Someone explain this shit. I don't even.
Roastie cuts out healthy ovaries
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you care?
Now she can finally be the whore she’s always dreamt of being
>tubes tied ≠ cutting out ovaries
lib women not reproducing is a plus
How much flak has she gotten online for this shit?
Another mentally ill liberal feminist takes herself out of the gene pool. I don’t see a problem
Why not?
>never in capital letters
Would like to know as well.
Let them get their tubes tied, have 100+ abortions and remain hypergamous. The only way out of this hellish nightmare is to run straight through it.
ITT Newfags who haven't seen this exact same picture 5000 times.
She was getting circlejerked in that thread but I’m pretty sure Jow Forums raided the thread and the mods had to ban almost everyone
Two things in response:
1. Can't wait for her to hit her 30s.
2. Any women that wants to do that is trash and would make for terrible mothers.
theres a real sadness in her eyes (eye)
show nose from side. it's a nosed one.
kike alert.
Now i can give her AIDS
>leftist mentally ill white woman sterilizes herself
I see nothing troublesome here. One less half-darkie on welfare in the future.
so is there a subculture of people who use reddit and just make a new burner handle every day?
man i fucking hate the internet, i really do, even here. set me free
>not just getting a reversible IUD
Women have access to multiple birth control options and she still chooses the most drastic one.
Appendix removed look up
stop shilling this shit over and over, less degenerates who can reproduce, who cares?
What the hell are you talking about? Fucking with redditors is a Jow Forums pastime, newfag
A tubal ligation is not cutting out your ovaries, dipshit. It’s the severing of the Fallopian tubes.
googled the title, found out she's vegan
>nothing of value lost
I notice this exact thread, over and over. She clipped her tubes and something else. who cares goobertini? i mean shillarooni.
Imagine being the result of a million-year merciless struggle for survival, traceable all the way back to the moment life came to this word just so you can sterilize yourself voluntarily.
This individual is defective. What doomed it? Where is the basic instinct of suvival?
She's obviously bullshitting, those three cuts are
1. For camera
2 for vacuum
3. For knife
Having ovaries removed you don't even need to go through those places..just the belly button...she's la liar and you guys are eating it up.
Million year? Try 4 billion years. Hedonism and femisim were mistakes.
humanity has truly reached its saddest state
She will kill herself at 35 when she realizes what a horrible thing she did and what the rest of her life will be like because she made a meme decision
This is a woman who mutilated herself and posted to a community for approval. Indicates a ideology akin to a cult that is being introduced to the mainstream.
Average Jow Forums-ack will say but this could have been any of us/our sisters/our friends. We were just lucky to be raised in the right environments. We are living in dangerous times...
why do you care that OP cares?
Darwin awards material for sure but "three little cuts" - what does it actually mean? Wouldn't this mean she has internal bleeding and/or huge possibility of infection. Where can I find out what she exactly did? I don't care about this stupid cunt I'm sure she'll end up having some weird complications and end up in hospital after few days.
I doubt she did it herself.
Whatever you do...
NEVER go on Childfree on Reddit.
It's disgusting.
Most of them are white which makes it even worse.
Did she have polycystic ovaries or some other condition? Usually doctors will not perform that procedure on a healthy patient of her age.
But otherwise, I don't give a shit. People who don't want children shouldn't have them. Although I think she will regret this choice.
No. She's made herself infertile at the age of 22 because "Fuck kids. I'm all about dogs and money"
It's a Childfree page where people jerk off at self-made infertility and forgetting they're gonna be lonely old men and women with no family.
Laparoscopic Surgery you moron.
Pretty sure she had a laproscopic surgery to remove the ovaries. They make tiny incisions and use cameras and surgical tools to perform minimally invasive surgery. It's a lot better than being cut wide open. It's becoming very common now.
Now she can take as much cock as she wants with 0 reprocussions
This is the future of the white race
>Jow Forums still wants to save the white race
meanwhile mohammed spawns 7 kids . white sharia is the only solution
Only another 3 cuts when she's 35 and realizes she has no purpose
One less fertile European womb is a loss to us all but she sounds like a shitty person anyway.
Now that she's of no use to anybody when the time comes, she'll be on a list.
>3 little cuts
It's called Tubal Ligation
i would unironically rather have this retarded looking gopnik for a son than no kids at all
actually, sorry i might have been too mean about the poor guy
Thats the slav who hacked our election
You'd be lucky to have him as a son
Reminds me of the cuckold and race mixing ones. Same type of writing including emoji's.
Pic related.
I think some are genuine and others are trolls and fantasists.
what the fuck did you just say about sminem you fucking faggot ? this man is the only entity capable of stopping the BOGGS !
I heard he hacked the Brexit with a fucking pencil
Because I care about disturbing trends occurring within my society. I have to live in it. What a stupid question.
>Someone explain this shit.
Whites dying and documenting it all online
Pity she didn't put a bullet thru her head while sitting in the bathtub instead...
>Zero reprocussions
Until DeMarcus gives her three concussions. The toll must always be paid
Wouldn't that mess her up hormonally? Why not just have her tubes tied?
What are these nerds gonna do when they are alone and Alzheimer'd at 80? Even if they save all that childless cash, people still neglect old timers at the best retirement homes.
retards think having a child is just a list of pro's and con's
and that without them they'll have a future.
She is going to kill herself around 30
Lots of blackpills for the white race in r/childfree
It was an apendectomy bc she also has an iv bandage. You have to be put under anesthesia for appendectomy hence the bandages on the arm. You don't use anesthesia for ovary removal unless you're already pregnant or have a baby and go back for tube ties
pic related
>self cleansing gene pool
Just as god intended it
Gaming? People like that need to self euthanize and shut the fuck up.
I wish all feminists did this
Would you rather this or her be a single mother?
Why pay to have surgery so you literally can't have children? I mean why not just choose not to have them?
Really you should have kids until your mid 30s. Otherwise you're throwing your youth away.
Thats called closing the loop when he goes to jail
Because she wants to ride the cock carousel without having to worry about accidentally having a kid.
Involuntary Celibates vs Voluntary Infertiles
who would win?
plebbit is a reflection of society: 90% of people are mentally ill. the good news is the cream (we not mentally ill people) will naturally rise to the top!
Disgusting, when will the white race man up again?
The race yes and no were not turning muslim muhammad, I do not care the society we have falls as long as we get to rebuild a better.
Unfortunate times user.
you fucking idiot this is natural selection in the process
Crazy people with genes that make them do this eliminate themselves from the gene pool
This woman will never have kids and therefore never pass on her terrible genetics and never teach any kid to act like her
Really this is wonderful
I guarantee if she didnt have surgery she would end up being a single mother
read: "I'm a nosey, catty faggot"
That's sad for her. Something turns on for women around 30-35, if not sooner. They start to gain a greater sense of themselves and their place in the world. They begin to ponder the great meanings of happiness and life. Their meditations almost inevitably lead to children and family. This poor women is unlikely to find Prince Charming in her mind because that quality guy is mostly likely going to want children someday even if he's currently opposed. He can change his mind. She can't. He's going to simply move onto other "candidates" especially with the dating scene wider and more open than it's ever been. She may end up alone because of this and only this. It's really sad for her to have taken such a big and permanent step in life without pondering the consequences long term.
I have two kids, girls. They take up pretty much all of my time and energy while they are awake. Everything in my life is centered around their well-being. My wife and I have a good relationship, but by far the strongest bond is that we have two children together.
Fundamentally, I've put myself in a position where my own life is secondary to that of two other beings.
But, it's the fulfillment of my purpose. And the idea of taking a leisurely spring day to BBQ in lieu of raising children is depressing and infantile.
>only, intelligent people with great mental health have kids!
lol go outside retard
Asian wife, happy life.
it's a huge warning sign of how poisoned and suicidal western culture has become.
>sees flag
never mind
It's social engineering and the Femin virus.
Information on the Femin virus:
>The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions
>Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization
>References in mythology to the Femin virus
>Gloria Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the Femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a Femin outbreak
>Elevated Femin infection rates helped cause the Cambodian Dark Ages
>Texas contractor arrested while possibly investigating Femin virus
>murder, leadership change at CDC over Femin virus
>WHO announces Femin virus as “Disease X”
>List of symptoms Femin hosts display (work in progress)
Femin is a retrovirus that inserts its genome into the human genome. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in maternity, pair-bonding, ingroup preference, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that feminists tend to lack.
Her nose tells me everything I need to know.
Almost no woman wants kids at 22, pretty all of them are desperate for at least one by 35. She's going to live most of her life in total regret when the reversal doesn't take and her beta husband leaves her for Sandra from accounts and has 4 kids.
She'll love her 10 years of whoring, then pay for it with 40 years of loneliness and sorrow.
>Any form of birth control
>Not drastic
Pick one.
I read about a new form of male birth control and I couldn't help but feel disgusted and weirded out about fucking with my reproductive organs like that. it just seemed very strange and odd to willingly take pills to 'temporarily" castrate myself.
t. libertarinanilistismist
I love a good video game, but jesus christ.
being a 3rd worlder with English as a second language is no excuse for this stupidity
She looks like a like. What's wrong with a kike not being able to birth offspring