This is the endgame of homosexuality ,faggotry and all degenerate behaviour

This is the endgame of homosexuality ,faggotry and all degenerate behaviour.

Daily Reminder anons if you like to insert your penis in other men's anus you are 44 times more likely to have HIV compared to a guy who like's to fuck vaginas.

Love Dicks in your butt ?, enjoy your anal pro-lapse:

28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners and over 79% of faggots say that 50% of their partners are total strangers.

Attached: Conchita Wurst HIV.jpg (663x633, 89K)

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man you gotta have one hell of a closet to be in to be so utterly scared of a little equality.

so sad

Life had become a living breathing meme at this point. It holds. O value nor purpose. Childfree nihilism and antinatalism is the answer to this disease.

Being gay isn't a new thing. It's just another cycle that will once again end in failure.

sorry not a bug chaser like you.

I saw her sing on the day of freedom event in London

HIV is sexist. Does that mean that God is sexist. Somebody tell the feminists that God made them inferior

Diseases create wealth and advance science. HIV in particular creates over $20bil/yr in wealth and has helped fuel advancements in science like the cure for hepatitis c.

>our SÅ‚owianki lose to this hiv infected faggot
Europe need to die

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I could fap all day long to cleo

>europe needs to die
You're just now realizing this?

t.broken window theory

No more nihilism habibi, just embrace islam now :3

Except Gilead sciences was trading for pennies in the 90s and the only thing they do is antivirals, nothing else. If it weren't for HIV skyrocketing their shares to $100+/share they wouldn't have created sovaldi. The only thing they make money off of is HIV basically.

Insert my penis into another man's anus? What an idea! Who comes up with this stuff?

reminder that straight people have never acted degenerate
they are perfect beings all of them

tfw no catholic polish qt

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Let it spread. Let it wipe out the sluts, the fags, and the junkies. No one with any virtue or self-control gets HIV.


Gay dude here... I've been hard at work saving myself for marriage, vocally hating both straight and gay promiscuity, and I have found the love of my life after 26 years. I've had many chances to be promiscuous. Stefan Molyneux has a few good videos on how the more partners you have, the higher the divorce rate. Do you really think sex is just "something people do, no big deal"? Even as a kid, I knew sex was a serious matter. If someone doesn't know how to keep it in their pants and avoid sexual situations until after finding their soul mate, then I automatically have less respect for them. Yes, gays are promiscuous, probably more than straight people, but straight people also hook up a ton. Your straight women are addicted to BDSM and your men are brainwashed to be cucked. Herpes and other diseases are rampant. Accidental pregnancies are rampant. Abortion is rampant. Self hate is rampant. People need values, morals, and the IQ to delay gratification.

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With all those boxes checked the guy should be president of the European Union within a year.

>Love Dicks in your butt ?, enjoy your anal pro-lapse:
This is Jow Forums required reading, it nearly made me through up. You'll never look at a faggot again without wondering if they are wearing adult diapers.

I hate the media making it out like this guy is so brave.


I haven't had sex but I use dildos and I've never had any issues with incontinence.
Unless you use fucking horse dicks or have really rough sex you'll be fine. But yeah I guess a lot of dudes are disgusting so they purposefully wreck their buttholes.


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I bet you vote for Trudeau don't you?

The Greeks?

Those stats are bullshit. What's true and more alarming is that a fifth of men sampled at gay clubs and bars were HIV-positive. And like half of gay nigs are pozzed.