She fucking won.
She fucking won
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He fucking won
Will we ever see the end of leftist butthurt?
Nope. Even after the DNC eats itself, they'll still be butthurt
Bernie lost the popular vote by 4 million votes.
Face the facts.
>le 48% face
>1 post by this id
When you take out HIlary's illegal votes, no, she didn't.
ur shitposting i know but check this out.will lawnmow your mind lefty.
Popular vote, not elections. Thank God it is not some democracy but a Republic - sage
And thats why she's president
Nice try.
>Hillary Clinton: 16,914,722 (55.2%)
>Bernie Sanders: 13,206,428 (43.1%)
She won nationally by almost four million votes and a double digit percentage. She won every big state (CA, TX, FL, NY, etc.), while Sanders's wins were mostly just a bunch of dinky caucuses. He literally "won" North Dakota with 200-something votes.
I don't know why Drumphies are crying so much in this thread. She did win the majority of votes.
Jow Forums has always been a democratic board.
r_TD incels need to go back to their hug box/ safe-space
Yeah sure Donald got checkmate but Hillary had more pieces on the board! She fucking WON. IT WAS HER TURN.
>Hillary doesn't give Bernie his portion of the delegates based on votes
>Trump should give his portion of electoral votes to Hillary
>Still doesn't know how US Federal election process works.
Than I guess anything bad that happens during this four year period is her fault.
I keep my fingers crossed that she will win a trip to prison for the rest of her miserable life.
your government is corrupt and does not actually do what the people want ? oh wow what a surprise
Jow Forums BTFO!
before you say anything yes my government is the same
But he lost the popular vote by a gigantic margin...
This is a now a Hildawg thread!
hillary kicked 4 field goals
trump scored 3 touchdowns
4>3 drumpftards btfo
She had the dankest may mays by far.
Nah. Popular vote isn't tallied correctly. Every time we do recounts and vote audits, the numbers swing. In states like California, Texas, Utah, Washington where it's obvious who the winner is, they aren't too careful with the details. Whether somebody wins by 25%, 18%, or 11% doesn't matter as long as they win. If we did elect a President by popular vote, a 2% difference, less than three million votes, would have to open a vote audit for the entire country, and all these states where they don't sweat the details because the winner is obvious will end up making big changes.
Bottom line is that the popular vote is a curiosity that isn't tabulated correctly. It's not official by any means; it's just something that news organizations come up with. If we combed through every vote in the country, we'd find all kinds of shit.
We aren't the fucking same and we never will be, cuck.
I'm referring to how she didn't give him the delegates in states he won the popular vote yet didn't get the amount of delegates he was suppose to. Why didn't she say how unfair that is and give him the delegates? Cause it's only ok when she does it
But he lost the popular vote by an insane margin.
Are you sure you're not retarded?
That's the population vote not the electoral vote. He got more electoral
you keep telling yourself that
Are you? Read the picture I posted dumvass. She didn't give him the delegates he was suppose to get
More liberal tears please.
Because no one has posted this yet
Correctomundo. Been involved in elections and exact numbers in bullshit. All kinds of stuff goes on locally that changes numbers, some nefarious but mostly bias related.
You literally have anti-knife campaigns and Orwellian thought police that care more about anti-islam tweets than rapes and murders. Fuck off redcoat.
I mean yeah she wanted here completely fucking retarded ingrate who doesn't know how the American electoral system works the u.s. is a republic with Democratic principles not a democracy
en souvenir d'avicii
et de son comba contre la pédofilie elitiste
She lost. The vast majority of her votes we're from illegal mexishits and shouldn't have counted anyway. Why do you think commiefornia wants the mexishits in so badly? They will all vote Democrat even though they don't constitutionally have the right to vote . This is the world you wanted OP. Enjoy having to learn an alien language in your own country in order to get a job.
The only reason she won so many votes is the Bernie supporters became jaded and stopped voting once they realized the fix was in.
Even in their own memes Hilltown is a Barren Wasteland
> checks out
Exclude illegal aliens voting and your standard democat vote fraud from graveyards and shipping shitskins around in busses to vote more than once and the popular vote was about even. Of course since the popular vote is not what is counted in a presidential election this whole "she won the popular vote" is pretty stupid.
What delegates? He got raped.
your government is turning into that too the younger generations want to ban guns that will only be the beginning in about 10 years time you will be in the same shit hole as me and i will probably be beheaded for not following Sahara law
whats up moodles
>y-your government is turning into that!
>the younger generations want to ban guns even though they're buying guns more than ever!
>you'll be just like me soon!
Except we have massive stockpiles of guns and ammo in civilian hands and all you have is your limp penis.
This made me laugh way harder than it should have.
whatever perhaps you are right what do i know ? i don't even know what is right and wrong anymore just promise me you will not make the same mistakes as my government did
Oh look it's this thread. Again.
this is a slide thread
get in here
We really aren't, though. Your experience living in America changes dramatically based on where you live. States like Massachusetts where they tax your balls off and you have to jump through hoops for guns, or states like Washington where they don't have an income tax at all and you can carry a gun as long as you don't have any violent felonies.
Lefties are federalists who believe in federal solutions, but most, if not all, of your interactions with the government will be with your local and state governments. They decide your healthcare, access to marijuana, criminal penalties, licenses, registrations, how you vote, how you get an ID, pretty much everything. Obamacare is the federal government saying that you have to buy insurance, but the insurance options you have are done by state govs. If you want government gibs programs like food stamps, housing assistance, medicaid, that stuff is all from your state government too.
Your experience varies wildly depending on where you live. Every interaction a person has with "the government" outside of filing taxes with the IRS is with their local or state government, from guns, taxes, registration, licensing, healthcare, benefits, starting a business, whatever.
The 3% will rise again when the economy implodes (as it was systematically designed to).
If Clinton won, we'd be having a civil war thread months ago.
Fuck off, kike.
how new are you
>She fucking won.
She did win at being the funniest person in 2016.
>he lost the popular vote by an insane margin
That insane margin is the votes in 4 boroughs in NYC or the illegal-only votes just in California. It's nothing because popular vote doesn't matter. Electors sent to Electoral College matters.
She lost by 8m votes
user pls. This meme has never been more appropriate.
She fucking lost
Having thousands of illegals voting for you in Los Angeles does not mean you won, you stupid potato nigger
fig. [a][1]
>official dnc results
lol you never even had a chance
Counties aren't people. Just because someone wins a county, doesn't mean they got 100% of the vote either.