You may not like it, but this is peak female performance. Inb4 mad 56%'ers.
You may not like it, but this is peak female performance. Inb4 mad 56%'ers
How many girls in the US look like that? Unironically?
kys pedo scum
not enough Swedebro, and it's only getting worse
Maybe 1/10 or 11 have blonde hair and blues eyes with a slim body.
Wtf it's that bad? You'll encounter at least one blonde every time you go out here, it's a very normal sight. I thought this was normal.
Hardly anyone looks like that, though. Most whites are ugly.
its less than that. maybe half of 1 percent
maybe in USA
not here
No it's way less than that.
It might be like that here in the Midwest but there's no fucking way the country as a whole is anywhere close to that.
>Not ugly
nice cherrypicking there
Don't be delusional.
The one on the right would spawn strong boys.
Not fair! They're only ugly because they're ol-
Yes and she is also open minded, has a liberal attitude and is pretty tolerant towards immigrants
Where the hell are you? Blondes are more common than non-whites in my area of the Midwest. Are you a dixie nigger?
Seriously, why are Germans so ugly? Especially their women.
that's just a bad picture
funny how you are only showing old pictures
smartest and most creative race in the world
what more do you want?
>Only bad pictures
Oh yeah, I forgot that the German gene pool got improved massively when Slavs raped them after the war. Germans should be eternally grateful.
If you watch American movies from the 70s there's a lot of blonde hair, both men and women. Not so much now.
'You are TOO White'
Please keep posting more pics
Behold, the masterrace faces. Uh, these must be cherrypicked too. The Jews must have forced Germans to pick ugly ones to represent the SS. Fucking Kikes!
How will we fix the gene problem when we come into our ethnostate? I get the feeling most whites are under the impression that white people naturally have brown hair and brown eyes and are from the Caucus (the place where the Jews are from)
Whenever someone post a picture of an attractive white woman, they seem to post pics of teens most of the time.
>literally need to be a pedophile to find white women attractive.
less tnan 0.7% because the same amount of american who have a significant amount of scandinavian dna
swedes are the most good looking
germans are smartest
netherlands have tallest men
together we are unstoppable
There are more blondes than brunets here, what are you smoking? But seeing natural light blonde on adults is rare, that's true. It usually gets dark blonde, which looks brown but is not brown.
AMEN, Brother!
Not enough
If only you knew how bad things really are
Thats great.
>smartest people of all time have been Jews
>Jews have a disproportionate amount of contributions (important ones too) than any other ethnicity
Sorry, sweetie. Germans are the best at losing world wars and destroying Europe, though.
>being this retarded
Why haven't you died for Israel yet goy, are you anti-semetic or something?
Aww, the facts trigger you :^)
Not enough.
wtf is that?
Come on. He's making a weak argument and you can't retort it without using gore? Truly pathetic.
german women aren't called cows for no reason
The rare Mexican ground frog.
Mexican tea party
>thinking that some subhuman failed men from murica speaks for nazis
Plenty, in the rural areas
>cucked by the sun
>weak recessive genes
>peak performance
>Wanting to be a German-supremacist
Lol. . . .
Explain to me how the Kaiser, not American intervention, ruined Europe?
what do all these girls have in common Jow Forums?
still prefer other girls
>>cucked by the sun
shitskins are cucked by the dark north, in which they would die of vitamin d deficiency without modern technology.
live in midwest and there seem to be alot of blonde girls, I have blond hair though so maybe I am just living in an area with alot of anglos/nords or something. but don't come here shitskin fake whites we don't want you faggots here
>what is fish
none.only fat mutants now.
Oh god, what I wouldn't do to have her as a gf.
Like that, without at least one mutt feature? Very little. Lmao, there should be an assault mutt ban; you can't claim to be white if you have at least one of 13 prominent mutt features