Openly undocumented

>openly undocumented
>852k "likes"

America is doomed

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 12.02.49 AM.jpg (1156x1372, 336K)

Other urls found in this thread: states population&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS779US779&oq=united states p&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.6919j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

She can be deported with honors

Heh...sorry U.S. government, looks like you didn't remember to document me while I was illegally sneaking into your country to evade immigration laws and take advantage of your country and tax breaks afforded to citizens to which I and my family have never contributed, effectively stealing money from American tax payers just by being here. Your mistake, better luck next time!

Attached: cunt.png (548x540, 18K)

Maybe when she is deported she can help fix her own country. I hope they grab her parents and siblings as well, don't break up the family!

Her country of origin would love to have an American educated citizen

The future is ours whities.

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americans population is over 30 million. we can afford to remove 852 and improve our society forever.

report her then you dumb fuck

>trying this hard to squeeze out some extra sympathy

>likes on bot infested shadow banning leftist echo chamber that is twatter
Wow, it's fucking nothing.

That gender studies degree will really help central American shit hole #79626


there are 300 million people in america and half of twitter is bot activity

>over 30 million
>US education

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A quarter of 1% of the population of the United States, and probably a good chunk of those likes come from people in other countries.

That's minuscule. Nothing to sweat.

Apparently it's in student affairs.

she has to go back to mexico IMMEDIATELY

You know it's fake.

Fucking retarded mutt it's Whitey.
You're too stupid for racism, back to the closet with you.

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What's her major?
Shit major should cause automatic deportation.

Does Twitter bots mean anything to you?

And it's a useless degree, which makes things worse.

+300 million

kikes and CIAniggers

>student affairs
>in Mexico
If only they had education that didn't involve gang violence and border crossing.

So when are we calling ICE?

>father doing everything he can for his little girl just so she can get railed by every black guy on campus

is he retarded?

I hope a fellow illegal shoots kills her and gets off clean.

Whatever, it's probably a bit higher since our last census, so maybe around 40 mil.
What are you at, like 100 million somali niggers? God finland is cucked

I love seeing graphics like this.
I checked a few of these accounts and they have been suspended now. Question: any one know how fast these accounts go up and come down? Any stats on cost to get a bot and average number of tweets before it's suspended?
Curious about the economics behind this.

yeah this is common

Attached: leftist twitter bots.png (935x748, 107K)

>not a citizen
>partake in our infrastructure and resources
Gee why is America shit?

>Any stats on cost to get a bot and average number of tweets before it's suspended
next to nothing. im not sure how fast twitter catches onto them but by the time they're done pushing their narrative its too late

Attached: twitter bots zucc trial.jpg (1467x1004, 119K)

Do you think it's under 30 million?

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she doesn't look like a beaner, wtf

I'm pretty sure more than half of twitter users are straight bots.

why is she in her 30's?

kek! sad

A lot of hispanics look white because the spaniards who came and raped every native was white. Also Anglos probably explored Mexico too

The Amerindian / European rape babies are the most quintessentially American thing ever.

They should be free to come here.

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>my papi

Yes, your country is doomed and that is sad. US is obviously not perfect but is one of the centers of western civilization. And if it falls (and probably will) a big part of the good things of western culture will fall behind. Have you read The Antichrist of Niesztche? One of the things he says is that the ideologies of the weaks brings decadence. And those likes that the picture got, are a proof of that veneration that weakness receives these days. Western culture has got to a point of self-destruction. Most people don't value the many good things that our culture has done and have an absurd taste for other cultures that nowadays are absolutely inferior than ours. We see it in art for example, when the ignorants listen amazed the music from India, Africa or the Caribbean, but have no idea of the great music that was created by Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and the others masters we've had. And we see it when our Christian traditions are seen as signs of oppression by the same people that defends the muslims. And we see it when the same people that questions and disbelieves all the knowledge that our civilization has of medicine and science, has blind faith in the traditional medicine of China, or the sanative rituals of the native americans.
Well, nothing lasts forever and we are watching the decadence of western culture.
P.S: as you can see by the flag, my mother language is spanish so, i'm sorry if my english is broken

852k more to deport

Thanks, so a constant game of creating accounts, push something out, if caught no big deal.

I now a guy and his arguments always go something like, "everyone thinks...". He literally bases his truth on popular opinion. The exact person ripe for this type of manipulation.

stop being dumb states population&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS779US779&oq=united states p&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.6919j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

fake jew shit

So, it turns out you didn't actually (((need))) subsidies? Got it. Now fuck off to Mexico.


Those aren't bots, they're just sharing the exact same article so the tweet looks the same when they hit the "share" button on the article.

What our ancestors built has been corrupted beyond repair to be sure, but the source of everything good that it used to represent is still here in our genes just as it is in any country with a sizeable white population. History isn't over, and we have to preserve the lessons learned from this era so that they can be applied to the great nations our descendants will build when hard times create strong men once again.

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How can globalism ever be stopped? It's the logical conclusion to capitalism. Business will eventually be stronger than any state, plus it has the benefit of being international. Eventually it won't matter where you're born, global citizenship is inevitable.

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I'm glad I'll be dead before it is fully realized. What a horrible world it will be.

How come?

She's from Argentina you fucks


Why not just apply for a student visa holy shit it's not that hard.

>unironically opinions that are not even compatible with nazism

truly, america is le doomed

>Realizing it's actual twitter doing this.




pick one

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You might be thinking of Canada

she probably lost her scholarship once they school discovered she was eating it all at the local mcdonalds

being a poor illegal spic is a convenient cover story

daca ended

>daca ended

daca has not ended

just in case you can't handle researching for yourself >

"... meaning the nearly 700,000 recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program can continue to renew their applications ..."

Men. Don't let your country be infected by those who cowardly abandoned theirs and didn't fight to reconstruct it. It would do the same at yours like rats that escape from a sinking boat.

it ended in march and wasn't renewed. sadly Trump didn't start mass deporting as I had hoped.

>it ended in march


Yeah, how horrible that people don't want to deport children who had no control over their family coming here illegally.

>Yeah, how horrible that people don't want to deport children who had no control over their family coming here illegally.

seems interesting that it only has 850k+ likes on a bot-filled social media platform.

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why are beaners and chopping bits of bodies off always seen hand-in-hand?

But they did have control; they're 18+ fucking years old now. They could have gone back, but they didn't. They will pay the price with their blood.

Which was then challenged, it's over, the 9th circuit is just obstructionist.

>isn't aware of recent counter challenge and non 9th circuit judges who will actually advocate enforcing the law
Back to plebbit, bub.

So that means they should be rewarded and their parents, who are responsible for it, allowed to immigrate? Fuck you.

>people don't want to deport children who had no control over their family coming here illegally

It's almost like the consequences of being lenient encourage more people to break the law, and the only rational choice if you have your assumed moral goals, is to harm a few people now, so much more never have to suffer this fate.

This can be applied 1:1 to the rambling masses of economic opportunists that have entered Europe (and the US too).
If you don't want people dead in the mediterranean or american gulf, stop incentivizing people to risk their lives.

At this stage, the mask usually falls off and the true globalist face of the emotional manipulator is revealed.

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But our fault when our parents or their parents and so on did something

How many of those are real accounts and not shared by the same person.. and from america?

Why would I care about what some Twitter users think?

Why didn't you invite ICE agents to her graduation to scoop her up right before she walked on stage to get her diploma?

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Oof, you don't know??

This shit is manufactured, just like the starbucks niggers, and just like MLK's Jewish ex commie party handlers. Politicians like McCain and Lindsey Graham use click farms on important social media posts. Twitter doesn't make money, it survives because the CIA pays for it in exchange for private data, of course these glow in the dark niggers boost their own agendas.

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