What did God mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-06 at 2.36.46 PM - Edited.png (648x519, 321K)

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God is some hyperintelligent creature having fun in this sandbox sim game right now

Never donate organs. We should let the free market decide the price of organs.

NAP got violated, now is not the time to lie in bed

Top kek

Time to take yourself off the donor registry if you haven’t already

>Trenton said he believes he went to heaven before he came back to life.

>"I was in an open field walking straight,” Trenton recalled. "There's no other explanation but God. There's no other way. Even doctors said it."

Atheists BTFO

Never relinquish organs: you know (((they)))'ll let the niggers in white suits jump you and take whatever they want.

Don't ever donate organs. Some faggot fucked up their body being a retard, or some old boomer who destroyed society wants your organs. Refuse to let doctors butcher you for some awful fuckwit to live. Let them die. Most people are assholes. Especially people who want organs.

When he heard that he woke tf up