In the media >Patrick Little got more support than any other Republican candidate in an April 27 SurveyUSA poll. Little polled at 18%, compared with Feinstein's 39%. The next highest-performing GOP candidate came in at 8%. >On his blog, Little identifies himself as "the only America first candidate in California." He also asserts that there is no evidence the Germans killed 6 million Jews during World War II and that Hitler ordered that "Jews in internment were to be treated well." >According to Little, [...], "there were concert halls, swimming polls, soccer fields, ice cream, and many other luxuries at Auschwitz."
>“I am the only America First candidate in California,” Little proclaims on his website. “No more of Feinstein’s jewish supremacist wars for Israel.” >Aghast at the possibility of being represented by a Senate candidate whose platform calls for “limiting representation of Jews in the government” and making it U.S. policy that the Holocaust “is a Jewish war atrocity propaganda hoax that never happened,” ...
Not gonna lie, former Little voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Little crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy shut down the ZOG conference.
Fuck off kike, actually having a politician tell Israel to go fuck off for once is what this goddamn country needs
Jonathan Rogers
idk, expand on that a little.
Leo Young
I live in CA and would literally go to the ballet and vote for this guy but im not even a registered voter and dont feel like needlessly wasting my time to go through all of that when i already knows theres no chance thaf hes going to win. does anyone else feel the same way about this?
Which means both Wesleys are Jewish seeing as they're related. I've already backtraced the phone number to verify the connections and they check out.
Jeremiah Barnes
True American patriot. Dog bless this man
Jaxon Brown
It is always funny seeing the shills work overtime trying to discredit woke goys from running for office. They are so scared it is unbelievable.
Austin Johnson
>According to Little, [...], "there were concert halls, swimming polls, soccer fields, ice cream, and many other luxuries at Auschwitz."
Denying the holocaust might be believe, but that is some next level bullshit.
Eli Nguyen
even some of the survivors attested to this, in on-camera interviews. look it up, i was suprised too.
Jason Thomas
It's some kike who keeps spamming this information-less montage with star of David's. Keeps saying his website "goes back to Jews", and offers no information as to wtd that even means or how he knows that.
Christian Howard
this is a fucking joke lol. the first picture doesn't support your argument at all.
wow, it is almost like jews kills prophets by forcing everyone to be perfect or stfu
found the kikes.
fucking gas yourselves.
Ryder Johnson
Yep the merchants are shaking in their boots with this guy