Pure white family

>pure white family
>has policies designed to move all the brown people out of his country
>tough on illegal immigrants which forces them to go to neighboring countries
>secretly redpilled on race

is he /our guy/?

Attached: 15639.jpg (960x640, 84K)

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>has policies designed to move all the brown people out of his country

Attached: 1465233809847.jpg (240x180, 14K)

>>has policies designed to move all the brown people out of his country
Where is his family gonna go?

>pure white
Lmao the son looks like a janitor at my gym


I would bang everyone in that pic.

I have no idea who those people are. Can't even guess which country.


They look really neato

>>pure white family
easy pancho

It's the president of mexico. Enrique Peña Nieto

Literally who? I'd hate fuck la creatura on the left tho

Attached: bueno.jpg (600x607, 72K)


dong loving op should at least stop hiding behind meme flags if he doesn't want to give us a name

>pure white family
put a bullet in your brain spic, they're arabs at best

Mexico is in danger of becoming a big Venezuela since commies are trying to take over, this guy is saving it as we speak.

Attached: 1517292616321.jpg (250x210, 15K)

>pure white family
yea, okay

Thanks Luigi.

>pure white family
Show your flag spic

Attached: 1508797756145.png (418x370, 24K)

Mexicans are white. Yes, many have some amerindian blood, but all europeans are mixed, some more than others, it seems unfair to draw the line at mexicans who are partially sometimes mostly white, when greeks or southern Italians are considered white
We need to welcome mexicans into white nationalism and the fight against the jew

Stop the divide and conquer shit and purity spiralling, you are helping the kikes. Stop bringing down your white brothers and sisters in mexico with petty insults

Thats "white" mexicans for you.

without trying to offend anyone, I heard that in Mexico, the more ''white'' looking folk are considered ''higher class''
Is this true?

>this passes as white in the US of A


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Defintely not white go fuck urself u worthless spic amerimutt

Cocksucking motherfuckers are flooding the US with drugs to ruin our kids, does anyone think anyone of these cocksucker's is any good??

>cia deep state puppet
sure paco


God you're stupid.

Yeah. Pure aryans are like Gods here no joking.

He has to be in the pocket of the drug lords otherwise he would have declared war on them, and probably have been assassinated by now.

> Mexicans are white

Stfu Leaf, even a ‘’’’’’’redpilled leaf’’’’’ is still and utter and absolute fucking cuck, fuck sake, eat a bullet