White Identity Rising: BUT WHY??

Experts agree: White identity politics is on the rise, and it’s driven by diversity and expressed through Donald Trump. That’s what a study by two psychology academics found
(this is a Brainwashing PsyOP)

by Mouthy Buddha

Why is White identity rising and how can we stop it, Jow Forums? EVOLVE YOUR MIND and embrace the spirtual realm. Reminder that "MUH BLOOD / MUH HERADIJ / MUH PEOPLE / MUH GENETIGS" is NOT an argument. Stop thinking like a stoneage primitive retard and wake up to the real redpill: Radical Centrism, individualism, enlightenment. Wake up!

>people who reject slavish collectivism
>racists, SJWs (same shit)


Other urls found in this thread:


go away jew

wake up BEFORE it's too late, White identity is a globalist psyOp to make you a slave. Racism is a stone-age emotion and it needs to be wiped out just like all barbarism.

White identity politics is KILLING America. Wake up!

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It's happening because the DNC's official platform became:

It’s bad only when whites do it? Kill yourself.


reality is that genetics play a key factor and white people clearly have a better mind that should be preserved and promoted

sorry bout it, kiddo

ALL identity politics is wrong.

But white identity is the most dangerous form right now. Just like German identity was THE MOST EVIL fucking kind of identity politic in WW2. Wake up!

I love you all and want to help you.

The coming TransHuman revolution will make genes mean nothing, ALL group identities are dangerous and insanely stupid. Wake up!

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nah, im insanely smart for seeing very obvious things and not falling for social memes

nothing wrong with racism and words don't hurt

stay weak, jew

>responding to tripfags
>not saging
The absolute state

>why is white identity rising?
Because saying "I'm proud to be black" and "I'm proud to be asian" are what gets you scholarships and jobs, but saying "I'm proud to be white" gets you put on an FBI watch list and we're sick of it

>Whites should not have an identity because WW2
Gas yourself kike.

I just want to say that I respect you and I'm sorry for being a rude jerk to you in the past, but I do feel you are dead wrong! Do you admit that Russian identity in the cold war and Cuban identity was a dangerous powerful force against America?

Racism makes us stupid because it is primitive, like hate or murder or rape.

You can't stop anti-white hate with pro-white bullshit, stranger. Wake up!

The NWO wants you to become a white identity cult lunatic so they can divide and conquer us. We need to go back to how it was.

You can only stop anti-White hate with pro-EVERYONE Love!
I do not hate white people
I hate pro white people
pro white is the redneck white trash agenda
I hate white trash

You need to stop behaving trashy and wake up to the fact that you have been a brainwashed White identity puppet.

I'm just trying to help you people.

WW2 shows that white identity is dangerous. Wake up. Every race is going to die but we as ONE humanity is going to evolve in a better direction away from this tribalism stone age shit.

Your brain is hijacked by stone age ideology called "muh race" "muh blood" nationalism. Just cut it out.

Also I am not even Jewish.

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14/88...if you have to ask, you have not read or learned the TRUTH.

I seem to recall you saying you are part ethnically Jewish in a previous thread.

It's dangerous and it's coming back whether you like it or not, you little cunt.

judiasm the post

We are rising from the ashes.
We're mad as hell & we're not gonna take it anymore!

The jew incestuous rapist returns. Fuck me, you really need to get out. You've been shitposting this same thread for years now.

Drop the meme flag kike lets see who you really are.

unashamed to be 1/8 Jewish, not proud tho. I hate Jewish identity too. I hate all identity politics.

I just know that we have to burn down the white identity cult because it is enemy no. 1 in America. Wake up stranger

it's gonna fry us all to fucking death

I am atheist raised christian

my great grandpa was jewish but became Christian you dumbass

please stop posting disrespect

I'm White I just hate White identity politics

No I'm a rape victim survivor. My older sister drugged me and got me hooked on alcohol when I was underage and did sexual abuse to with me. I'm not shitposting I'm trying to help you people.

Please have respect people go through hell when they end up in sis/bro relationships, we deserve respect:

zero shame about my past anymore, stop hating!

You need to trip psychedelically, meditate, go hiking in the woods or mountain landscape, enjoy it, and understand that ALL identity cults are just brainwashing machines. You are better than this.

Stop being a white identity bot.
*pic related*

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Well then maybe you might be biased against white people looking out for their own interests and preventing a genocide being perpetrated on them by Jews. How about you kindly take your preaching to your fellow jews and tell them to stop being so loxist.

>wake up from stoneage thinking
>all non whites are stone age by default

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>destroy any form of white resistance for decades and decades
>expect whites to continue not reacting
It's waaaayyyy too late.


no shit idiot I know only white people can be fucking argued to about this, that's why it'sso urgent!

oh look its a kike hiding behind a meme flag

By trying you stoke the exact same flame the anti-whites did, giving you opposite the results you're looking for. Just let whites defend themselves and they'll stop being angry.

I'm not Jewish though, I'm white, I just hate White identity cult bullshit

Then get left to other races to abuse when whites leave your traitorous ass in the dust.

anyone has that pic showing how lefties discuss using ancap to shill their fagotry??

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Then you have no argument you stupid duck. Whites should be expanding at the cost of all other subhuman. It's the only reasonable answer. If nature has made man superior, then we are lions to conquer. You think you know better than nature? You're a fool.

stop disrespecting me you turd

Take your stupid misconceptions and kindly fuck off. You have no argument, it's over, the flaw in your logic got exposed. Thread over

How about take the meme flag off kike

I'm American and fine with that
don't tell me what to do???


i used to cremate peoples pets while listening to that album as a child... was a young kid..
the drums, the heat, the smells, the sights..
really enshrined that album for me..
might sound dark/macabre... but it was really a holy experience. and i am grateful to be the kid that did it...
no better wagecuck job than running crematoriums.

God Bless those Animals & their Families.

>ctrl f wake up
>11 matches in 9 posts
and people are actually replying to shit faggotry

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that's b/c its TRUE dumbo



quick rundown on this guy for anyone who doesn't know;

He is a jew
He fucks his own sister
He thinks whites should permit themselves to die off because it's "better than war"

you just posted THREE lies

all of them false crap



Somethings shifting. Maybe, there are lovers about to find each other. Who can say, God only knows, which path they will take, no big deal, it's not like humanity is at stake :)

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what the hell is that

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based leaf, nice bants

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Why do i see this thread every day?
Wacha doin' rabbi?

its not expressed through donald trump show flag Israeli

Donald Trump's views are not "White Identity" or "White Nationalist," but a typical American civic nationalist sentiment is held by him, instead.

Finish it.

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at this point I'm wondering whether this is actually one schizo namefag, or if it has become a character than many anons play, each adding a different wrinkle to the character(1/8 jew, raped by sister, ect.)

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its JIDF out of tel aviv muddying the water to gullible fags with schizo shit

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Schitzbro. Your problem is you never actually argue your point. You just keep repeating the same shit over and over again


ad nauseum.

Cmon man.

that's not an argument

you just ad hom bullshitted on me, not an argument

I am right and your insane cult is going down

sorry but i can't stop it

Yeah you're right, you don't have an argument. Your threads always devolve into "IM ONLY PART JEW REEE" screeds about sisterfucking and crying about white identitarianism.

You don't actually critique it, it's people or its process, argue actual ways to find the few likeminded people on this board to your cause thus leaving you a laughing stock.

Why is it bad? Prehistoric man used to breathe, should we stop that too? How is stopping white identitarianism going to help those who see it as a logical conclusion? Just articulate your fucking point you schitzo.

identitarianism is a cult and you have no proof

White identity requires years if unchallenged brainwashing from the schools, news and entertainment media to suppress.

Now that the conditioning is being undone, White people are reverting back to their natural state, White identity.

No proof of what? You say white identitarianism is divide and conquer tactics, to me you're just employing divide and conquer tactics on white people to further reduce our position in the world (talking in spans of decades here).

Niggers, chinks, arabs and kikes aren't going to abandon identitarianism. If white people do it's a lose lose scenario.

How does white people abandoning white identitarianism (while everyone else in the world becomes more and more (or already were) racially conscious and put their race forward) help white people.

How do you reconcile humanities inherent psychological in-group bias' with your position? You're literally fighting against human nature, then again you're a sisterfucking nutcase so that's par for the course i suppose.

GO AWAY you are a rude annoying loser I have no time for you

no you are lying it is brainwashing FOR WHITE IDENTITY TO BE THERE I have heard this lie before

you are confused

You can't even argue the position you've been spamming here for years at this point.

This is why you're treated as nothing more than a schitzophrenic sisterfucking kike shill, your position will fall and white identitarianism will rise. From my position, it'll probably lead to all our deaths, but so does the other option.

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lots of people respect me here

but they get drowned out by you fucking trolling hater brigades who shut down free speech
your cult is still dying
the alt right is dead

I am helping to destroy you idiots
you can't shame me anymore
sorry you LOSE

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Anti-white identity politics have reached the tipping point. Everything requires an equilibrium
to be sustainable. The globalists have pushed their
anti-white message to an extent that by nature
requires a push back.

We will not go quietly into the night.
We will rage against the dying of the light.

Also, go fuck yourself you fake piece of shit faggot OP.

> Implying the Alt Right means shit.

Literally every current white identitarian organization could collapse tomorrow and white people would still be in a better position than we were a decade ago as far as identitarianism is concerned. Everyone else will keep tightening the screws and white people will explode.

Or we fade into nothingness, kikes get their mulatto slave caste and your dream of transhumanism is kept only for the wealthy elite you're so slavishly cucking for right now.

Link me one fucking post showing someone 'respecting' you and i'll leave entirely.

dude shut up no one believes in you

you are the crazy one here not me

everyone is sick of YOU attacking my thread

>lots of people respect me here
lmao who the fuck are you trying to fool you absolute autist, having your foreskin lopped off really does fuck with your head huh?

>lots of people respect me here
>sorry you LOSE

typical SJW lefty train of thought and phrases

This is the truth. Fuck identity politics and fuck people who make everything about their whiteness. Accept that we're just people all trying to get along in a difficult world and stop being a buthurt identitarian.

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Uh fuck off kekistan you are responsible for the downfall of Jow Forums

No. This is my thread now.

Explain your position beyond 'muh nazzis' and i'll fuck off.


we are a free speech zone at pol

we do NOT like white identity politics





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I hate this persons clothing. they deserve the gas chamber.

fuck u asshole

that person is making a joke to mindfuck racist white trash losers like u

your white identity cult is going to burn

wake the fuck up

you are retarded!

"Individualism" is not a rightwing value.

Things like God, nation, hierarchy, honor, tradition and order are right wing values.

>driven by diversity

Don't have diversity then.
If only there was an ideology that mixed true unrestrained capitalism with true, almost anarchistic desires of the people...

Awaken yer koondaleeny brothers, sisters and other kin! Luv every1 bcuz luv is da troof. Nigger fuggin yer gerl? muzlums beheadin peepil 4 haram? Just medetate bro! Lolrotfl! WHITE EYEDENTITY IS JUST A ILLUSIUN! IT IS ALL IN YER HEAD MAN! 4get about dis fisical plane and asend 2 da astral relum


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Once you see we're being bred out of existence AND having our culture destroyed to make way for globalist marxism (see Cultural Hegemony [from that wop commie SOB Gramsci] as an impediment to the adoption of communism) you are really only left with one choice.

Willfully die and see the people, your people, who created Civilization as we know it dysgenically wiped out.

Or get fit, marry a white woman and have lots of children in a virtuous, strong family.

I've chosen to accept my place in this world as a force to be reckoned with. Go and do likewise, gents.

Get property. Get a woman. Raise a fuckin' family. Buy guns. Teach your children about Liberty.


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no idiot

God is only rightwing if it's your personal God, not some kind of group identity BS
Collectivism is making you stupid
I can have honor and traditional without a group, that's my choice
rightwing = rugged strong individualism

u think you need a tribe because you're a weak little white trash bitch
wake up and stop being trash



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>White Supremacy
>When it has been neuro chemically proven our own ethnocentric and "Racist" and "Supremacist" behavior stems from the same love hormone that both libs and you extol as a positive.

Sounds like someone needs to go be a neurologist or take any Life Science field, because you will get a nice eye opener when you study sub species variants of organisms.

A collective will beat an individual every time. There's a reason why Jews and other collectivist racial groups have been wreaking such havoc in Western Nations with no opposition.

It's because Whites believe=Muh individualism, race don't real

And non-Whites believe= muh tribe

The world is more than 'muh gdp' and 'muh monie'.
We are in a period in history where we are the ones that choose the future.

Beauty or, well, I dont even know what.

We fight to save culture itself, not just White Culture though it may seem like that when White Culture it the one most at risk. We fight to preserve the greater meanings to life and hyperficial aspects which are the ancestral tools passed down to shape or societies with.

The horseshoe theory IS true. There is Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism. Nationalism and Free Market. Nationalism and Communism.

Nationalism Is the tool we will use to carve a future worth keeping.

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we need to change our minds from this dumb loving of a race idea

it's insanity

it's nature just like rape and murder is

sometimes nature sucks and needs to be stopped


Canacuck is right. Fuck off, jew op.

We r all one
We r all cunected
But i am a endividual so i am going 2 ignore the repercushions of what i said ferst


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Nobody likes you.

Awaykun yer koondaleeny
Umin conshusnus is xpanding
We, (umin beans) r mooving into a new age rite now
We must 4get about primitive things like race
We r now going into multi culterul mode
We will not be the monolithoc socitys we wonse wer
Opin yer therd eye, man!

stop typing like an asshole

Because (((the media))) are pushing a White vs. Nonwhite narrative, thus the average person will buy into that and identify as White.
If the media don't shut up about race, your average person is gonna identify by race.

Not going to matter, one reason being that other races exhibit the EXACT same behavior as whites do when it comes to in group preference.

two wrongs




>Because (((the media))) are pushing a White vs. Nonwhite narrative
Nah, Jow Forums is the biggest advocate for the white versus nonwhite narrative. Like with the "it's ok to be white" campaign recently.
Most white people identify predominantly as people and then as white when filling out airport immigration forms or dealing with explicit situations of prejudice. White nationalists on Jow Forums and elsewhere are trying to make people think about being white all the fucking time. It's Jow Forums, not the media, pushing this narrative.

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>trolling hater brigades who shut down feee speech
Dear lord

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if we only had more racism, we could stop this white identity pest.

i know! niggers!

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Wow dood cam down, chil man. Medetate. Stop the hate inside u and embace da luv within U!
I luv u man
Smoke sum weed with me

because they're shitting in our starbucks coffee

Is it just me or has Canadian bantz seen a remarkable increase latelty? I

>entire thread is just OP getting shit on

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