Never to be forgotten

Happy 222th birthday Karl Marx our greatest comrade

"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can
be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes
tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They
have a world to win.
Working Men of All Countries, Unite!"
Communists and civic nationalists of Jow Forums, the true and only socialists UNITE!

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>Never to be forgotten
Just like real communism is never to be tried right?

How many fucking birthdays does this nigger have?

"Gibs me dat cuz jew" - gay santa.

>I was only 19 years old.
>I loved Žižek so much, I had all the books and films.
>I pray to Žižek every night, thanking him for the knowledge he's given me. “Žižek is love” I say, “Žižek is life."
>My dad is Jordan Peterson. He hears me and calls me a cultural marxist. I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Žižek.
>I called him a pseudo-intellectual.
>He hits me and sends me to sleep.
>I'm crying now and my face hurts.
>I lay in bed, really cold. I feel something warm...
>It's Žižek! I was so happy.
>He whispers in my ear an obscene joke.
>As I laugh he grabs me with his slavic hands, and puts me on his lap. I'm ready.
>I am all ears for Žižek.
>He penetrates my mind and expands my view on the current predicament.
>It hurts so much, but I do it for Žižek. I can feel my neoliberal illusions shattering and my eyes starting to water as i am picturing future authoritarian regimes in the west.
>I want to revitalize the left.
>He sniffs a mighty sniff as he fills my young mind with his wisdom.
>My dad walks in.
>Žižek looks him straight in the eye and says,
>"We are approaching a catastrophe."
>Žižek crushes him in a debate and leaves through my window.
>Žižek is love. Žižek is life.

Attached: Zizek.jpg (640x427, 51K)

The founder of justice and peace and the basis of the greatest ideas that were never put in practice, sad but still never forgetti comrade (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
[spoiler]just maybe someday..[/spoiler]

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Please keep in mind, there never was real communism. And who told you that Marx is jewish might be a jew himself.

Communism is Judaism

You have to be 18+ to post here.

Gayest thread I've seen in a long time

Kys commies