We don't need any more voluntary "organ donors" if we can just steal from these degenerates instead.
So, what exactly is preventing us from harvesting organs from prisoners?
Adrian Flores
Nathan Butler
enjoy your AIDS
Logan Gray
We simply give the AIDS organs to faggots.
Like you.
Mason Campbell
which subspecies though?
Christopher Cruz
They harvest them from civvies instead by saying they're "brain dead". lol
Colton Reed
Because then all you’ll have is negroid organs and who the fuck wants those
Mason Gutierrez
oh, look every single one has a tattoo
but tattoos are not degenerate
Caleb Diaz
>prisons have the highest HIV rates
>majority prisoners are druggies and drunks
>many prisoners experience body trauma/fighting
organs ruined
Julian Lee
How about we harvest incel organs instead?
Robert Fisher
Good idea.
We'll start with you!