Lauren VS Lauren

Let's settle this once and for all. Which Lauren is best Lauren?

Attached: Lauren VS Lauren.png (909x435, 487K)

Other urls found in this thread:

rose >>>>>> southerners

Nice slide thread. Ban all e-celeb posters.

I’ll take the blondfu any day of the week. Twice on sundays.

Southern's sister > Rose > Southern

Clearly Lauren Simonsen. I hear that Lauren Rose is a white supremacist and said the 14 words.

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Ecelebs are for faggots

Both are hypocritical camwhores who thrive off you pathetic beta males' wallets. You are their orbit.

To be fair, those are quite old.
She has become become more redpilled on race since then.

Lauren Weinstein is the best Lauren.


I like the one who's cleavage I have seen yet, but PewDiePie's fiancee has a strange voice. PewDiePie proposed, but they haven't talked about kids yet. What kind of cuck is he?

>became redpilled

A tradthot is just sucking altright's dick for money and fame, whore.

only one of them receives any money for their work and the one i am talking about receives over 50K a month.

>She has become become more redpilled on race
she hasn't, she reponded after her audience of cucks freaked out when she burned the coal. Rose is cute but obviously never would give a shekel.

Shadilay my fellow kekistani

Neither, Jessu is bestu

Attached: jessass.jpg (890x890, 98K)

no amount of redpills can change the fact that she has had BASED nigger semen in her mouth at one point

She'll probably cash in eventually.
Lauren Southern (your goddess) also fucks brown men consistently. Nothing wrong with this, but a bit hypocritical since she bangs (as well as black guys) on about the "great replacement".

Lauren Southern fucked a black guy? post proof.

This. She may be doing good things now, but she is still irredeemable as a woman.

It's long been established.

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Is it confirmed that she actually burned the coal?
I've heard a lot about this but I want the proof.


Tomi Lahren also fucks black guys. You alt-righters are real chumps.

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Both belong to the kitchen

I'd marry Lauren Rose and have an affair with Lauren Southern.

If she fucked that guy than yes, she has to be shamed. This kind of behavior can't be tolerated.

I hate ecelebs/cia niggers too but it's literally just discussing people. Would you rather us discuss actual celebrities? Inanimate objects? You can criticize them. You don't have to say nice things about them.

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Disgusting whore

/Rose/ > (((Coal Burner)))

Be on the look out for finn knight. Don't know if he's hung himself yet.

Attached: Finnknight 2.png (1080x567, 57K)

Gee, how about discussing news, politics, philosophy, and ideologies instead?

Why would I hung myself?

Disgusting beta orbiter

>Why would I hung myself?
Why would I hang myself* is what you meant to say. But out of embarrassment.


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rose is pretty ugly

What should I be embarrassed about?

also both have been confirmed blacked so who cares

>Playing stupid
How vexing.

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rose also fucked black guys

>Like most young right wingers

Is she retarded?

>Promote Transexuals
>Promote zionists
>Promote homosexuals
>Promote Communists
>Afraid to speak with any real Nationalists
>Shills against Hitler calling him an "SJW"

This bitch gets 500K in donations a year from faggots all over the USA mainly and then the rest of Europe. This progressive piece of shit needs to get struck back down to reality.

Lol, proof? Would be hilarious if so. Another alt-right waifu bites the dust.

That was so cringey to read

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I genuinely do not understand what you're referring to. All I've done here is try to give people advice on how to be pro-white in the most efficient way while this cesspit is still filled with absolute retards who think Simonsen is a jewish name. If anything my detractors should be embarrassed.

I blame the pay pig betas

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Only one has been confirmed blacked actually. We have all seen the evidence of Lauren Southern getting railed by niggers.

Is there any evidence Lauren Rose was blacked? If there is please produce it. Otherwise, you are a butthurt kike!

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Aww, the racist women are sad when discrimination affects them.

are you or are you not the finn who used to make a thread every hour on that coalburner and how amazing she is? And this when you're surrounded by good finnish cunt.

lol there is no evidence of that! hahahahahaha

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This is why you shouldn't listen to women when it comes to politics.

>I genuinely do not understand what you're referring to
You're a pathetic beta faggot that shilled nonstop for a literal coalburning e-begger. No one likes you.


Answer him Finn user

Rivers of blood Paki, rivers of blood

Not all Muslims bro.

I've only made 2 threads about LS in my whole life. Also, I don't claim she is "amazing", but useful. I've considered Lauren Rose to be the superior Lauren since she abandoned civic nationalism.

Why can't you construct any real arguments? Are you a brainlet?

I'm a huge Lauren Southern fan. Funny, quirky, huge lucious boobs… yea, I know she is a fake blonde, and maybe some of her persona is fake for money, but she is a good entertainer. Lauren Rose, from the little I have seen so far, seems like an ice queen and a cold bitch. Yea, just because she is pretty with good genes doesn't make her attractive, not to me. Ice Queen!

Holy shit, kek.

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>Why can't you construct any real arguments? Are you a brainlet?
Those are all true statements. No one likes you, you shilled constantly for a cosplay character that capitalized on the BASED conservative market, she's had nigger dick inside of her, she wasn't ashamed that it happened, you still support her.

t. nigger

It doesn't matter if anyone likes me if I'm right. You have failed to present any actual arguments because you can't form any because you're a low IQ subhuman.

ok, well then apparently you aren't the autistic finn everyone knows. Or you are, but aren't admitting now that she has been exposed.

This might actually be the worst book ever written.

Dude, you are the fucking autistic finn. 2 threads? you were making 2 an hour a few months ago. fuck off.


Or randos on Jow Forums.

Lies. I have only made 2 threads about LS in my whole life and that was in 2017.

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>mutts talking about the white ethnostate
99% of you would be kicked out, I took one look at this Tara whore and knew she is not white.
Looked it up and shes indian and jewish what a joke you mutts are lol

>false Lauren dichotomy
The patrician choice is Laura

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>if I'm right.
you weren't right dipshit, you even said you'd do this but you won't because you're a spineless beta faggot that won't even keep his word. I don't really expect anything else from someone who defends an alt-lite coalburner though.

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Trips of truth!

can someone back me up here? It may have been 2017, months go by but you were making a shitload of threads on her. Every fucking e-celeb thread was you defending her.

He didn't start the threads, he'd just fill them up

she deleted her old IG pics so I can't provide you proof, but if you look up archive threads im sure you'll find screenshots, and im not butthurt I just don;t understand why you guys embrace coal burning thots and throw money at them

Omg my sides I'm dying. That looks like such a real horror movie.

>you weren't right dipshit
I am right and I continue to be right that LS is a net positive for the pro-white movement for the time being, despite her faults.
>won't even keep his word
Why would I do anything that anti-whites want me to do? This isn't a game, this is war. There are no rules in war you dumb cunt.

I never saw him make a thread but he always rushed to his fair lady's defence in any thread that mentioned her, probably while she was getting fingered behind a dumpster.

Just because I was in the threads doesn't mean I made them retard.

The one that shows box.

why do u think she hides all her info? she has a past believe me guys

Natural brunette >> fake blonde

lol OK buddy.

I have seen you post this same exact thing before without providing any evidence hahaha.

You are a butthurt alt kike

You kekistani shitskins should be rounded up and sent to your 'ethnostate' far north near the frozen tundra.

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You definitely have an imagination.

Find the evidence and post it or you are literally doing the work of the kikes.

We all know Lauren Southern fucked niggers, though.

well dude, you'd get to them like flies to shit and defend her immediately, so seemed like you were making them. you can throw a stick in finland and hit a better looking blonde than simonsen. I don't get the thing for her.

>Why would I do what I say I'll do
fuck off beta, you're a joke to everyone

>Be on the look out for finn knight. Don't know if he's hung himself yet.

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It’s ok to like two you tubers, you aren’t marrying them. They aren’t your wife

Lauren Rose.
She is really conviced in what she does, Southern is just attention whoring.

i don't work for anyone but you keep following a woman big guy, im sure she'll fuck you instead of tyrone if you keep orbiting her and throwing money at her

>I don't get the thing for her.

I don't get why morons on this board lie about her or attack her this much either. I wouldn't have to spend so much time correcting retards on their shit arguments if they focused their energy on something worthwhile.

It's telling you're completely incapable of actually addressing my arguments regarding LS. You're a total intellectual coward. Low IQ subhumans like you is why democracy is a shit system. You belong in doing manual labor, not attempting to discuss politics.

I too like my women with rosacea and perimenopausal looking.


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