Free speech day!

What an amazing day chanting outside the 10 Downing Street! Next time join us...

Attached: 1CAC026C-6161-4E4B-9D6E-BABC0087348F.jpg (3264x2448, 2.15M)


Estimated attendance?

Hard to say but between 4000-6000

Numbers reasonable, but halved after being subjected to an out of tune singing transvestite for an hour.

No one will come next time OP kys.

Haha! Yeah what was the point of that bit The rest of it was great though. Amazing atmosphere! I’ll definitely be going again.

Was anything particularly interesting said?

Gavin was hilarious with the pedo joke but it was what you’d expect from them all really.

Also, Milo rambling about black cock for half an hour. I thought I'd stumbled into a fag pride event.

>drag queens
>faggot coal burners

Hope every single queer involved in this movement has their internet shekels disappear.