Tell them they can keep the women. With some luck, at the end would be less than half a million left each side.
Joshua Gutierrez
How exactly is that gonna ever be achieved in this dysfunctional shit hole of a country ?....we can't even abolish the state sanctioned affirmation action over here......mass starvation due to lack of jobs will do it, NOT US.
Lucas Ross
Post them all. They're funny.
Angel Cruz
>Will the real incel rebellion break out in India/China? no it won't men have movies and video games and millions of other things to ocuppy themselves with things got violent in the past cause of the lack of the above
>Will the real incel rebellion break out in India/China? No need, there's plenty of room and women in Australia
Ian Brown
>men have movies and video games and millions of other things to ocuppy themselves with That may be true in the west, but most of India/China is still very poor and you don't get that entertainment without a lot of work
Wyatt Barnes
>pedo tries to meet up with 13 year old girl >ends up being catfished by guy in 50's >takes a selfie with the guy and posts to social media about it >gets 426 likes i want off this timeline
I can't bare to see this poor men suffer!!! They didn't do anything wrong and they deserve to feel the love of a woman! Bring them to Germany NOW!!!! OUR WOMEN WILL HAPPILY HAVE SEX WITH THEM AND CREATE BEAUTIFUL MIXED BABIES!!!
Wyatt Bailey
How you doin mohammad ?....is it true that the prophet fucked a nine year old and then roamed around with cum stained clothes until told to clean up by said 9 year old ?......just curious
Aaron Garcia
Only if you permit us to dump our residual nuclear waste in your country
Anthony Nguyen
State-enforced castration of poor people, but first we need to overthrow the govt and establish fascism
David Phillips
I like the part where he gets beat up by Durgesh.
Sebastian Reyes
you already did... we call them gypsies
Elijah Jones
indira used to do that right you give in your balls, they give you a free radio kek
Stop being so delusional.....most Indians are too emotionally driven to allow a purely meritocratic society which will surely lead to the deaths of those who live on the dole.....let alone castrate them..........the herd will get thinned by natural causes such as unemployment due to AI and advancing tech NOT anything state-sponsored......also, Indians don't have the stomach for fascism either.
Easton Gomez
chinks could probably pull it off. asian mode is easy mode when it comes to trapping.
"asian mode is easy mode" - oh my fucking sides XDXDXD
Luis Moore
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Please God let this be real
Colton Russell
just go to war already then send qt refugees
Andrew Powell
Let them come to Europe :)
Thomas Cox
i will never understand why anyone would post this shit online
Logan Mitchell
You will be among the first victims poo bro, people using ellipses unnecessarily are to be executed on sight.
Juan Cooper
If you could take over pakis anad bangla and convert them back to Hinduism (over a fire, if necessary), that would be a step forward for humanity
Andrew Cooper
>Will the real incel rebellion break out in India/China? You think all the rape gangs in India are a comedy routine or something?
Jose Rodriguez
>implying chinks and poos will be any luckier in europe Wishful thinking
Robert Roberts
Wyatt Stewart
i think they're funny
Jordan Edwards
send them all to europe, we need doctors, engineers, incels, street and train poopers, dog eaters, rapists, more unemployed, anti white racists, welfare queens, and all those great things that crawl out of asia by the millions
Oh please, we have enough subhumans living in India as it is. If anything, I'd support a Deus Ex like incurable virus to spread all over Pakistan and Bangladesh and forever decimate the inbred genes that reside there.
Robert Bailey
>the virgin Sanjay >the CHAD Durgesh
Brayden Hall
>street and train poopers >dog eaters >rapists kek
Luke Cox
They'll be luckier with your white women
Christopher Sanchez
ha. havent seen this in awhile get a good chuckle every time i see it
Isaac Jackson
For comedy. That guy is clearly his dad or uncle and they thought it'd be funny.
Why the fuck is people still aborting the female children? With such a shortage of women you would think you could get a good bride price to make it all worthwhile.
Logan Rivera
>men have movies and video games and millions of other things to ocuppy themselves with So you're saying that we won't see any shit hitting the fan until the grid goes down for a few weeks.
What else is new?
Logan Reyes
Still some toilets needed for Biharis and eastern states to make pooper power 2020.
How many and how strong are the separatists movements?
a little insight?
Cooper Powell
UP and Bihar (the states with 55 and 36%) together have over 300m people.
Austin Perry
faggot ?...seriously ? I can cover your sister's face in 6 inches of dense cum you pink colored goofball. Also, every country has the poor BUT India is composed of poor people as the vast majority, deal with it
Isaiah Long
My state is full of poor fucks yet we are at 100%, its just that those biharis have culture and they will defecate on the streets no matter how much you pay them
David Ward
handheld and portable consoles comicbooks manga we are all tame by now and nothing will happen
> Flexing about how many toilets you got Can't make this shit up
Jonathan Brown
you didn't answer my question mohammad......I'm waiting
Ryder Howard
but are they for real/actually trying or are they just saying but not actually doing anything?
Isaiah Price
Only real problem are the Kashmiri separatists, 3 of them were encountered today. Majority of khalistan supporters just flee to Canada and settle there. Majority of the commiefags in chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa easily get btfo by police force.
Should have abused more eclipses.. Like... This.....
Mason Johnson
"Majority of khalistan supporters just flee to Canada and settle there" - give it a decade and they'll start demanding a khalistan in Canada; human nature never changes. As for the muslims in Kashmir, they can join Pakistan if they so desperately want to except that the land belongs to the republic of India and they can go fuck themselves in case they want it.
Charles Stewart
They're not separatists, they're just really poor and uneducated. Separatists aren't common at all. Right now the only "separatist" movements are in some southern states like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, and the North Eastern mountain states, plus Kashmir obviously. The southern states seem to want greater representation since northern states like the aforementioned up and Bihar receive more money from the central government than they pay whole it's vice versa for the south. Kashmir is a shitshow due to Muslims crying oppression but refusing to stop blowing people up. Overall, I'd say separatist movements in India are a power grab and definitely illegitimate.
Gavin Rodriguez
implying canada is not khalistan already
William Taylor
no they're just all gonna go to western europe for free humanitarian aid sex.
Dang son, you be tacitly calling me crazy yo ?, aye yo lemme telya somethin - people who drag them sorry asses on a forum meant for them discussions only to nag bout teh text, be austictic and shiiet.
Levi Price
What is life in India like?
Lucas Morris
Well, amma be agriing vidya on dat
Joseph Rodriguez
>Sino-Indian war Wont happen. As big as Pajeets talk they know they would get killed like fish in a barrel since their army still relies almost entirely on human wave tactics. Last time they started a war with China +30% of the Pajeet got rekt, +10% wounded and +35% captured, while the Chinese side suffered less than 1% deaths. The gap has only grown since then.
Parker Jones
The Islamic Golden Age is less of a myth than a significant number of brown loving white women. But keep trying if it makes you feel good, I pity your insecurity.
Kevin Price
Its okay poo bro, we get it.
Leo Kelly
Most poos dont find whites as attractive as browns.
Evan Carter
Makes sense. Both China and India are overpopulated so it's only natural some of those people don't find a partner/reproduce. Birth rate adjusts naturally. At some point population will decrease and when having kids is necessary again, it will go back up. Both China and India will experience a drop in population in the second half of this century.
Josiah Rodriguez
This one always brightens my day. Those Indian guys are pretty funny
Carson Walker
I was thinking about this the other day. They need to create a society where women outnumber men at least 5 to 1. The average man could live like a king if that were the case. More jobs would be available for way higher pay, more women available, better quality of life.
Caleb Price
Yes, we get it indeed. Now, are you planning to contribute to the present discussion or are u just gonna fulfill your daily autistic screeching quota and leave ?