MSTWW (Men Staying With Women)

Guys! I know things are looking bad out there. Women are being hypergamous and the top 20% of men get all the women.


There is hope!. We need to see women as having fallen out of grace, NOT as inherently dim-witted trend followers with no ability to think ahead whose whorish tendencies will ruin civilization.

It is on us men to rehabilitate women. We should find women who are in need such as single moms and then raise their children, but not just showering them with money, but teach them to pray the rosary and good traditional Christian values. That is how we rehabilitate western civilization

Christ taught forgiveness and redemption and these are the values that made western civilization.

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I agree.
Problem is most of Jow Forums ar r9k type mgtow manchildren who can't grow up and understand that it is their duty to find a woman, impregnate her amd take care of her. If a man maintains his manly frame there is not a chance that woman will divorce him of do one of those feminist shit tricks. Only weak men succumb to women. The more you show your weaknesses the stronger and nastier a woman becomes because she hates this role reversal but she cannot control herself. Only a man can. And not a Jow Forums boy.

The real answer here is to develop your kegal muscles and fire your sperm through the window at random couples having sex

O hell I am laughing

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Oh another women thread. In b4 300 replies. You fags never fail to disappoint

>top 20% of men get all the women
>I'm getting married to a woman
>therefore I am in the top 20% of men
This is great news!

>Giving second chance to those who deserve to be destroyed by weight of their own choices
>Suggesting to literally spend part of your life on rearing someone else's biological offspring, which is probably most unnatural thing living creature can possible do
First part shows that you may be dumb and have zero understanding of how humans work. Second - that you're just out of your fucking mind, your perception of reality is so distorted that you fail to grasp thing that even wild animals understand.

I'd sooner adopt a parentless son and raise him as my own together with a woman I love (and have biologically mine children with as well) rather than be some random single mom's provider (and it's not like you can "rehabilitate" a single mom by letting her live off your paycheck and raising her baby, you are actually making sure she's taken care of and perpetuate the mindset of her being entitled to everything and anything even though she's a slut/feminist/idiot etc). Helping disadvantaged white children is a noble goal, but there's nothing more fulfilling in life than raising your biological ones. Even more so, not having biological children when you are capable of having such is a genetic suicide.

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Let’s start a thread about failed ideologies instead