What are "traditional western values"?

What are "traditional western values"?
> mfw patterson keep talking about how great it is but doesn't define it.

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- fighting for Israel
- worshiping a jewish anarcho-communist that called gentiles dogs, and the pharisee that expanded his cult to Europe
- watching the BASED BLACK MAN cuck you

Laughing at people who are different

judeo christian values

What exactly is she trying to screw with that flat head screwdriver? Is there anything women don't fuck up?

>Property Rights
>Human Rights

Oh - And equality before the law - Magna Carta

And all of the above has been thoroughly subverted by (((them))) to the point of being unrecognizably corrupted especially the 'muh human rites' dogma protecting terrorists.

True, yet those are the values we must now defend and restore

pic related, 3 buttons.

Can't solve the problem without naming and publicly acknowledging it.....the christian prohibition to usury for several centuries leading to said occupation being monopolized by the jews and relentlessly used for their agendas such as safeguarding Israel at the expense of young American men must be mainstreamed.....the new/alt right is a good start.

>paganicuck is still crying
You lose. Get Over It.

christianity is losing rapidly in the first world to the internet. it probably will exist only in fragments within 2-3 generations. even a small amount of anthropological data or certain kinds of cultural fiction can cause someone to lose their faith, and information is everywhere now. I've watched it happen to many people growing up and the stats don't lie either.

you laugh at european paganism now but you might want to pay attention to history and look at what's happening with your own religion. it can happen to you as well.

>but you might want to pay attention to history and look at what's happening with your own religion. it can happen to you as well.

everything western people consider good. bravery, honesty, kindness, justice etc

stuff non-whites are universally incapable of.

some people confuse western values with western religion. really though, these values were important long before religion started using them to trick westerners into following the greater death cults. the fact that western religions are so contradictory in their stated "virtues" and decrees is evidence of this.

You should ignore these people as they do not hold western values at all and merely use empty words and lies to convert more gullible wallets to their control. Real western values are far older than any modern religion.

sorry for poorly constructed rant.

tldr: OP is a faggot.

I like this

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>large flathead
Wtf is she even doing? God even fem bots are retarded...

Add to that - self-determination and national identity.

Sounds like hell to me.

”Enlightement” era psychosis aka cancer. East asia has far superior system of values.


Yep pretty much

but it's only a matter of time until some fag comes along and tells us how all of those are bad things

You’ll have to wait pretty long since opposing cancer values is a sign of high heterosexuality.

Why do all the robot stuff then have her hold a fucking normal flat head screw driver? fucking retarded

Read Tacitus on Germany.
Most dangerous book ever according to them. A nice insight into baseline western values and customs.