Fabiano Caruana will be the first American since Bobby Fischer to become World Chess Champion...

Fabiano Caruana will be the first American since Bobby Fischer to become World Chess Champion. Tell me again how Americans are dumb uneducated mutts?

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he's good, but the nordic genius has superior intellect, so he will win.

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Carlsen is past his prime, and also finally got a gf who is sucking his intellect out of him. Fabi is 2 years younger and still a virgin wizard.

magnus isn't even 30 yet. most chess masters peak in their early 30s.

you don't have to be a virgin to be good at chess. that's rubbish.

Nordic Aryan autism will win the day against el mutto del Americas.

I could beat him with a simple Indian defense...

He looks Jewish.

And autismo

Magnus has a cutie nordic waifu. She will only strengthen him -- unlike american feminist blood sucking SJWs.

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>Greatest player of all time
>Died a virgin

Attached: Bobby_Fischer_1960_in_Leipzig_in_color.jpg (700x617, 422K)

The best American chess player only exists because two Italians decided to give birth to him in Miami.

why is chess=smart meme still a thing

The best chess player is computer software.

And you only exist because a nigger, spic, and jungle native decided to have a threesome in Sao Paulo

yes he is the greatest chess player of all time. Study his games. He was brilliant.

But no he did not die a virgin. He had a girlfriend you moron.


It's also well known that he was banging judith polgar as well

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Fischer fucked Hillary? Did he redpill her on the Jews? Maybe we made a mistake.

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He played an impressive Candidates Tournament. He's on a roll, followed his performance in Grenke and the US Championship. Can't wait for November.

On another note, who's your chessfu, Jow Forums?

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Female chess players are almost always above average, it's strange.

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Holy shit. I should have played chess more growing up.

I feel ya, fäm.

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