Why are we called fascist when the mayority of us only want to live with thier own kind ?

Attached: 99167045-Estonian-tripletsmain-SPORT-xlarge_trans++ZgEkZX3M936N5BQK4Va8RTgjU7QtstFrD21mzXAYo54.jpg (1280x800, 61K)

its natural and beautifull

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Because jews get nervous when white people live in peace together and prosper

Because (((they))) have mixed our countries so much that the only way to achieve an ethnostate is balkenization or genocide

Reported this for nazism you fucking nazi

live with your kind with the nature that have evoved wth you during tend of thousand years

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Oy vey, just roll over and die, you bigot!

Kill marry fuck

Because no women would ever want to breed with a obese manlet who spends all his time in his moms basement playing vidya.
You think living in a Ethonostate improves your odds? No..all the women would just move to get away from your obese self.

im lonely girl and its so sad....

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rude desu

Do you want to go on a date with me user?

i want to know someone who live near me and have groth in the same enviroment as im
sorry user

Youre on Jow Forums user, we did grow up the same

>100% european ethnicity
>..brown eyes
>medium brown hair
>tan skin
...is this how he felt?

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Why are you picking on the Estonian triplets?

Because 'Diversity' means chasing down the last white person.

A tight-knit, ethnically identical community is harder to infiltrate than a multi-culti hole

Because fascism is that which takes as its historical subject tradition, which can organize around things like state, race, and religion.

Your political ideology likely falls under this umbrella.

It's natural to prefer to have friends of your own race.

Attached: frinds.jpg (1024x876, 97K)

most white people want this - "but only fascism accomplishes it"

These are subhumans.

Because that is unironically the meaning of fascism.

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Explain user.

Fuck you. The Triplets and their story is adorable and sad. They just need to learn how to wear bangs like their Finnish cousins.