Im so lonely, i feel like i dont exist anymore....
My circle of friends has moved on without me since my fiance and me split and god how i miss her, she is the woman i love and i hate that i ruined what i had.
I feel isolated and stuck, ill be getting my car fixed by the end of the month and want to relocate somewhere and start a new life....any recomendations on how id do that and where id go?
Maybe just a happy birthday? I didnt hear it much today....
Its my birthday
Levi Sanders
Other urls found in this thread:
Brandon Baker
how old are you pal
Isaiah Cook
Turned 23 today.
Henry Ramirez
Happy birthday bud
Brayden Edwards
happy birthday fren
Justin Green
Happy birthday user!
Wish you all the best!
Elijah Turner
You're 23 man, you have time to find somebody else. I won't lie about the making friends thing though, that is tough. If I didn't have my find group from growing up I would have nothing.
Good luck
Aaron Ramirez
At least someone had to say happy birthday. Meet someone new. Learn about them and make something with a better chance than most of the world
Joseph Anderson
happy bday user. if you want a place to move that's not abysmally expensive I'd go Washtenaw county Michigan.
Ryder Jackson
Happy birthday, user. I love you