Look at what you have done Jow Forums. Your memes and conspiracy theories have entered the main stream. I was watching an innocent video about national anthems and these are the comments. You have people being openly anti-semitic, claiming that finns are mongols and incels killing people in the streets because of this hellhole. Western civilization will end if you don't stop memeing. At some point you have to take responsability and stop kidding around. Not everyone understands the sarcasm behind "Hitler did nothing wrong".
Look at what you have done Jow Forums. Your memes and conspiracy theories have entered the main stream...
Israel isn't Semitic
they're khazar
Stop spreading made up facts. This is what I am talking about.
Fuck off Schlomo Schlomoson
That's why we're here in the first place
What made up facts? Like that there exists a country called "Israel?"
Do you know what happened the last time people made up things about the Jews? Do you want six million more Jews to die and a world war breaking out?
The kikes are going to bring us to world war if we don't get rid of them anyway.
Israel is the most important country in the world. It's the only democracy in the middle east and it needs to exist.
I'm sorry what? I am a Swedish jew and I have no idea what you are talking about. Both my parents have very imporant high paying jobs and pay way more taxes and do way more for society than any of you neets. Luckily we can move to Israel when your incel nazi revolution happens and you turn Sweden into a third world country.