National Socialist Thread

National Socialist Thread

Thread for whitepills, inspiration, truth, and the journey to our national socialist revolution in the years to come.

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>national socialist

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Every time I’m in thought of what can be used as inspiration for white men to wake up, those who still have any noteable trace left of manhood, is to remind them that 1/3 young girls are molested at some point. And as of now, most sexual assaults are committed by non-whites. So remind yourselves and those around you that between them, their kids,and their grandkids and so on - at least one of the females will be raped by the mud skins

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starting with an essential. Censored, so you have to go to jewtube for it.

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Stop thinking about and paying attention to larp groups such as TWP, Vanguard America, patriot front or whomever. All are filled with feds, all are infiltrated, you will Be doxxed. You are better off setting up a 4-man pyramid squad set up to train with for Rahowa and slowly build from there until we reach the tipping point for our coming strikes against the ZOG

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No one needs to hear about your movements made against the anti-white traitors and terrorists. A leaderless revolution is acceptable if necessary. There’s no need to vilify your ego for attention by risking yourself being compromised. Drop the bullshit and take it seriously

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Fuck yeah 4 man pyramid squads were proven in Chechnya. Can delay an entire company of ~100+ from a single building. RPG, LSW and effective use of fire. When networked with other pyramids, this can turn into a complex ambush before fire support can be dialed in, if it's even present.

As for logistical planning goes into the preparation for eventual struggle permits you to take the steps necessary to document, list, write down and study local primary installations that would be essential in the effort against whatever occupying force is being revolted against, as of course Americans even in the constitution it is written you have every responsibility to take up this struggle against the disillusioning state. Electrical grid, railroad lines/routes, water purification/filtering plants, main highways/airlines. This of course is not a call for any violence or illegal actions, but simply make note of what is essential and what is not essential in a hypothetical situation that such would be of concern

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The entirety of the NSLF resisatnce organization was only made up of 4 men

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Do you have access to at least a few acres of woodland that you could hold PT sessions? Shooting? To test basic survival/combat scenarios such as digging fox holes? What about teaching your new Natsoc military unit how to operate a radio? Does everyone know how to read a map? Or basic first aid?

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