What are leftists like in america?

What are leftists like in america?

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Do you mean leftists as in real socialists who don’t care about idpol or liberals

liberals are from the right, dumb burger

they’re cute :3

American term 'liberals' is about authoritarian commies actually.
They have nothing in common with classical European liberalism.

Liberals are center left... and they’re cancerous traitors

>American liberals are commies



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Democrats are socialist Light, or you could say 'commies ExtraLight'.

They literally are not. They sabotaged a “Democratic Socialists” campaign you idiot. Sanders is just an average European dem and even that is too far left for them

Forget about sanders. He is so old school he even not against the guns!
Future of commies demparty is Harris, booker, warren!

Socialists are pro-gun. Marx was pro-gun

90% of the US is center-right being democrat and republican. Republicans think democrats are communists when they're not even close, and democrats think of themselves as leftists when they're not even close. Then we have a small population of social-democrat Bernie supporters, although I think there's more soc-dems nowdays. Then like 1% of the population is actual commie. Leftism in the US basically doesn't exist in any meaningful way

Ask warren, Harris, booker and Cynthia Nixon, dude.

not to mention Unions have pretty much been destroyed and Republicans pretty much have working class tradesmen in their pockets, when their problems are caused not just by the Dems but both parties. All a Republican has to do is blame liberals and immigrants and boom he’s got the votes- while simultaneously profiting off low wage immigrant labor and ties to private sectors

> what is bernie sanders, american chavez
lol get fucked

god l wish that were me

Why don't you just transition already?

>says the guy waving a confederate flag

Both sides are so fucking cringey. Love that I get to enjoy laughing at you clowns.

The heroes of America

from my experience at an exchange in an american uni:
-obsession with identity politics (trannies, multiple pronouns)
-trigger warnings
-obsession with race
-everyday bashing trump casually
-always talking about pro-choice and consent
-islam is a religion of peace

-we need to open the border
-trump is evil/racist/idiotic
-white people are bad and racist
-muh privilege
-racism, sexism, class-ism, colorism , ageism, ableism
-black lives matter
-white men are evil

Danger hair makes my dick hard.

democrats are a center right capitalist party you fuckwit

you'd think a russian would know what socialists are
they're not even remotely socialist fuckwit
they're not really a thing here
even the "sjw" boogeyman is usually just social democrats

cringiest post ITT

Most of those people are upper middle class at the very least.

>American democrats are more right than English conservatives

The absolute state of the union

American right only thinks democrats are commies because are country is so right leaning as a whole that public healthcare is synonymous with socialism

Also the left right paradigm is vastly oversimplified bullshit

Democracy =/= socialism. I can tell you studied most of your politics from Jow Forums. You probably call anything that isn't capitalistic as neo-marxist as well.

probably what is consider extreme left are your standards for europe.

Yes, we are retarded.

Holy shit Jow Forumsposters are politically illiterate. This is why you need to be re-educated, it's nothing personal.

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>What are leftists like in america?
Worse than you could ever imagine.

I honestly dont care about unnatural hair colours. It doesnt hurt them, nor does it invariably hurt society like other forms of degeneracy.
What do you think her puss smells like?

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>tfw no Rei antifafu gf

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Condescending hypocrites

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I would.

Actual leftists? Unemployed. Buried in student loan debts they will never pay off. 30+ years old living in mom's basement. Worthless degree (assuming they even graduated).

They like wearing shirts with confrontational phrases on them, and if you begin to show your power level they film you to try and ruin your life.

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What do you call the people who combine idpol and communism yet are extremely materialistic? They say capitalism didn't make all the things they buy. Labor did.

dumb motherfuckers, next thread

This. Very true.

It's usually physically undesirable men and women. It's tragic how often this is the case. Occasionally there's a hot woman in that crowd who usurps it just to garner attention and virtue signal. All in all, they're generally moody, sometimes intellectual, but motivated by frivolous "feel good" (ironically puritanical) emotions. Very naive.

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True. I've spoken to some that act like yuppies. They buy sunglasses and headphones worth hundreds of dollars, also expensive meals and vacations. They excuse themselves by saying that under communism they'd get paid more because they aren't CEOs and say under automation there would be endless abundance. They say capitalism doesn't create all the things they buy labor does.

>Leftists are generally more miserable than non-political and non leftists.
Just look how hard they meme all other groups as being angry, unhappy, and dissatisfied.

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bored ultra-privileged kids from rich families able to afford 'education' brainwashed by their marxist super-rich professors to hate working class conservatives

they are generally infantile, immature mentality overall, and unable to think anything through properly. thats not even mentioning all the weird degenerate bullshit they're into.

How do we get a AUG gf?

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worthless pieces of virtue-signaling shit. pic related

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Post your rare Auggies

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No, he went pro-gun control. He only supported gun rights to get elected in Vermont.

it depends. the most common are nu-normies who go for lowest common denominator social appeal and defer to/submit to authority even if they fleetingly claim to be against it, although it's hard to say if these people are really "leftists" because they would likely be going along with whatever the mainstream narrative is. it just so happens that the current one is some weird mixture of pro-immigration, pro-war, pro-vice, superficial environmentalism, and a light sprinkling of shallow blackpilled misanthropy.

but there are still prototyped millennial postmodern feminists everywhere. you will occasionally run into transhumanist gay space soi communists. there are still traces of the punk movement about, an-coms and such, especially if you hang around any music scenes. so yeah, probably not much different from your country.