Sex between a 23-year-old migrant and a 10-year-old girl is not rape says court in Finland.
Finland’s Supreme Court upheld the ruling, rejecting a request from the prosecution to appeal a three-year jail term for a 23-year-old asylum seeker who had sex with a 10-year-old saying it didn’t constitute rape.

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When are yropeens going to forming up vigilante squads and off these piles of shit?

You don't really even need guns.

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This sounds like shit straight out of the onion

>When are yropeens going to forming up vigilante squads and off these piles of shit?

When social welfare ends. Right now the state is the family. Ofc kids get into mischief in families, even adopted "children" as in this case. Until the state family splits, no one will really have a stake in keeping family honour alive.

Incidentally, Europe might have something to learn from savage Muslim countries about this stuff.

Another story.

>A 10-year-old girl was attacked by three men after she left school and was on her way home. The child was raped at a cemetery in Östervåla, Sweden’s Aftonbladet reports. It was Thursday, around 3 pm, that the terrible incident occurred. According to the police three perpetrators were involved. At least one of them raped the girl. “No person has been arrested but we have received a good description of the perpetrators. We do not want to publish it in the media”, says police investigator Daniel Nilsson to SVT.

Fucking hell we're officially as bad as Sweden now
The Nordics need to be nuked lads, no way out


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Form a mafia and purge them all you fucking pussies. Don't make me go over there and do it for you. Fuck the government, it's time people take matters into their own hands.

why dont her parents/cousins/brothers do something? prosecution can just decline to prosecute such a crime? wtf get your shit together

It's entirely possible it wasn't rape. I think all shitskins should be killed just for existing, but that doesn't excuse Western women acting like whores.

Because families like this are broken. She almost certainly doesn't have a father.

10v? Wtf how is that possible?

>after having exchanged sexually charged messages with her
Exactly. Learn to parent and supervise your fucking offspring, you stupid degenerates.

The girl was texting with the Arab on her own.

56% land is pretty fucked but at least we're not this bad. Yet.

"""""based""""" finland

Why the hell does a 10 year old girl need a cell phone? How did she get his number? How did she go unsupervised to be with the man? Who raised her into a whore that would do these things?

what is the nordic age of concent? Here in the US, ten year olds are off limits because of statutory rape laws. Do they not have that over there?

10 year olds are off-limits in Finland as well, they just don't call things that aren't rape as rape. It was obviously consensual. Disgusting and both parties should be executed, but consensual.


No father in the house. Able to go out and about without any supervision other than maybe a phonecall from the mother. It's not unusual to see 6 year olds walk home from the kindergarten on their own.

>after having exchanged sexually charged messages with her.

Where were the parents at to stop her from sexting grown men? Why does a 10 year old girl even have a cell phone in the first place? This tragedy could have easily been avoided.

>both parties
Ten year old girls have no fucking idea what they're doing. They're little idiotic retarded people, that's why we as a society lock them in a prison system by law for the first 16 years of their life. That girl doesn't deserve to be executed, she deserved to have better parentage and no cell phone.

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>No father in the house
Goddamn tragedy, but I don't care much for the genetic trash that creates a broken home that allows these things to happen.
No woman regardless of age has any idea what they're doing. She reciprocated sexual messages and went to meet with the man, maybe saying she deserves death is a bit harsh, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

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Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

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>It was obviously consensual.
Gas yourself kike.

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You can choose to ignore reality, but this little whore was not raped.



>When are yropeens going to forming up vigilante squads and off these piles of shit?
t. America
Start lecturing others about their problems when you get your own shit together
>Form a mafia and purge them all you fucking pussies
Says the American who could get robbed in the middle of a street and couldn't fight back because the robber is black and he wuz a gud boi

Both of you, stop power-fantasying about shit when you can't even do it yourself

>only whites can be racist
>only whites can rape
>only whites can murder
yikes this slippery slope is turning vertical

Finnish girl:
>had sexual intercourse with a girl, 10-years-old at the time, after having exchanged sexually charged messages with her.
>exchanged sexually charged messages
Swedish girl:
>was attacked by three men after she left school and was on her way home.

Now tell me, which is rape?

i dont care lmao

Its ok, Trump is locking up Pedos at a record pace. They'll get you eventually.

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I'm sure that is a running theme in your low IQ life.
Even if I were a Pedophile, a state of mind is not a crime, just like this whore fucking a sandnigger was not rape.


i still dont care
stopping criminals isnt my responsibility

Arabs are not "strong conquerors" like Jow Forums trolls keep saying. They are weaklings targeting even weaker targets. Every single girl groomed in Rotherham came from a broken family.

>saying it didn’t constitute rape

Imagine being such a safe country you never needed harsh, explicit laws covering gang rapes and kiddy rape.

Imagine being such a safe country your entire law system was set up to heavily favour the defendant, and to have minimal punishments because recidivism is so low.

Not only are we losing the safety, our entire legislative culture is changing. To fight a whole new level of crime and violence we're losing our rights as citizens.
This is the price we have to pay for multikulti, they say. But think of the benefits.. the food! Boring scandinavian foods, the politicians laugh in live TV. Don't you want pizza and kebab?

Somehow, nobody ever questions this.

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The only crime perpetrated was premartial sex desu

I would be this mad too.

good to know

What? Nigs get shot all the time trying to rob people.

>They are weaklings targeting even weaker targets

So why is nothing being done about the situation?

>Nigs get shot all the time
And raceriots follow those shootings. Is that any better?

Because yuropoors are so weak they can't do anything, obviously.

That's so sad. :(

How is France standing on this front? The last I heard they were considering lowering the age of consent to 13-years-old to accommodate the Muslim and African immigrants.

New immigrants can't even break into the market anymore. There's already a pizza and kebab shop in every town controlled by Arab mafias.

>When are yropeens going to forming up vigilante squads and off these piles of shit?

Or at least start having sex with ten-year-olds.

Especially kids of migrants and anyone in the Finnish legal system.

wtf is wrong with you guys why aren't you fighting for your country

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Yes, the enriching culture of having an arab bake you pizza. Authentic! Actually, the MUH FOOD argument is usually regurgitated by some lefty chucklefuck who's also quick to point out you can't get "real" chinese/japanese/african food without going there, and how they want to go on a vacation to enjoy these cultures.

You'd think the short circuit there would be obvious and easily pointed out, but it never seems to happen.

We had a choice a couple of decades ago between the "great europe" project and a nordic union. We chose the wrong path.

I could ask the same of you, leaf

>Even if I were a Pedophile, a state of mind is not a crime, just like this whore fucking a sandnigger was not rape.
Tick... Tock... :^)

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That and miscegenation.
She should be getting married off to some finish male a few years older than her

>Sex between a 23-year-old migrant and a 10-year-old girl
hasn't made the news here yet. I'm sure it's happening though and i sure wish we could be shining a light on this shit.
Wish we had your immigration policies up here desu bud

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>tick tock
fuck off hannity, your clock is broken and you have nothing interesting to say

They don't attack their customers but they do engage in territorial battle sometimes. We had two pizza mafias trying to shoot each other in Oulu and I think they used baseball bats somewhere else.

From what I read on our (((news))), the girl was eagerly engaging in contact with that guy. Like the other Finnbro said itt, many of our families are broken. Dads not in the picture, moms sucking dick randomly. Bad role models. Girls starve for attention.
The guy got charged with having sex with a minor, but not rape because they found no signs of forced entry or shit. Which kinda makes sense, considering she went to him '''willingly'''. To be the devil's advocate even further, can we even blame him? For them it's ok to bang pre-teens and one is sitting on a plate for him. There's no one there to protect her. Men are designed to conquer, no matter the race.

That being said, I'm happy this incident happened because my fucking nation needs to wake up yesterday and the (((european))) hand in our legal system is screwing us over.

This is true in many ways, we're literally sweden with a lag of few years.

>They don't attack their customers but they do engage in territorial battle sometimes
Kek I knew you were from Oulu before you even wrote it in the second sentence.

Which further divide blacks and whites, moving us even closer to the ultimate racewar

Yeah I gave been staying in Sweden for two weeks and the fucking kebab and pizza shops full of arab scum perfectly illustrates the insanity of this entire thing. It won't ever change unless they are literally killed and exiled, and if the EU has its way with continued "emergency migrant crisis" every few years, you are all permanently fucked.

There isn't a political solution. Only blood.

>can we even blame him?
>There's no one there to protect her.
>Men are designed to conquer, no matter the race.

if you're not a fucking mohammedan i'll eat my toque

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No difference between a religious theocracy and communist dictatorship. That's why they flee to the West. Islam is not the kind of religion that lends itself to being more secular. Ultimately, most of them are doomed.

>the mafia

user, I...

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Then eat your tongue you stupid retard because I'm not. Why would I be a mohammed? You're probably the fucking 'asian' yourself.


You're mentally ill or blinded by your desire to white knight whores. Probably both.

>There isn't a political solution. Only blood.
What people need to understand is that you cannot repel an invader having tanks and fighter jets using slingshots only. In the same manner, we cannot repel our invaders using kind words, discussion and assimilation bullshit. They come here with clear intentions, our reaction needs to match those intentions times two.

>inb4 anyone says but that's uncivilized
It's perfectly civilized. Kys

ten year old does not need a fucking phone

>ten year old does not need a fucking phone
No she doesn't 'need' it. Buuuut if mommy gets her a phone, she won't bother her too much when she's on her phone too :DDD Get it?

its why we call them children, not little adults

Well she was a year older than Aisha was when Muhammad had sex with her

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I warned you all the pedophila agenda will begin in the next month Godspeed the west.

Psychologist here.

Where is her father and why isn’t he painting the city with the migrant’s blood? TWO COATS!

I'd bet money her absent father is a sandnigger.

mom should be in prison for child neglect then

It is official. Simo Hayaha is rolling in his grave and Finland now equals Eastern Sweden.

Might as well put a quarter of the population in prisons preemptively then, because at least 1 every 2 modern 'moms' does that shit.

I guess when some enterprising Americans start smuggling weapons in.

Same reason you aren't. You'd be imprisoned.


ahh justice has been served once more

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whats the average man on the streets say about this shit?

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at most they cry on the interwebs or ramble drunkenly at a pub

>Western women acting like whores.
Yes. But we are speaking here about a child, you fucking moron.

Because it won't work. There isn't enough unity nor competence. Imagine a group of men forming up and taking vengeance, they get one swing and then they are either captured by authorities or killed in the process. Now who's going to pick up their slack when the next inevitable enormity takes place against their people? Yeah nobody.

it shouldn't be this way

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Who determines what is rape?

> It's not unusual to see 6 year olds walk home from the kindergarten on their own.
That's bullshit though. All the kindergartens my son has been in have gates with child safe locks. Also the policies of the kindergartens forbid children to come or leave alone, because they have to identify the carer in order to check in or out.

the culture of the rapist

It's normal for children even at the age of 7 to have a phone here. It's easier to check on where the child is going. But yeah the parents probably didn't give a shit about what their daughter was doing. Luckily things like these have sparked an outrage and we are like going to change the law so any kind of sexual intercourse with a child is condemned as rape.

Taking in consideration that this is Finland we're talking about it is quite certain that there were several muslims beaten to a pulp after this.
I remember one scenario in a bar where some albanian or some shit started debating with a finn and well they exchanged little punches which after almost all the people in the bar go like: Oh is this Finland vs rest now? and a huge fucking fight starts :D Eventually there was ambulance picking up the mudslimes and finnish police being too afraid to go outside from their cars after they accidently pushed one drunken finn a bit.

>1 drunken finn gets pushed a little
>20 drunken finns start calling cops pigs and attacking in berserk rage

Stop smoking so much pot Ricky, you're clearly the one who is having it worse. I mean look around, quite greasy isn't it?


The average man here considers any kind of pedophilia the worst crime in existence. I don't know about the Helsinki, but in smaller cities if the rapist is identified in any kind of a bar or a night club, he'll get beaten, stabbed or even killed thanks to our gangs, who'll give credit to any member willing to "correct" the law. I remember a few years ago some refugee in in a small town threw a girl with a glass bottle while being drunk, which caused a lynching mob to form from towns in a 100 km radius. The officials had to protect the refugee from the mob and I don't believe he ever walked peacefully outside his refugee center.

Yeah in small towns you don't want to go messing around since the word goes around fast and police will be slow.

If you can't understand why a child cannot consent the you are beyond saving