Jow Forums BTFO by Drumph!

>“Trump himself says that he is ‘not a big sleeper’ (‘I like three hours, four hours’) and professes a fondness for steak and McDonald’s. Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.”

>Yes, really.

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Too bad he couldn't exercise some more then. This guy is legit the worst president in modern American history.

Ayo dis jamal. wat YO name?

These are unironically the only things out of his mouth I totally agree with.

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Why do you think that?

>“When he learned that John O’Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, ‘You are going to die young because of this.’”

>It’s been claimed that Trump believes standing up and speaking is a good enough workout.

this guy get cancer yet

I remember that guy! He lives off just mcdonalds. What a guy, he was in Supersize Me.

Honestly I kinda agree. I love exercise and working out, but I acknowledge it means I'm probably going to die earlier than normal because I'm wearing out my body.
From what I've seen, people who exercise a lot tend to get heart and knee problems as they get older, but those that only do a relaxing walk every other day tend to be pretty healthy and live for a longer time.
I think the reason people think a lot of exercise grants longevity of life is because they compare themselves to extremely unhealthy fat people who just stuff their faces and then die of a clogged artery or something.
If Trump feels he gets enough exercise golfing and moving around for speeches then that's his choice. He may very well live to an older age than a lot of Jow Forumsizens.

And wow look hes fat, and takes speed pills every day.
I do wonder when he'll hit the wall. Maybe hes getting stem cells to keep him alive or something

Complete nonsense.

Iron man marathons are a stressor on the body and a net negative as far as lifespan is concerned tbqh

of course he will, he's a billionaire and can afford cutting edge longevity tech.

Yea, so when he balances out the life-saving tech with a lifetime of being a lazy fatass, he might just make it to an average lifespan.

> here's why that's dumb

That's true, and there's a genetic element to it which is basically luck.

>When he'll hit the wall
>Already over 70 years old
>In perfect health
All these /fitizens/ up in arms after the healthiest man in America BTFO's all their tom foolery.. very sad!

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Believe what you want bro. I'll stick to my experiences and the patterns I've witnessed.

I keep coming across people who are into jogging having heart-attacks. Someone told me they're correlated.

Putting your heart BPM over a certain threshold is actually just a stress that will net you a negative for your CV health, long distance running is not good for you, and especially not doing it a lot.

You want to live long with low morbidity?

1) have the genes for it

2)avoid CV stressors, things that elevate cytokine profile, things that elevate cellular toxicity, things that elevate CV pressure, etc especially chronically

Longest living people ubiquitously DONT have big body mass, dont have a lot of muscle, dont do really stressful stuff.

Not exactly correlated. First of all jogging is the nigger of fitness. It won't make you get into decent shape, at best it will make you slim, more often than not you'll end up with terrible posture and other shit. It's only picked up because it seems "easy" while in reality it's one of the hardest things to exercise properly(pro-tip - cycling is the "easy" one).

The thing is - fitness freaks die younger. Person who has sort of balanced approach to it(they don't become 200kg behemoths of fat and neither they carve perfect flawless six-pack for 6 hours a day for weeks just to move on to biceps afterwards) live longer.

You only think this because Trump said it and your mashed potato brain has to agree with everything he says

You only think this because you're butthurt.

What the fuck would i be butthurt about?

I heard he eats chicken with a knife and a fork. Actually CNN made a whole story about this and this brilliant chap parodied CNN's shitty network in this brilliant video.

What Trump says is true and I can prove it:

Through intensity in training, new cells get produced, which replace the old ones.

The newly produced cells have a high life power, and thus reaches its maximum quicker. Once that happens, the cell falls and then gets replaced by a new one

Since cell sharing is limited, it results in earlier death

However those people tend to live longer than some, because unhealthy people get diseases, or cancer

Just throwing in a good word about indoor rollerskating. Provided you aren't in the habit of falling, it doesn't do a number on your joints the way some exercises do.

you can only have a finite amount of orgasm too boys. after a certain amount you run out of orgasm brain chemicals and you don't feel anything. think of that next time you jerk off it could be your last.

If you work out too much you wear your body down faster.

>trump says retarded thing
wow surprise surprise

This is just a distraction from his pornstar scandal

There was some doctor on the radio recently that said, you don't increase the lifespan of your car by driving it fast and it's the same idea - if you want to live longer, sleep more because making your heart work harder isn't going to increase how long it will last. It makes sense on one hand, and I want to believe there's some truth to it because I'd rather take a nap than work out desu. But I haven't looked at any studies or anything on this, so I'm not claiming to be coming from an informed position here.

Is there any fucking evidence of this elite biotech?

If this idea came from a small black tribe in Africa that have lived by it for hundreds of generations then it would be considered wise and beautiful.

I wouldn't go that far. Bush was pretty bad, Obama was too and Bill Clinton deregulated banking in the 90s which lead to the collapse of 2008.

Exercise is not even an evolutionary trait, sure our cavemen ancestors might have had to run down a Zebra to spear it for dinner or push a giant rock to block the entrance of a cave but did they spend all day lifting weights or running for the hell of it? Fuck no.

ITT fat/skinnyfat faggots justifying their undesirable physical state because of an anomaly


Nope, just had his 300 thousandth big Mac. Said his health was fine.

his son lifts more, with better form, than all of Jow Forums

Neil Armstrong said the same thing. Was he retarded too?

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It is an indisputable fact that exercise doesn't just make you live longer, but it also makes you age a hell of a lot better. Like you said, we evolved in an environment that required us to be in good shape, and a ton of things go wrong in our bodies when we're not.

And he's President. You're user.

Kinda tough to argue which is utilizing a winning strategy.

that's why pro athletes live super fucking long, they wore their bodies out right?
Americans get dumber by the fucking day

he also died at 82 while most atlhetes die above the age of 90

Jow Forums doesn’t care. But why are you implying steak is bad and not the foundation of a healthy diet?

>I keep coming across people who are into jogging having heart-attacks. Someone told me they're correlated.

I literally see this happen all the time

My old pastor was a fit-freak and he had a stroke after lifting at the gym

I agree. But becoming strong really isn't about enhancing your life's length. It is more about the changes in your life that you experience, particularly in how other men interact with you. Another man always notices a strong grip believe me.

I'm not sure Trump is telling the truth here though - as we can see he is quite strong for a man his age, regularly pulling in men with half the years of is. I find it kind of hard to believe he does nothing to preserve this strength, but hey I don't know.

GWB actually had a decent bench btw

It's not, actually. There's a finite number of times your body can undergo cell/tissue turnover and once you've exhausted it you die. Trump is actually much more arcane than you think.

>that's why pro athletes live super fucking long

They don't. They all have debilitating bone and muscle issues into their 30s and 40s and whether they live past 60 is the toss of a coin.

hi Shillary

Olympians live an average of 2.8 years longer. All that work to (potenially) live 3 years longer.

No, there's not. That isnt at all how it works.

dubious donald trump jr deadlift btw

Its really funny how his dad looks significantly stronger than him no joke.

yeah trump is a fat unhealthy rich person. not surprising. idc how successful he is, theres no excuse for him to be a complete slob living off shit food. i bet his dick doesn't even work without viagra. and no, ED doesn't automatically come with advanced age. men can fuck well into their 80s assuming their arteries are still healthy.

i know for a fact my 90 year old grandpa still get lays and my 86% old pappy (mums side) still tries to bang my granny. dirty old bastard, gotta admire him for it though.

Trump is not entirely wrong. Your life has a limited number of heart beats. Go ahead and exercise yourselves to death..

uh huh
>Danny Horeck was a player who played right wing and was active between 1944 and 1958. Horeck was born on May 27, 1926, in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
>George Coulter was a player who played defense and was active between 1953 and 1962. Coulter was born on February 11, 1929, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Americans getting dumber by the fucking second

He wants you to eat mcdonalds so you die at 40 after fighting in WWIII for greater isreal

This guy is shilling for hill

Wait a second

Is Trump dropping the biggest redpill of all time?

Is he waking us up to the exercise Jew

*some* athletes wear their bodies out. for the average normie training only 4-6 hours a week they will most likely out live the vast majority of overweight and/or sedentary people and people that eat like shit (even if they are slim).

He's not wrong. Every mammal has about the same amount of hear beats (10000 iirc).

Exercise is subject to the law of diminishing returns.

Even if it shortens lifespan, there is no doubt it increases performance in the physical realm. This is good for you know...war.

lol keep eating burgers please, you picture of health

stay in denial, fatty mcfatfats. enjoy your high blood pressure, beetus and erectile dysfunction by your mid 40s.



science is fake you cuck
im gonna live forever like daddy trump

uh no faggot. athletes BPM tends to be

You'll have a longer life on average than someone with 70 BPM resting

10000 heartbeats? Like 100 min and bang your dead.

You realise RHR is inversely related to physical fitness, right? It says so right there in the study. Ergo, the fitter you are, the lower your RHR, and the longer you can expect to live.

Frankly the people in this thread trying to justify their own sloth are pathetic.

The only dumb fuck is you, Israel’s borders haven’t changed since ‘67 and they can barely police the Arabs in the West Bank much less half the mideast but oh no, “the war for Greater Israel is coming any day now!”

Nihilism is going to take a toll on your mind before you even realize. If it didn't start already.

And that's a good thing

JIDF is here guys

thats what im saying. lower heart rate (from conditioning) means your heart works more efficiently and chances are your blood pressure will be lower too a long with more elastic arteries. my Systolic is 100-115 (depends on time of day and if the retard doctor tries to make me talk) and my diastolic consistently sits on 60-65.

fucking this. im getting tired of seeing the sloth around on this board. always some lazy tub of shit making excuses for their physical weakness and jew sponsored diets.

Ever heard of an Italian tune up? I think it's all about balance. If you run your body or car too hard, it wears out prematurely. Don't use it at all, it just weathers away. Research shows working out 20-30 minutes 3 times a week is optimal.

Yes, every single human has a finite number of heart beats
If you're fat like trump, your heart will beat faster and harder at rest (up to 70 bpm) than someone in shape (under 50)
so even if the athlete exerts themselves up to 120 bpm during excersize, their heart will beat far less during a normal day than a fatties
a fatty walking up and down the stairs can get over 100 bpm

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So for real - any got an estimate on a trump bench? He's gotta big pretty strong - I mean look how he fucks with Trudea pulls him in and shit.

As much of a pos Trudeau is, we know he is physically fit and can do handstands and shit. Maybe Trumps got some billionaire tech to stay strong no joke.

No logic and reason is here. I can play the same paranoia game though and declare the Iranian nuclear war to end the world and bring back the Mahdi is coming too and who are you to tell me it isn’t

fucking retard.

>hurrdurr sedentary life style will make me live longer
>human body is like a car

no, it doesn't work that way, faggot.

4-6 hours of moderate and vigorous exercise will reduce chances of erectile dysfunction by 31%, even more if you consume a high veg/fruit diet. erectile function is a barometer of cardiovascular health.

i like 12 hours personally.

Even if it were to shorten your life, the benefits of being physically fit in terms of behavior and how others perceive you are massive.

There's a reason niggers target the weak old men to jump more thank jacked dudes.,

less than 6 hours of sleep or more than 8 will increase health risk.

always aim for 7 or 8.

im not even jacked anyway though, im low bf endurance mode. athlete mode heart rate and blood pressure readings. it feels fucking good mang.

>Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.”

HAHAHA i have been saying this for years.

Trump is /myguy/. The more you damage your body, the more your cells have to reproduce.

You only get a certain number of multiplications before you run out of juice.

is don jr running for mayor of Snap City
god DAMN

You missed the point. Trumps' resting heart rate is confirmed 68 BPM per his 2018 physical. Excellent for his age. The man doesn't need to waste his energy exercising more...which may then require him to sleep longer than his normal 3-4 hours, which would mean getting less work Hillary for example.

>this is why fat americans who sit in chairs all day doing nothing die in their 60s and 70s while active healthy eating greeks islanders live til their 90s and often over 100

Being fat is bad, user. Eating garbage is bad.

Doesn't make exercise good.

>Trumps' resting heart rate is confirmed 68 BPM per his 2018 physical.
you mean the fudged physical to make him look stronk?
actually 68 is fucking terrible anyways, your BPM goes down with age
mine is at rest 55 and im not even that healthy, when you're old it should be 40-45 not fucking 68
he's gonna die soon i think

>exercise is bad

literally cannot make this shit up

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This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

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It is a fallacy to say that someone is fat because they don't exercise. Being fat is a product of eating too much.

Chances are even with that your still got a big edge strength wide on the average dude out there who sits on his ass.

being fat is a product of your calorie intake consistently being greater than your calorie use burger

Lots of studies show that people who eat fewer calories live longer.

Less exercise = fewer necessary calories.

This really hits home bro

>being fat is a product of your calorie intake consistently being greater than your calorie use burger
That's what I said. Why do you say it as if you're disagreeing with me?

just because someone is SLIM doesn't mean they are fucking healthy. their cardiovascular system can still be a complete mess.

ive known people whove been scrawny their whole lives but still eat like shit. their arteries would be inflamed and would have premature plaque and calcification. not even mentioning their heart rates would be high and therefore beating inefficiently. id imagine their blood pressure would be high too a long with high glucose levels.

i really cannot believe there are people on this board trying to defend their sedentary life styles.

>hurrdurr ill just eat less so i can sit on my ass all day