Technology hate thread

all new technology is throway made in china garbage with planned obsolence. It isnt sustainable and would never existed without (((outsourcing))).

why is every new technology built in an ugly way, hard to repair, pricey and shortlasting?

is that the (((way of the future)))?

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Other urls found in this thread:

have I also mentioned that people live in overpriced (((drywall))) houses like cattle while we tweet and update our statues on supercool futuristic devices that tell us what the popular opinions are?

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Because "management" keeps a cash flow. A cure or solution ends it.

what happened to the last thread?

ended, too much responses

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Let's do that again then

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No homo but thats a sexy ass train

the only way to fix this for you is to bring back the Iron Curtain

we should make it a daily thread, too much of stem futurist techis here non woke on (((tech)))

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>the end of history

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blame greed
blame modern art

>hard to repair, pricey and shortlasting
Flattening a rock into hair-thin waffers and shoving lightening through to make it beam all of humanity in digital form to you 24/7 in 4kUHD is harder than using heated water from burning rocks to push metal bits around.

Any more questions?

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>Flattening a rock into hair-thin waffers and shoving lightening through to make it beam all of humanity in digital form to you 24/7 in 4kUHD is harder than using heated water from burning rocks to push metal bits around.

that is all cool and impressive but why are we getting poorer and gayer if we have all that progress?

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Hard times > Strong men > Good times > *Weak men*

Everything is Chinese.

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would be more interesting than 99% of content on this cesspool

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How much would that be today with inflation?

I think smth aroung 40k usd, not meming.

but hey at least you have an iphone and new yeezies, youre going places kid...

American businesses basically created china

true, euro industry is still somehow holding, but on its way out to china as well

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>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your knowledge or consent...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"

What a faggy thread

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>Hey user why don't you get rid of that pesky job of yours so we can get you a high paying (((tech job)))?
>Don't you want a $100,000 per year job in (((tech)))? Just get rid of that job of yours
>Vocations are for trash plebs anyways
2 years later...
>Hey Mr Shecklstien I got rid of my good paying job like you asked, where is my (((tech job)))?
>Sorry user, we gave it to Pajeet. He is cheaper than you
>What about my old job, Mr Shecklstien?
>We gave that to Paco. He is cheaper than you.
Why do people keep falling for the (((tech job))) meme anyways?

discord and neon genesis evangelion I like but yeah everything else is gay.

>economy collapses every 5 years (planned by globalists)
>massive layoffs every 5 years
>import millions of shitskins to replace those natives layed off
>impoverished natives get health issues
>get bankrupt by medical bills
>go homeless
>get on heroin
white genocide was never as easy as this

meanwhile trafficked poojeets/chinks are now the highest stolen income earners from the whites that perished under the globalist white genocide scheme

Based Croat, nice uncle Ted thread

good thread, brother. they don't build things like they used to.

why are you such a moron?

look how the screen curves to the sides on this shitty s7 in order for it to break more easily when it falls

those are nice cars, Italians also make nice clothes and stuff, but those are all luxury good, Im interested in the average man who is falling behind drastically.

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>we should make it a daily thread, too much of stem futurist techis here non woke on (((tech)))
I don't get this logic. You can either suck it up to mr shekelstein and stay angry that people aren't woke, encourage products that tick your checkboxes, or start a company and do whatever the fuck you want with it and try to stay afloat while ticking your checkboxes and managing to secure funding from the mr shekelstein you hate so much

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>or start a company and do whatever the fuck you want with it and try to stay afloat while ticking your checkboxes and managing to secure funding from the mr shekelstein you hate so much

its a 2 prong approach but I would definetly like to have a good hipster company that created quality and beautiful, but at the same time usefull homemade goods.

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Those are both McMansions, the top is a big mac and the bottom a filet 'o fish

was this in correspondence with lutz dammbeck?

art deco was the last great aesthetic style.

well put, i was going to say the same but less eloquently.

Well the curved glass is so you can more easily use the very edges of the touchscreen.
I prefer the old flat ones too, but there is a technical reason for it being curved.

Similar reason most of them don't have removable batteries anymore. It's a lot harder to make waterproof phones if the batteries are removable, and you can make better use of the limited space if they're not removable.

Thanks for link

i remember looking at this as a kid. really cool place and worth a visit if you're ever over this way

>homemade goods
jesus fren, you're taking us back 200 years. Even with maker tools, you wouldn't be able to get anywhere close to the productivity, and hell, reliability and quality of some bumass taiwanese goods

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>Guns won't work
>Famine won't work
>Laws won't work
Its sad really. All you have to do to get a white person to destroy themselves is to tell them that it is worth it

curved class is barely functionable, its hard to use the edge anyway, their thinking was bling.

>It's a lot harder to make waterproof phones if the batteries are removable, and you can make better use of the limited space if they're not removable.

its easier for them, but right now I have an expensive tablet with a non removable batery that is starting to fail...makes me want to rage. Make the batery changlable like in all sustainable technologies, its a total scam.

>Even with maker tools, you wouldn't be able to get anywhere close to the productivity, and hell, reliability and quality of some bumass taiwanese goods

noone said it was easy.

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>don't have removable batteries anymore

this brings me to another point - everything is proprietary these days and hard to modify or repair.

footwear is a great example, historically it wasnt as affordable so it was desinged in a way to last as much it cant - uppers were durable leather and lowers were replacable, I think its called Dunlop stitch. Todays footwear has molded soles so its only possible for a complany to replace it not a shoe repair man who can do it for cheaper.

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Please don't include Lain in this just because it's too deep for you.

Fucking kek. You shit on technology when technology gives you the very platform you speak on, irony is a bitch ain't it?

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pic rel

millions of this usefull things get binned every year, why? not because they stopped working, but because battery stopped working.

pure throwaway model pure unsustainability, in the end horrid ROI

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we need to make this into a daily thing

Surely you don't bin the actual tool. They made the battery pack detachable for a reason, and even then, my drunkard neighbor Sergei knows how to fix it since it's usually just one, maybe two batteries from the array that need replacement.

I want to make technology more sustainable, longer lasting, MADE LOCALLY, what is your problem about it?

this is how much houses used to cost we are moving backwards my nigger

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Evangeleon is a masterpiece, though it is generally true that all anime fandoms are filled with onions

You fucking brainlet.
He is shitting on scam technology.
Something that affects the 99% of consumer base

they symmetry is very appealing

pic rel example of a brilliant USA DESIGNED product. Made in China, which they admit, but that is what you get for outsourcing and cucking your own workers.

reliable, made out od SSTEEL.

>Surely you don't bin the actual tool.

even if you dont, what can you do with it without betteries? all bateries are proprietary to the model of the drill and you only get 2 per drill.

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We do false activities to "contribute to society"
But it's all fake.
There's enough food to feed everyone.
Enough homes to house everyone
Enough automation to have a society of recreation
Anyone could literally be anything they wanted, but they're forced against it.
We have forced scarcity
Planned obsolescence.
Fake "outrages" in the media

We are now living in the hyper-reality. We strove to change the world, and now that its changed, we're fighting to keep it the same.

Fuck this globalist shit.



not the desing of it, but the qualtiy of fasade, its not a fasade actually but plastic MaxCompact pannels - life expectancy od that plastic? 30 years max. It gets cooked by the sun, all new expenisve building here with yuppie features like light regulation have it as an outer.

its total dogshit.

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the average man is not falling behind in my opinion, what is actually happening is that the white race is no longer "the standard", so it makes you feel alienated.

I think about it in the terms of Jungian global unconcious - it has now shifted to the black race, which might prove to be dominant in the future, and is young, which is why everything feels crass, vulgar, animalistic, primal, totemic, rhytmic, etc.

The age of glory is coming to an end essentially, west europeans have fully retreated, and american culture is now essentially more and more "alien" to us, as it is not made for us in the first place.

Tech will seem more and more alien, it does reflect the civ that builds it, which is why all russian tech has that near mongolian, free feel, like ak or whatever, and all american is now soulless and gigantic.

now campare that plastic dogshit to the humble red brick (better isolation, more durable, YES you build it slower)

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You just beh new betteries.

Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.

anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food

Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)

Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits

Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children

advancement of technology is the most important thing in my opinion - maybe there exists a bottleneck after which new improvements will be impossible - i think we have almost reached it in some engines and there are no massive improvements anymore, only small ones.

Personally, i think it will keep progressing for the next 70 years until the only changes are just cosmetics at which point, due to resource shortage, we will build stuff to LAST, and that will be it. Or something, i dont know.

I was going to get a pair of these this month. I've worn redwing boots for years now. I wanted one of these more aesthetic traditional pairs, but they charge some ridiculous price like 260 dollars for them. Its boots that I want to wear and beat up. The last pair I got from them I paid something like 75 and they've lasted me about 5 years of work so far, but they're falling apart and not super aesthetic.

Most things which look great are expensive, this shit used to be the affordable stuff.

I work for various black budget projects. We had working tech back then that still hasn't even been revealed yet that is the stuff you see in science fiction. But it is real. Anti gravity, force fields, active camouflage, zero point field propulsion. This was over 30 years ago. This technology is world changing/destabilizing. And is kept in check by the corporations who have the most to lose by its release. Example. Those toy drones that all the kids are playing with. We developed those back in the late 70s. They have been used for years as observation and weapons platforms. I assume that the only reason they are all over the public sector is because something more advanced is currently in use by the agencies.

plastic was a mistake

ever heard of carbon as a bike frame material? initial cost at least 4x that of steel or alu
pic rel
almost impossible to recycle it btw.

kudos for bosch but not all companies sell the spare parts.

there is progress, I dont deny it, but the quality of it is to win the X of the week not thinking about it being user friendly and long lasting.

Fiat money and Fed lones made it possible for this unsustainable tech to fluorish.

>Most things which look great are expensive, this shit used to be the affordable stuff.

260usd isnt even that much, Timbs here cost more new.
But people buy used, repaired it, give them to their kids. Quality was never cheap, but people used to appreciate it...and the work behind it.

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>reppressed Evolution of Man
Human civilization and advancement has been stagnant. All our technologies have not uplifted the condition of man and we still struggle with the same problems of 100 and even 1000 years ago.
We all know that Tesla wanted to advance human civilization forward by 1000 years, with free energy harnessing the earth's electromagnetic energy and transmitting it globally through the ionospehere and other advanced technologies,


look at this crap, its lifespan is 2 years max, impossible to repair, all proprietary and fragile. GAY!

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yup, just look at the new civic type r. fancy overdesigned trash with a keyless ignition so you can pay $800 every time it breaks which will definitely happen.

they only black projects you're working on is letting jamal fuck your wife

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>keyless ignition so you can pay $800 every time it breaks which will definitely happen.

same with modern Audi interiors. Something fails? well that is just TOO BAD! Pay 2k for it to be replaced, you arent anti-technology arent you?

Audi Quattros of the 80s and 90s were built like a Lada tank.

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I dont know, for me the worst case scenario would be that precisely because we focus on longevity, we make improvement cycles slower - and any other country just overtakes us. I think that is why even the US just has to do it, everything became disposable.

What is interesting is that all the debilitating behaviour that wrecks societies is brought by proliferation of tech - that's just what we live now. We also mirror the technology we use.

Humanity has improved leaps and bounds, but so have our desires, which is natural. However, that feeling of "wrongness" is a distinct modern phenomenon, alienation. I actually dont care about free energy, but that even if there was free energy, the same technology would produce a less interesting, uniform world, no matter what.

Our demands are human contact that feels REAL, spiritual reality where we can escape, and other, equally important things. Modern tech is reactive - we respond to it, it has a life of its own. Fuck, look at stock markets - some random numbers might end up with you losing your house. No wonder we are all nervous.

The mallard was my favourite train as a child

>because we focus on longevity, we make improvement cycles slower

this is a myth they try to sell you.

I've got a pair I never wear because they're not that comfortable, how much could I sell them for ?

and this useless POS, irreplacable batteries...

>how much could I sell them for ?

at least 50% of initial price. they hold value like all good technology.

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>lol hypocrite XDDD
This is what you resort to when you can't think of any real rebuttal against whatever anyone says.

Nowadays, technology is the only means by which to spread messages to dispersed populations. For this purpose, it is a necessary evil. There is no contradiction. Idiot.

Artificial Social media personalities.
In 15 years probably less /pol going to be cheering some Jewish CGI generated white supremacist on YouTube.
Created solely for the purpose of containment, and cataloging.

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I noticed that shit with phones
Last years iphone is worthless for example
Some years ago people here at least, either sold their own phones, bought new for the full price, stole, pawned and shifted both phones and their money value.
Now with the providers, you can get a brand new phone for 'free' if you gave a bill on the phone company, or choose a bigger package.
If there is a moron that buys an expensive phone, it will be worthless in a year.
Same with computres even. I still cant fathom the fact that the xp is old

Serfs in feudal Europe lived better than you dipshit.

A serf in feudal Europe got his own land, a young virgin wife, got to have many kids and pass on his genes, worked less than 40 hours a week, and it was all white people.

A modern worker in a capitalist country like America, could work 40 hours a week, and barely be able to afford a 1-room apartment, and be a fucking incel, or MAYBE date some used-up slut with HPV who will eventually divorce and take the kids + alimony + child-support if you ever actually got married and had kids.

But sure, capitalism isn't the problem.

Capitalism is great.

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I hate the modern world, seeing young children glued to their smartphones doesnt make it better.

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>this post
proceed to neck yourself till dead you fucking imbecile
a serf in feudal europe had to work on his master's land and get a tiny bit of the produce for himself, got a wife if he managed to get to marrying age alive, had 10 kids in the hope that 2 survived until adulthood, was drafted in some random wanker's war to fight in a piece of burlap while his wife got to be raped by a horde of turks and his. If you were a lucky motherfucker and got to see 40 years of age, maybe if you're fucking exceptional, 60.
jesus christ I can't even

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>this post
proceed to neck yourself till dead you fucking imbecile
a cuck in britanistan suck on his master's Paki cock just to taste a bit of kebab produced from the meat of his ex-neighbor
jesus christ I can't even

I bought them yesterday and they are actually $319 and worth every fucking penny you dumb, poor nigger. Stick with Walmart mossy oak boots

You're off by $100k.

Good times with Hard men

building on foundations.
It's a lot like how a person goes through hardship and sacrifice to start up a business, eat shit for a long while but establish a foundation, then when they pass it on to their kid, they don't have to go through the phase again in order to build upon the business.

Hard work ---> Push for technology or technique development to make hard work easier ---> Future generations reap benefit of less hard work ---> Loss of aspects associated with the hard work