Mixed race children can't be beauti-

Checkmate, racists.

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Literally chimps... What the fuck, I unironically want to stop having rascist thoughts but what the hell with this shit.

>Worshiping royalty
>21st century

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This mixed children are cuter shit is the most forced meme that liberals have ever pushed. Most of them are mutts with weird characteristics

>le face only a mutt could love

pick one

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thats a girl?

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I think there are a lot of cute Asian girls but when I think of the children its a huge turn off. And they would probably smell weird.

Honestly now it looks like a monkey it's crazy.

I thought it was a little boy too.

It looks like a chimp

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could fry a steak on that big ass forehead

Toll been paid yet? Keep us in the loop.

wh*te “”””people”””” are so superior you guise

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La Creatura Royale

>it's important
>has a fucking mutt
My sides are running through the 90s

Who want's a monkey baby?

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finish the sentence you ape

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Yep I’d fuck her, those are some amazing tits

exactly this.

Did she destroy those big white tits by being a coal burner? Remember ladies, once you go black, we don't want you back.

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Only mutts worship modern royalty.
And modern royalty worships them.
>Pic showing solution.

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>you can even be Hispanic but you have to be tall
spics btfo

I love how Jow Forumss argument against having mixed children is “Dur I think Dey look uglee”.

You realize that tits beyond a certain size just sag off to both sides when you fuck her right?

la monstrasidad....

>Be """"Black"""" shitposter
>Attempt to mock white people
>Target the weakest elements

>Those elements happen to be those who support nigger rights

Like pottery, white boy.

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>nazi flag
>in favor of mutts

But they look disgusting
I love how retarded shills have to be to actually think this

T. Nigger who got conquered by whites

You literally proved the argument you were fighting dipshit. Can't tell if that half nigger is boy or girl.

White people are doomed, and that is a good thing.

This is the problem with online dating. People think they can just build the perfect mate and have it delivered. They also ALWAYS list what they want from you, not what they have to offer. At least she actually Knows what curvy means though.

>my father is 6'3
He's not just 6'3 but also extremely disappointed.

That is almost all written in a foreign language to me. I can't keep track of this shit anymore.


The absolute STATE of the UK.

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