How has pol changed you?

How has pol changed you?

I used to have a few white friends that i hung out with regularly but after being here for a while i stopped responding to them and developed a deep dislike of jews and whites.

Jews are to whites what whites are to blacks

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You lifed better under European rule than we live under (((them))). You have to realize, that without whites, the chinks will rule. They will enslave everyone. The government doesn't give a shit about it's own people, let alone foreign slaves, let alone blacks. We have to remove ZOG or we're doomed

I'd rather jews stay in power because under whites you have things like the holocaust and slavery.

>still thinks the holocaust actually happened
Boy oh boy.

I think it did. It's not really that unreasonable considering the fact that the Rwandan genocide was pretty recent and they managed to kill around a million people while being vastly less technologically advanced and intellectually capable when compared to Germans at the time the holocaust would've happened.

Don't take this place seriously or let it change you broski. You have friends irl, so you're already doing better than most of the filth here. Don't let the stormniggers here take your friends away, even if they're white or black.

Jow Forums > friends

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It's too late now.

Why would they waste money killing people while losing a war?
More like famine killed anybody in the camps

All my irl friends are nationalists
We've hated niggers since before 2008

>Jews are to whites what whites are to blacks
well said

>that pic
More like the other way around

It’s made me become more open minded and accepting of other people’s beliefs

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I think pol has changed me for the good, if i didn't find pol i would have been scammed at least a hundred times from the niggers and sand niggers.

This. There are many similarities as well, the they clothed them, housed them, and were a significant part of their labor force for years. Honestly peace keeping forces should have seen it coming.

Same. Before pol I was a literal retard and treated everyone equally. Niggers, woman, jews etc. So much wasted time I can't even tell you. Literally years of my life down the drain simply because I was told they were the same as me.

I'm Jewish
I have nothing against you

Don't pay attention to the liberal whack job Jews
Your group has some globalist shitheads too....Obama, Clintons, the Pope, Cher, Britney Spears

To me you are all pieces of shit so it was like a breath of fresh air - the meat without the hassle.
On the pulse of the world, without having to deal with that humanity shit of yours in person - what can be better?

I am also less tempted to kill you faggots, which makes live much easier to breathe. Thank you, Internet!

pol/ taught me more about flags and geography than school ever did

I even have time for hobbies again. GREAT SHIT

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Became more confident and charismatic
I was always into politics but before I was extremely self conscious about having the right beliefs, having the right thoughts etc.

Jow Forums helped me stop caring about what others see as unacceptable but still talk in a way which doesn't turn people away from my ideology.

If (((they))) dont start shutting me down ASAP im gonna roll in the 4th Reich, believe me.

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So, the glasses work. Confirmed.

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larp thread

Are you sure you're doing okay ?