When will house be affordable again?

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just move to israel
live in the desert like jesus
if any jews or muslims stop you kill them with your memes

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After global collapse and civil wars.

Once most boomers are dead or in retirement homes.

Doesn't look so bad to me.

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That will take decades

Once you move away from the coasts to somewhere civilized.

They totally are. You must live in either the west or east coast to believe this. Like ny or ca.
But even there, houses are still affordable. And yes, I mean decent neighborhoods.

I just want enough for a small apartment and enough food to keep me alive, so that I can finally check out of society completely. Is that really too much to ask for, boomers?

just raid some lone boomers home, no one will know they're gone

what a cute little house.
put up a white picket fence
do some painting
id buy that in a heartbeat

Never ever

>flyovers actually believe this

Yes, it's pretty overrated. Moving away from Long Island was the best decision I made in my life.

When you get a job, neetfag.

Detroit, what happened there made houses cheep. the easier solution is make more money

lol niggers

How so

Damn dude, that's not bad for 8 acres. You could sell that which you don't use to an interested party, or do some light farming. All for under 200k? Sign me the fuck up.

Also, people should realize these days that a mortgage payment (even including property tax) is less monthly than rent in many, many cases. The barrier for entry is saving up 10-20% of the home's value for a down payment.

All this requires is discipline and planning.

when u build one, fagget

It's 0.8 acres I think.

Oh, its 0.8 acres. Nevermind.

> suggesting getting a mortgage
Kike detected.

Read too fast. Derp.

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The alternative is you pay rent to the kikes and have nothing to show for it. The kikes win every time. Screw them over in other ways.

Housing is affordable in the vast majority of the US.

Rude, I already got a job

You’d like the Midwest then, lots of little cute affordable houses like this with good yards. As long as you avoid the large cities you can find decent house prices.

Didn't know things were that bad.
No wonder you elected Trump.

It's totally possible, and I'm trying to tell my peers this. They think I'm crazy. I think they are degenerate fucks that are too busy playing the bing bing wahoo simulator to think critically enough to invest properly.

10 years ago that same price got you a 2 story, 4 bedroom house with a full finished basement.

Pls reply

This is a sad, sad truth.

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Never. Mexicans needs to be housed.

Depends on the retirement home

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I hear that the Michigan housing marking is getting a lot of pressure from people leaving Illinois.

and it would be a 10 year newer house too

Most people live paycheck-to-paycheck and don't have the foresight to build savings. All you've got to do is save up the down payment (ezpz with a couple of years of budgeting) and you've got cheap housing for life.

Everything is a thousand times more affordable and jobs are everywhere. I found a really nice place to rent for about $500 and a part-time job in a warehouse easily pays all the bills. On long island I literally couldn't afford to move out of my parents house into anything other than somebody else's basement for nearly twice as much.

Wait until the next crisis to buy from people who purchased their homes during the bubble

when though?

Living paycheck to paycheck is a very bad and difficult habit to break. Especially if circumstances out of your control get in the way.

And I agree with you

don't even fucking think about it. Realitors know banks will dish out (((mortgages))) to any amount, causing homes to be overvalued. Anyone investing in real-estate would shoot themselves before they tried to sell for profit less than atleast 100k on your average suburban/rural home.

Don't count on it anytime soon. Half the homes are owned by banks, and the other half full of hanging bodies and gunshot brains on the wall, to be scooped up also by the banks after the state hands them it for cheap.

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buy an RV instead my niggas

no property tax
dont need a car
can travel and see the world
comfy and helpful community

When fractional reserve banking is illegal, inflation is destroyed, and we have a regulated market so greedy capitalists can't overprice commodities for more capital such as houses. in the 1930's and 40's and nice house was no more than $50,000, the same house is worth like $600,000 today. Also 30 year mortgages are not normal as well, or even 15 year.

never user

a* nice house

After all the boomer reverse mortgages default when they die. Should be sometime in the next ten to twenty years, but it is already starting.

What state bro

>don't need a car
Yes, let me do errands in a 1mpg behemoth.


I'd buy a murder/suicide house in a heartbeat. Redo the drywall, put a fresh coat of paint up, get some new carpeting, you'd never even notice.

I not going to buy a house until I'm sure I can both find a house I like and was sure I liked the area enough to settle there. Renting is good when you're trying to get to know the area.

way high on your prices even is the early 70's Huntington beach ca pic related much lower. in the 1930's more like $500

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>you'd never even notice.

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What? You expect me to drive cross-country and just buy a house in a town I've never been to before instead? That's utterly retarded.

Long Island bros. I can knew many of us would enter this thread.

Suffolk. Kill me.

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Yes, yes, yes! Keep going full Goldilocks! Schlomo loves him some rent checks.

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That's not your clay anymore user, they sold it to foreign interests during the decline of western civilization and heavy metal.

>once we kill the last boomer..

As I said before, the rent is cheap and it's only until I can find a house I like. I'm not going to flip it like a retarded boomer.

This has happened before.
In a small town, somebody killed a boomer without anybody knowing. The killer moved into the boomers house and went to great lengths to make it seem like the boomer wasn't dead, even going as far as to send the dead boomer's granddaughter christmas cards. He did this for years, slowly siphoning off his savings accounts and carrying on as usual.

Land is dirt cheap.


Buy then build.


And your neighbors would be white too!

Once you ethnically cleanse the invaders and retake your property.

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Yo buy a vespa to go with you babyboomermobile. duh.

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In the current place you live; would you even know if there was a murder/suicide that took place before you moved in? With the exception of those faggot states that must state if the house is (((haunted))).

I was going to buy a house last year but i put it off because i want to get a place out in the country with a bunch of land. I want to buy a Barrett but you really need your own land, there's no ranges here with targets rated for .50 BMG.

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never. those days of white families affording homes is over completely. it is (((their))) plan.

So 12-15 years?

and only a quick 6 hour drive to work.

Nashville area is the next Austin, Texas. So many Californians are moving there already

>tfw I can afford a house like this on my own income
>tfw marrying someone who also makes as much as I do

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Housing will never be affordable again. Pandoras box has been opened.

>no land


Poor people don't deserve houses.

Literal cuckshed


>tfw inherited a nice house

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Did you inherit high libshit property taxes as well?

nah, I live in the south with low property taxes and the house is totally paid off.

It's nice, but it requires a lot of maintenance and new things are always needing to be repaired.

I plan on selling it and buying a much smaller home out west in an even lower cost of living area

Found the working class boomer who still thinks money is going to trickle down on him any day now. LMAO

>relying on big government daddy's juice to feed and clothe them

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move to the midwest. It's comfy and affordable living.

>Being salty that parents didn't accomplish anything before shitting out kids
>Thus having to live a life a poverty

Housing may be cheap again after the next market crash ~10 years. But, you probably won't have any money since the stock market and economy crashed. Better get yourself a cuckshed ASAP. At least you might have that.

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>needing land
I'm not a fucking farmer. The more land I have the more it'll cost me to pay someone to take care of it

he says to the guy who inherited a house and a large lump some of liquid assets

Since when is inheritance a bad thing? My parents worked hard so I could live comfortably pursuing a higher education instead of having to slave away at some job. Whats wrong with that?

There’s still hope in flyover states