How do we redpill normies on the cult of growth and convince them that chasing ever higher GDP and better economy is in...

How do we redpill normies on the cult of growth and convince them that chasing ever higher GDP and better economy is in fact not the holy duty of homo sapiens and does not give meaning to a man's life?

Even Jow Forums lately can't see past money, because of its autistic opposition to every critique of modern capitalism.

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Unfortunately we have a grow our die economy, once growth stops everything falls apart. Of course things can not grow for ever and at some point we will reach limits to growth and the global economy will come crashing down.

Problem is with growth being so fundamental there will be no way to stop growth with out probably destroying this planet's ability to feed billions of people.

Also if global growth slows down we will experience a rapid rise in global temperatures as all of the pollution from industrial activities stops masking and reflecting incoming solar radiation. It has been calculated that the planet will warm any where from 1 to 3 degrees c once we lose the "global dimming" effect of pollution, mainly from burning dirty coal.

Dude humanity and industrial civilization has fucked itself pretty good, enjoy the good times while they last.

Growth is only fundamental because of our loans/interest system. And I just hate that Jow Forums has settled on the idea of citizens being just cows in the GDP farm. There should be more to life than creating GDP to pay interest on the loans that made my dad's school cheaper half a century ago.

Just let it collapse, bro.
Lemmings gonna lemming.

I agree user, pretty much all modern life is based around growing the gdp. I do it think we can decouple from the infinite growth paradigm with out major consequences, as you stated or economy a totally addicted t growth.

Here is the red pilling lecturer about growth

Attached: starkreality.gif (640x360, 1.9M)

People in our world are still starving, so it is a moral duty I think.

> muh GDP
I hear you bro, but Jow Forums's hatred for jews is just projecting. They don't want a better world, all they want is their sheckels

Jow Forums hates the jews out of envy. In reality, most Jow Forumstards wish they were the jews.
Ask a Jow Forums poster how they wish their country behaved and they'd basically give you Israel's strategy.