The road to recovery is hard, but remember, it WILL get better
Incel daily - /id/
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Who /volcel/ here?
There will be no fixing the incel problem until the economy is de-jewed and feminism is crushed. How are people supposed to be confident enough to even talk to a woman when they don't earn enough to make ends meet, or when they're stuck on NEETbux because they're blacklisted from industry on account of excessive penis ownership? I sympathize with trying to help and incels should look into self-improvement. Self-improvement never made anybody's situation WORSE. But I think it's unfair to put all the onus for a social problem on individuals, there are many people today than at any time in history who are facing social and economic exclusion.
...incels blaming everyone but themselves for their shitty lives is the number one reason for being an incel.
There are way more /volcels/ than /incels/ & the two are being conflated.
/Volcels/ reject degeneracy & are open to meeting the right person, they're just working on themselves in the mean time.
Apparently you're a nigger, because you're too retarded to have responded intelligently to ANYTHING in my post, instead jumping straight to the assumption that I'm an incel. You should kill yourself today.
This kind of violent nasty reaction to a nothing pkst really just highlights that he's right. Whatever you think the Jews are doing to you they didn't make you such a shitlord. You would be able to find an anti Jew gf otherwise. You need to really examine yourself my man
You sound a little too triggered to be here right now. This is no place for normalfags like you.