Its my birthday

Im so lonely, i feel like i dont exist anymore....
My circle of friends has moved on without me since my fiance and me split and god how i miss her, she is the woman i love and i hate that i ruined what i had.
I feel isolated and stuck, ill be getting my car fixed by the end of the month and want to relocate somewhere and start a new life....any recomendations on how id do that and where id go?
Maybe just a happy birthday? I didnt hear it much today....

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Other urls found in this thread:

how old are you pal

Turned 23 today.

Happy birthday bud

happy birthday fren

Happy birthday user!
Wish you all the best!

You're 23 man, you have time to find somebody else. I won't lie about the making friends thing though, that is tough. If I didn't have my find group from growing up I would have nothing.

Good luck

At least someone had to say happy birthday. Meet someone new. Learn about them and make something with a better chance than most of the world

happy bday user. if you want a place to move that's not abysmally expensive I'd go Washtenaw county Michigan.

Happy birthday, user. I love you

Happy Birthday bud. Wishing you happiness and prosperity dude.

It gets better such is the ebb an flow of life. Go buy yourself something nice or at least treat yourself to a dinner.


happy birthday user

Happy birthday.
You will become used to the isolation. It will become your best friend and most faithful mistress, so to speak.
Your suffering is ephemeral.

Maybe moving would help man. Get a new start and shit. Meeting new people and women could help

Everyone has been linely for the last 3-4 years. Something shifted in our culture and we're all completely isolated. Nobody talks about it so everybody thinks it's just them.

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Happy birthday bro. Love u man. No homo

I have lived here a long time and agree.

The last time I had a party for a birthday was when I turned 18.

Every year since then, I just go, meh, it's my birthday, whatever.

24 now BTW

Its hard for me to connect with anyone, sex and even finding a gf idnt too hard for me, im not ugly or a neet i just dont feel anything special for anyone anymore.

What state do you live in?

Apply for a job with union pacific. They pay a $20,000 signing bonus for train crew, no experience needed.

There are also cities that will pay you to move there because of the labor shortage.

Happy birthday user, chin up. You know what they say, better to have loved and lost. I'm older than you and you've gotten further than me on that end.

Fucking seattle, Washington.
The only thing nice about this state is the nature and legal weed.

You sound like a pathetic little man do everyone a favor and kys

Fuck you.

Happy birthday pal.
I would've said something more cynical but I feel you don't need that shit right about now.
>My circle of friends has moved on without me
Chillax, no one says you can't make more friends, if you made friends before you can do so again.

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a better life awaits beyond this hellish existence

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Happy birthday, user.

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Its really nice to be able to come here and be treated like i matter by people who dont know me.
I appreciate your kind words guys, i dont have a soul that i can talk about or relate to about this.

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I bet.

i spent my 23rd homeless, uncertainty about the future can be a good thing if you use it to move forward.

go down into the desert, NV was comfy. happy birthday user.

What would i do in said desert?

Unironically kill yourself you whiny self absorbed brat.

>y tho

You've had a fiance before, someone's capable of loving you.

And if you want to leave and start fresh, look for work in cities that seem interesting. What do you want to accomplish in life?

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Happy birthday user!

I spent my birthday this year sitting at a smoking patio near a restaurant off the strip in Las Vegas listening to Hurt by Nine Inch Nails.

I feel you brother, at least you had love and lost it, I never had love at all despite a lot of trying and I'm 28.

You wanna know my advice? Pick up an instrument or creative talent. If you really devote yourself to it, you will be amazing before 30 and you will never regret it. Dont stop working on development for no reason other than the enjoyment of being lucky and healthy enough to do so.

Happy Birthday!

Don't be depressed

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Happy birthday dude. Life is tough.

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Im trying to get a job processing fish in alaska and get my foot in the door for actual fishing.

/b/ sage

also, be depressed every day - birthdays aren't special

Happy birthday too btw before I forget

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Happy birthday...

>she is the woman i love, poor gullible sod. Protip: it gets better. Protip x9000: she fucked with your brain, don't let it ever happen again. If she's gone, fuck her, she's gone, get your shit together and better luck next time.

>Im trying to get a job processing fish in alaska and get my foot in the door for actual fishing.
Not bad thinking, I have a friend who works seasonally in Alaska collected fish for some lab or something. Decent life if you enjoy the outdoors, and Alaska is a place always looking for able bodied men

live, enjoy the nights, sweat, build a new experience. if your thinking about moving and starting over somewhere it's the most i've enjoyed nature and it's not hard to find a small place to build a life.

>fucked with my brain.

Happy birthday user!

Happy Birthday user, I too am 23 years old

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Move to Europe or the South. Good change of pace.



Marrying some skank +/- 1 year your age was never gonna work. Unless you were devoutly religious,.young marriages fall apart over shit these days

Happy bday user I appreciate you.

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Happy birthday!

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Is their alot of work in NV?
Im a poorfag.
Ive always done blue collar labor and live in a very expensive state.

>T. Banklet

i feel you, user.
>birthday last wednesday
>girl i was seeing a few months ago and was really into who moved temporarily for work calls me to wish me hb
>tells me she's back in town and wants to do something later, says she should be free at 8pm
>i am ecstatic, this girl was literally haunting my dreams for 2 whole months and i finally get to see her again
>8pm rolls around
>hear nothing from her
>message her asking where i'm picking her up
>feel like pic related for 3 straight days

desu this entire time i knew it was irresponsible of me to feel this way about this girl (she is a flighty, drug using turbo-whore) but the nights i spent with her were some of the only times i've felt alive in the last year. now it all feels like a dream; like she was some kind of corporeal being who visited me in my sleep a few times, leaving just enough of a trace of herself in me to induce painful waking dream states like greentext.

i don't know if i'm going to make it.

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Hard pass.

She's already fucking some other nigger and you're still crying about your one true love. That's how. And if a bitch ever tells you that you're "soul mates", laugh and abandon the ship while you still can, because otherwise she'll be the one laughing. I guarantee it.

Dont kill yourself man.
These hoes aint loyal.

You can stay at my place for a while if you let me creampie you tight hole. Not even gay it'd about dominance, control and humiliation. Disease free, just want to fill you up while I grunt and erupt in your colon. I am uncircumcised.

I'll PM you with my details.

Happy birthday!

>(she is a flighty, drug using turbo-whore) but the nights i spent with her were some of the only times i've felt alive in the last year.
Seriously? Don't count on club sluts to come through, ever

All I’m going to say is fuck off Canada is full, you retards elected that orange fascist so you get to die with him

Kys faggot

Yea its fucked.
Im fucking chicks left and right but still thinking of her anytime im alone.
I want to stop but cant get her out of my mind.

Trust me, living in Europe for most of my 20s was great for me. Made new friends, had a lot of sex, learnt new languages. The south or Quebec can do the same effect. Go somewhere quite different from your home. It helps you in a way appreciate other things and to deal with people. It also lets you choose your friends and abandon those who are toxic, whereas in your situation you cannot do that.

Happy birthday too before I forget.

Happy birthday user

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tell us how you ruined it so maybe the other 2 people on here that'll get engaged can learn from your JUSTing

>Still fucking tons of women
Why are you whining so much then? Find some fucking work for God's sake, men need to live with purpose and if you're wallowing over some woman then you're fucking pathetic. Get it together

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I'm 30 and legitimately haven't left my room in 12 years, stop your whining pussy. Watch some videos on so you realize how awesome your life really is

I got complacent.
Stopped doing what i did to get her.

Because im a fucking human being with feelings and emotional needs and fucking rave whores and 6s of tinder doesnt fulfill those needs.

Happy Birthday user from a Leaf. Here's a gif

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Happy birthday pal, chin up. Happens to the best of us.

Hey bro. Don't worry about feeling down. We all feel down here at times. That is why so many come here. We feel a connection to others. We don't feel alone when we see others with similar thoughts and desires. You're the same way. Being depressed means you care, that you have a heart, be proud of that. I was feeling absolute depression a few months back, but now I am feeling happy and hopeful again. It happens man. You just need to ride through those harsh waves until you make it out. I personally believe we are headed towards a bright future. Sure there will be plenty of bad things to come, but I see a lot of new hope and beauty emerging as well. Start focusing on the beauty that is out there, and to what can be. Start improving yourself because you want to be better. Start to open your heart to loving the beauty that exists in your past and future. Sure, there will be plenty of rough times ahead, but you know what? There have always been rough times, and we have always survived. And you should know that you aren't alone. Many others feel your sadness and incompleteness. You aren't suffering alone. Myself and many others have thought to post in your thread because we care, because we understand. So don't feel so bad. You are my bro, and I care about you. Happy birthday brother.

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Been there too user, hang on and dont stress yourself about it. I know its tough

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So basically you're a wind up toy that women just discard if you don't entertain them enough anymore. Sounds like a great deal for men lmao.

Stop being a fucking cuck you retard, you're 23.

This too.

>Because im a fucking human being with feelings and emotional needs and fucking rave whores and 6s of tinder doesnt fulfill those needs.
You're also an adult, act like one.
I'd give anything to get my early 20s back, and you're wasting them thinking about someone who'd probably divorce you and take half your shit anyway

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I know the feeling, ya end up just hooked on someone even though you know it's bad for you. And then she fucks your brother and all that fun stuff.

Yea youre right.

happy birthday, dear normalfag

Happy birthday man.

>Im fucking chicks left and right but still thinking of her anytime im alone.

DESU you sound like a pathetic little bitch.
No wonder she left your sorry ass.

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Happy birthday pal good luck with relocating

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dont come to nv we dont want any fags




Happy birthday user. Try to look at it like this: when you feel like you’re at the lowest point in your life, you still haven’t hit the bottom yet. But hey, it’s right around the corner and once you do it’s only up from there! But seriously good luck and God bless. Hope everything works out for ya.

I thought I hit bottom in 2014, but I had no idea what was coming in 2015

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shut your filthy mouth carlos

Based Loupe!

Funny thing is before i got with this girl i didnt give a fuck about thots.
Dicked em up, kicked em out.
I was selling a bunch of lsd and just loving life in general.
This fucking bitch comes along and now im perma stuck in my fucking feels.

I just wanna go back.

happy birthday faggot

Thanks user.
Nice flag.

just die best solution no need to worry

Shouldn't have been a degenerate senpai. Came back to kick your ass. You'll be alright though.

Damn, only now I find this flag? So many rarer flags have surfaced yet you evaded me for so long. Thanks user.

Maybe youre right.

Happy birthday user.

Things will get better and you'll meet new people. Life means endless chances to do things right.