Breed of Peace

>Free helicopter rides for pitbulls to secure a leash free socitey for good boys everywhere

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>hmm looks like 13% of Dogs are responsible for 80% of deaths. Why could that be?

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Based goldens are the white people of dogs

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much fake such conspiracy

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This could be the future

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gr/si is best pair
how can shiba inu males even compete?

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this is what we fight for. End the pitbull menace now.

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don't forget who's trying to take this from you.

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Fuck you. I'm gonna go spit on my neighbors gay ass golden retriever right now.

Have lots of kids

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lol nice banter m8.
"Like four pits just attacked her. We were like dang, and d I ain't gonna lie, it got graphic, like limbs, you saw some bone, blood. They had her arm, leg. They were just kind of ripping at her," witness Kwasi Stephens said.

Police were called to the area around 9:30 p.m. When officers arrived, witnesses say the victim was being attacked as neighbors tried in vain to stop them.

"There were two guys that tried to help her. One dude with a bat, and one dude was just hitting on them but like, the dogs wasn't giving up and that's when the cops were called. The cops started shooting at them," Stephens said.

Police shot one of the massive dogs to death. We are told they hit another dog, then corralled the three surviving dogs together until animal control arrived. Neighbors tell us the dogs frequently get away from their home and are aggressive.

What's with the pitbull hate on here? I consider getting one, they're so pretty.

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Don't ruin the thread with nigger dogs

>*German shepard blocks you path*

You walk him and he happy
be a good boy to your good boy

Look at the stats. They are the niggers of dogs. They have been bred for aggression, and once they start biting, they usually don't let go until they are slain. They are genetically inferior. Get a German Shepherd, if you want a badass. If you want a lower-maintenance companion, all types of labs and retriever mixes are good.

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Pitbulls aren't inherently violent, they grew up under different socio-economic conditions and couldn't get into the best dog training schools

Shibas are honary Retrieves

That seems like bullshit to me. They're used as fighting dogs, right? So these trained killers will distort any statistic. Also people in rough neighbohoods will get them for protection, especially with their bad reputation. These will also be trained to be more aggressive. Although a possibility I don't think you can just take a statistic and go straight for genetics. I've never even met an aggressive dog of any race, they're mostly reacting to you. German Shepherds btw have severe problems with their spines I think, police forces are switching to the Belgian variant.

Do you not know what selective breeding is? Do you think the creation of different breeds was just for shits and giggles?

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I just looked it up and I don't think your position is supported by the data. First of all we're looking at something like 30 fatalities a year from all dog bites - more people die from lightning strikes. (Yes there are also gruesome disfiguremens and such)

But now you have to consider that a pitbull bite is more likely to kill than that of a dachshund or whatever which already explains while they are high up in the kill statistic. Adding to that the factors that I mentioned and I do not feel the need to bring 'aggression genetics' into this, just because they kill whatever, 30 more people than collies do over a span of 20 years.

>Although the majority of pit bull owners firmly believe that it is how you raise the dog that dictates future behavioral disorders and unpredictable aggression,

research into reported incidences of dog attacks clearly show that certain breeds of dogs are prone to biting
You cant just look at deaths though. Consider all attacks the result in serious injury. In 2015 alone 28000 surgeries occurred due to dog bites. the vast majority of those are because of pitbulls

its not just that
but the amount of other dog breeds wild pits kill as well

We're going to build a big, beautiful fence. And Chihuahuas are going to pay for it.

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I find it a bit strange that he mentions that the Dachshund is actually the dog that bites most but he didn't include it in the pie chart. He also writes that the moniker 'Pit Bull' is an umbrella term for several races. Which must mean that this statistic isn't about one kind of dog but several. That's not how you do statistics. How many dogs are we even talking about? That should be relevant when assessing aggression. Apparently there are somewhere between 3-5 million 'Pitbulls' in the US. That seems like a lot which would already give them prominence in any bite ranking that doesn't adjust the variables.


pitbulls are the nigger of dogs, they should be exterminated and their owner shot

What is Jow Forums's opinion on Beagles, I for one think they are based, also Golden Retrievers are a God tier breed I have one and it's the best dog ever

Pic of my Beagle

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Will my puppy be allowed in the doggostate?

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Also consider that people might misidentify the race. Pit Bulls are famous killers, right? So if something like pic related bites a guy he might tell people it was a Pit bull. A sign of that happening would be that the numbers increase dramatically for no apparent reason.

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Legit can't breathe

no one that calls an English bull dog a
pit bull would be taken seriously.

Seems chill

Niggers ruined the breed. Gas them all and start over (the niggers first then the pitbulls). Once shit hits peak bullshit I'm sure the niggers will choose a new breed to fucking ruin.

Your pupper will have a doggosate of its own which will have friendly and prosperous relations with the Retrieverstate as will all respectable doggostates. Also he looks like a good boy.

>implying breeds not big enough to kill someone even fucking matter statistically.

How is their odor?
Do they make a first dog for a family?

Fuck beagles
They are so loud

Can someone post the pic of cesar milan getting bitten by the golden like the dumb bitch he is?

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As if people without dogs would know the difference and the nurse or whatever had any way to confirm. I'm telling you if we'd look at the stats in detail we'd see an immediate spike in 'Pit Bull' attacks the moment a media campaign is started. It's just how people work, they see things they know.

They do if they attack small children.

Retrievers are amazing with families. As long as you keep them well groomed they don't have an odor. They do shed a bit more than average but once again its fairly managble if you groom them exspecially when the seasons change.

funny, since I got mine last year she has probaly barked around 4 times

Hapa master race

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It's simple. They blame the gas on the german shepherd.

Of course it's a meme flag being a niggerbreed apologist. Meme flag posters need to be gassed before anyone else.

Vet here, let me explain two things

>Dachshunds and German Shepherds are most likely to bite you
>Pitbulls are most likely to kill you

There is literally an epigenetic coding hidden in every pit bull that can send them into a homicidal fury. No amount of training or love will fix that.
>It is easy to prevent attack from consistently aggressive dogs because you take precautions
>Pitbulls almost always have a gentle demeanor until they flip and kill you, and since the owner is unprepared to deal with a horrifically muscular, vicious dog as up to that moment it was their companion, they succumb and die

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Holy fuck pbidf out in full force today

What are a pitbulls weak points?

I'm not an apologist I'm just interested in what's what. And btw, even using the questionable statistics provided Pit Bulls are far less violent than blacks.

Golden retrievers are just scared of pitbulls cuz they weak an shit, and bitches need a real strong dogs sead

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Holy shit I try to explain that first part to way too many people who apparently all failed stats in highschool..

As for that second part there, thats why betas and dindus shouldnt be able to own them. *IF* my pittie attacked (hes also 10 already & half boxer) I would be ready to combat the threat immediately.

I fucking hate labs and other smaller breeds.

Didn’t we create the pit bull so it can be tossed into a pit with bulls to kill them?

That's quite a statement considering that the millions of dogs under the umbrella term of 'Pit Bull' only manage to kill a few people each year.

Point blank range shooting will likely cause bullet deflection of the skull if you aren’t using a high caliber gun. Try to shoot the thorax if you had to defend yourself

Pitbulls are the worst breed and owning one should be made illegal with a view to prison time for the owner and the destruction of the pitbull.

Longbois don't deserve the bad reputation

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No one ever said dogs frequently kill ppl. But when they do, pitties are overwhelmingly the breed. Go wiki dog attacks in your free time.

And if you want a bad ass dog that will protect your family and not get cruciate ligament tears and/or mast cell tumors, get a Rhodesian Ridgeback

>I would be ready to combat the threat immediately.
l m a o

Never go for the torso or head
A pit will never let go even if you’re hitting them with a crowbar
You must go directly for the eyes
If you take out their vision they stop

You're a single mother, aren't you?

I have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, they are great dogs, not very big and very loving. They're called the nanny dog in England. Would not recommend a large breed pit unless you know what you are doing, certain people get them and raise them to be aggressive.

People claim that they were bred to watch children but the truth is they were bred to bait bears and bulls, then fight after that stopped.

I have a few nurses under my supervision that are pit faggots and adore the breed. They constantly try to put my team at risk by insisting not to muzzle pit bulls. They are morons, and I constantly show them statistics because cute as they are I don’t need a Pitbull murdering my staff

English staffies are different from Americans. In fact Britain has banned pitbulls and American had banned English staffies.

Btw the nanny thing is a meme, as factual as saying Islam’s the religion of peace

Tell me this fingol doesn't look like his oriental shiba inu cousins

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My girlfriend wants a Ridgeback so this is a possibility.

I am looking through the wiki right now. As far as the studies go the statistics aren't as clear as you think. They're usually not even adjusted for numbers and the label covers multiple dogs not one as would be the case with the German Shepherd for example. Anyway I'll look more into it and hopefully shit all over you guys in the next thread, or maybe I'll agree with you, who knows?

lol no.

We must secure the existence of our breed and a future for purty puppies

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Golden Retrievers = Americans
Pitbulls = Niggers
German Shepard = Germans

Pure puppers only

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>tfw the gas hits

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Don’t hate pit bulls. The weren’t original breed to be niggers. They are super loving. Some of them do have a switch that when flipped makes them super dangerous. I rescue a pit bulls and have been around them. I do not breed them I just take the ones who will otherwise be put down. I’m white, obviously. If a pit bull attacks it will go for the face or neck and will bite harder the more you attack it. The counterintuitive thing to do in these situations is to pick up the dog or put it on its side and PUSH IT INTO whatever it is biting. And be calm, be a man not a screeming BT-1000. The fog will eventually let go. The damage done from a pit bull attack is from the tearing not the so much the bite pressure. Niggers and spics should not have dogs.

>remember doyims

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Pitbulls are easy to train. It's just people who are attracted to this breed are niggers and other form of human trash

Leash Laws only punish good boys