For Britain Party

What do you guys think of the party ''For Britain''
Come and join!
Say no to Islamification!
come join.

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bumpin for the bongs

bumpity bump for interest. This is what Britain needs.

The religion, Islam. Has no place here

Why did you stole maserati logo

Whilst similar. It is NOT the same. See

Attached: maserati-logo.jpg (640x280, 20K)

Bumping for britbro

Ahh your flag icon, yes hello brother

All Jihadis must be stopped

Ohh look at me. I love allah. mmmm kids.

Muslims. are a disgrace

Ok then

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Now my Italian friend, rise up against your silly Europhiles, European Union wants to be a superstate, abort!

EU sucks!!

I'm Sicilian, in max 20 yrs I bet Italy will be split, I'd support a med alliance

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I hope they do split because honestly, Europe right now could do with some change, globalists - Europhiles have fucked things up with their looney left propaganda, fuck this shit. I am not going to ''coexist'' with these muslims, no, prophet mohammed had sex with a 6/7 yr old and married her, all muslims supposedly look up to him. If this is were they set their moral anchor, I want them gone, away from my nation and EUROPE! far as Im concerned. Keep it up with the good fight

Note I am a For Britain party member, looking for people who would like to join this movement. Or help us gain momentum. Share this thread, get people talkin ''For Britain'' party will help Britain actually grow a spine. Ill make sure of that

Anne Marie Waters is a feminist, dyke, zionist, liberal Irishwoman.

Being culturally assimilated. Who do these idiots take us for

She is not the extreme kind of feminist who believes all men are scum of the Earth!

Zionist? Tbh, anyone who is an enemy to Islam, is a friend of mine.


Faggot, dont diss the lesbian, at least she is trying to stick up for the country, I bet you're doing fuck all and being a cuck. Such a good little man


Barbarism does not belong here, If you think, really think Islam is a religion of peace, then you guys are as much of a cuck as jeremy bloody corbyn

Dont forget it bois

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If Islam were to be a cig packet. ...

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Or do you want to be executed for not following Islam?

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If we dont back ''For Britain'' the world as we know it, will just descend further into chaos. Islamification process is underway

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>dyke irish feminist leader
No fucking thank you

Childish Traitor

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Just keep this in mind. This is Britain, Id rather be dictated by a fat lesbian than to be sucking a muslim dick

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Fuck off. Batten's UKIP is getting my vote, not this cunt and her controlled op party.

Traitor, they're soft on Islam, Theyre like the other parties, took 22 yrs just to get one seat and to lose it, theyre a lost cause, get over it

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Some juicy facts

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Have you even listened to Batten at all? He's not soft on Islam at all. Go shill your shitty party on reddit mate.

Dont ignore facts. The sources are there, CHECK EM! but honestly, Our Europe will be different in the next decade. Do you want to be in a country full of muslims that are a majority? look at the saudis, Look at the islamic nations. Theyre not very..uhh..democratic, kind or tolerant to other faiths so why the fuck should we be tolerant to such a barbaric and anti democratic culture

He's just appeasing to you, its all fucking talk,

UKIP is too unstable, keeps losing leaders. He wont last long. if he does I may change my tune with him and could potentially be an ally but I seriously have my doubts, UKIP lost a lot of support when Anne Marie Left... can we all say this together now

HENRY...WHO!? lib dem, how the fuck can you attract such a candidate. UKIP has been infiltrated clearly . One more thing, good luck. You need it

and that dyke isn't either? Get your head out of your arse boyo. Waters is pro degeneracy, she can get tae fuck

No she is not , Virtually dead' Ukip puts forward 75 per cent fewer candidates for local council elections - This is what the independents had to say. Im sorry, I cant trust UKIP after calling us Nazis. Not nice brah

Ukip is fielding either no candidates or just one or two, an analysis shows. So, that speaks for itself doesn't it. Still waiting for the political tide to come back in? For Britain is gaining momentum, im shocked to see it grow this much within a few months and we even BEAT UKIP in some areas in the local elections!!!

UKIP lost -123 councillors, it does say something doesnt it

''What a night. We beat Ukip, Greens, Lib Dems, D&V. I could not be more proud. Sincere thanks to all involved. I'm more excited about our future than ever. See you with full results on my webcast Monday at 11. Off to Belgium now, no rest for the wicked.'' ~ Anne Marie Waters

That's great idc, AMW is not going to save this country.

If not, I will. What other hope do we have left and it is not UKIP, they have been around for 20 +yrs, they barely touch on the subject of islam, say radicalised islam bllah blah. no its fucking islam, so politically correct

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It's gaining traction and kinda impressive.. There needs to be a symbiosis of them and UKIP. I like them but wouldn't follow AMW into the new dawn

I just want fascism lads :(

I am pretty sure there will be in time, if both sides stop saying, traitor traitor, and acting like bunch of kids , people seriously have resentment over it for stupid silly reasons. I may of said ''traitor'' before, as a joke but doesn't mean I think you or others are simply because you dont support the leader, leadership elections will happen and for now Anne Marie, is best for the job, I am pleased with what she is doing so far and bringing everyone together, however I do think there should be , like you said a symbiosis between ukip n for britain

Sounds like vote splitting to me. Britain needs an amalgamation of all political groups.

Islam is only a symptom of the problem. If you think Islam is the only thing to worry about then you're sorely mistaken.

Join the ''New British Union'' then, however they keep getting removed on Facebook. I use to be involved. I was that desperate to find a political home so to speak. The leader of the party is actually swell of a guy, not too shabby

So, you think the illuminaughty is out to depopulate the world pops then eh

>muh Islam
Becuase the yardies and other non islamic angels are such angels
Nor are they or any other immigrants the (((problem))) just symptoms

even more imbeciles

why can't there be a pro-eu far-right movement

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Well no, I dont think so. We split because the previous leader Henry Bolton called a large sect of UKIP nazis, even myself. so We were triggered as fuck and decided you know what, we wont tolerate this BULLSHIT anymore, we will have our own party. I think it took a lot of balls and effort to even do this, we convinced AnneMarie to step up and make a party, we all helped her with this. She has not failed us yet

You're clearly a baby boomer, I can tell just by the way your misuse of punctuation.The ((NWO)) is killing off the white world, this is common knowledge on here.

LMAO because most pro eu people are actually on the verge of joining communism, interesting one of the founders of EU was communist!!! that says it all about the stupid doomed EU project. Destroying national identity, making it almost a crime to be proud of your own nationality. fucking shame shame!!

although austria is leading the charge, again

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It will come soon enough mate, everyone I know in DFLA, FLA, VAT etc see it coming too. One street movement, one political movement.

Mazerati Party? Would vote for

Will no one Google The Union for the Mediterranean

Actually no, I were born in the 1990's but with that said. I am not even in the mood to bother with my punctuation or anything of that sort. Anyways, that doesnt invalidate my point. Fucking stupid wearing your tin heat and focus on the problem, solve it and stop fucking trying to insult someones ability to type, now is not the time brother

Isn't the Polish And Hungarians growing a spine also?? I may move to those countries if things truly fail here in Britain!!

Haha, don't worry. You spend enough time on here you'll learn eventually.

tin hat* Jesus Christ, thats because im typing fast like a ninja

More civic race deniers. I'll vote for them because any sort of nationalism is better than what we have at the moment.

I spend my times over at /b/ usually.....

Thats exactly sort of mentality we need, nationalism is the way, race deniers. What do you mean exactly?

I despise "national" parties, with all my heart.

nice strawman
the most pro-EU countries except for Germany are in Eastern Europe - where claiming you're a communist means complete political suicide

Says it all really. I mean, not that this place hasn't gone to shit, but /b/ is much worse.

Yeah I am aware of the NBU and Raikes, seen a great . Thing is we can't cling on to what worked in the past. Even laddie Hitler said not to base political movements on what worked in the past.

Something new and organic is growing

Oh looky here, someone from Chile. Jesus mate. No one gives a damn, your country has done nothing significant recently, so I dont give a damn about your Chile or your chillies! you can keep your communists home and take these arabs off us for god sake!!

Wants a Awoo?

Attached: Awoo For Britain 1.png (1000x1000, 71K)

Yeah fuck Bolton, I blame the failings in the recent elections on his to be honest. But yeah I still respect AMW for how well she is doing

/B/ is in need of a change, too. Full of fucking cucks, Jesus

How can you be a nationalist but want to join a supranational union with a goal for federalisation?

Thank you, finally someone can see the success we are doing, also today. For Britain members and supporters gathered at speakers corner with Tommy Robinson. Great speech, you guys missed it if you havent listened to it already

I have reverted and so will you, god willing.

Renounce you party of sodomites and join the faith of the one true God.

It's what Jesus would have wanted.

Exactly. It just wont happen. EU army is coming, we fucking dont want it. We're leaving anyway but with the way things are going guys, looks like these europhiles will drag this ''process'' and eventually make us vote again to stay. Fucking ballaches

I wish you the best of luck, but you're probably fighting a losing battle.

They have my vote, if i could.

I'm done with the cuckservatives and the i can't believe it's not communism party.

That they're civic nationalists, they'll do nothing about the demographic problem.

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A lot of Christians have joined For Britain (dont think its a majority though) So I have to say, there's plenty of jesus loving people there, you may fit in! who knows but there's plenty of atheists like myself. We're actually tolerant to peoples faith providing it does not INFRINGE with the law! Like Islam!!

I rather fight a losing battle than to eventually die as a god damn traitor that did NOTHING NOTHING about islamification!! im no coward. I would go to jail for this cause, seriously if I had to. Truth fears no evil!

Will never succeed. Most Brits don't care for braindead racists and have plenty of non-white friends and lovers. You need to grow up and stop judging people based on their race.

We're actually quite open about the demographic problem and a lot of members are angry about it, its often posted in the group page in fb that we're in, secret group hehe
china is coming
poo superpower by 2020 is slowly becoming less of a meme
africa's population is exploding
56%ers are on their way out

if you want europe to survive, we need to use the EU and change its course from the inside, not dismantle it and act like it's 1800

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Its not based on race, you fucking retard. Muslims are NOT a race. Its a religion. I dont give a damn if you're a black, yellow, purple. or even a fat hobo with blue hair.

As much as I would like to rally behind your cause, the EU is dead, its blind and it ignores the people. It does not give a single shit about you

Then you need to realise the majority of Muslims are good people.


What's the party line with jews?

The last terrorist was reported to the police by fellow Muslims well before the attack repeatedly. They begged the police to do something. The police did nothing.

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that's because far-right parties are so fucking autistic and don't try to actually change policy within the EU, just to dismantle it

These ''good'' people look up to a fucking paedophile, some muslims hide behind their religion and justify their sick acts, target young white christian lil girls in rotherham..hmm a lot of ''asian'' middle eastern men in these paedophile rings. Hmmm I wonder fucking why, ever since we allowed this third world asscracks, they do this. You see an explosion of Rape crime. Not just so called ''hate crime'' we are not tolerating this kind of shit!!!

Go ahead continue with your pretense of national reach as you could understand anything a person three blocks from you live evryday.

They don't need terrorism, they are taking over anyway