CRTV is on fire with all the talent they've picked up.
CRTV is on fire with all the talent they've picked up
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Why would anyone pay to watch Gavin McGayness commentary is beyond me.
Where do you fins Gavins McInnes show for free? There is no chance I will pay for his kike-shilling
I'm happy for Eric but I'm not watching that kosher controlled opposition network.
I like him because he's funny.
He's kind of split his content into two parts. His political commentary is mostly on his CRTV show, but he does a free podcast twice a week that is mostly apolitical. I also think the audio of his CRTV show is available for free on the website, but a lot of the show is making fun of videos, so I don't think I'd recommend it.
He's a funny guy I give him that but something happened to him probably greed or threats or something inbetween because he started pushing this disgusting kike-propaganda and he was red-pilled at some point. Sad.
He used to think that being on the edge of actually racist was funny, but once somebody got killed he realized he needed to get as far away from people like Jared Taylor as possible.
Much love for Bolling who deserves to be back at FOX. What they did to him leading to the death of his son is behind foregiveness. Strong guy to return to this line of work
Gavin is somewhat entertaining; Crowder is unfunny, and Levin puts on the blinders to some issues.
t. someone whose parents have a CRTV subscription
Kibbe is the real star.
Jared Taylor is not a racist, desu. He is a race realist. Gavin was pretty red-pilled about the JQ and after a video got released when he spoke out something happened to him. It was definately not because of that fat bitch who got a heart attack from being fat.
>t. someone whose parents have a CRTV subscription
Fuck CRTV for getting rid of Mark Stein.
I like spending time with my parents, and if that means putting up with political commentary of varying quality, so be it.
what the hell is crtv
It's like Netflix but for conservative commentary.
You're a good boy and your parents should be proud of you. Not everyone likes spending time with their parents but that's a good thing and will shape you in to being a decent citizen. Don't forget to go out with your friends and pick up girls from time to time, tho
Do your parents listen to Gavin's podcast?
No. They mostly are there for Levin, and a few other people like Michelle Malkin. But they'll play some of Gavin's stuff when I'm around because they know I like his commentary more than some of the other contributors.
I like Levin, but he spends a lot of time on Trump/Russia/Cohen stuff which I just don't find all that interesting. Malkin is really good, I like her show a lot. Looking forward to Season 3.
What user is implying is still true. JBP basically once said he can not touch the JQ because he would get killed. I am no conspiracy theorists, but for some of these high-profile advocates, I think that is literally true.
Mark Levin should have called it KikeTV
>paying to hear people you agree with
for what purpose
Well, I don't want to pay to watch The Young Turks.
I just mean it seems like a waste of time and money to pay to hear your own thoughts.
There's actually a fairly decent amount of differing voices on CRTV, even though they're all conservative. Levin is a Reagan conservative, Deace is more religious right, Gavin is more populist-nationalist, Kibbe is a straight up libertarian, Allie Stuckey is a Calvinist who makes a lot of videos about Christianity. It's not just the exact same opinions coming out of different mouths.
is the point of paying to change your own opinion then?
I guess the point is to hear stuff you agree with, along with some stuff that makes you think.
ya, that sounds like a waste of time and money to me